[Mulgara-svn] r1238 - in projects/xa2/object-pool: . lib src/data src/scheduler src/trie

andrae at mulgara.org andrae at mulgara.org
Fri Sep 5 05:45:16 UTC 2008

Author: andrae
Date: 2008-09-04 22:45:15 -0700 (Thu, 04 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 1238

Bring subversion into synch with my own workspace.

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/build.sh
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/build.sh	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/build.sh	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 unset ANT_HOME
-CLASSPATH=lib/ant.jar:lib/ant-junit.jar:lib/ant-launcher.jar:lib/junit-4.4.jar:$CLASSPATH lib/ant $@
+export ANT_HOME=./lib
+export CLASSPATH="lib/ant-1.7.0.jar:lib/bsf-2.3.0.jar:lib/ant-launcher-1.7.0.jar:lib/junit-3.8.1.jar:lib/ant-junit-1.7.0.jar:lib/ant-apache-bsf-1.7.0.jar:lib/ant-trax-1.7.0.jar"
+java -Xmx768m org.apache.tools.ant.Main -buildfile "build.xml" $@

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/build.xml
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/build.xml	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/build.xml	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
   <target name="test" depends="compile" description="Run the unit tests">
     <delete dir="${test}"/>
     <mkdir dir="${test}"/>
-    <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" showoutput="no" fork="yes" maxmemory="512m">
+    <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" showoutput="no" fork="no" maxmemory="1024m">
+    <sysproperty key="org.mulgara.trie.OnesTable" value="src/trie/OnesTable.dat"/>
         <pathelement path="${build}"/>
         <pathelement location="/Developer/Java/Ant/lib/ant-junit.jar"/> 

Deleted: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Extract launch and ant arguments, (see details below).
-for arg in "$@" ; do
-  if [ "$arg" = "--noconfig" ] ; then
-    no_config=true
-  elif [ "$arg" = "--usejikes" ] ; then
-    use_jikes_default=true
-  elif [ "$arg" = "--execdebug" ] ; then
-    ant_exec_debug=true
-  elif [ my"$arg" = my"--h"  -o my"$arg" = my"--help"  ] ; then
-    show_help=true
-    ant_exec_args="$ant_exec_args -h"
-  else
-    if [  my"$arg" = my"-h"  -o  my"$arg" = my"-help" ] ; then
-      show_help=true
-    fi
-    ant_exec_args="$ant_exec_args \"$arg\""
-  fi
-# Source/default ant configuration
-if $no_config ; then
-  rpm_mode=false
-  usejikes=$use_jikes_default
-  # load system-wide ant configuration (ONLY if ANT_HOME has NOT been set)
-  if [ -z "$ANT_HOME" -o "$ANT_HOME" = "/usr/share/ant" ]; then
-      if [ -f "/etc/ant.conf" ] ; then
-          . /etc/ant.conf
-      fi
-  fi
-  # load user ant configuration
-  if [ -f "$HOME/.ant/ant.conf" ] ; then
-    . $HOME/.ant/ant.conf
-  fi
-  if [ -f "$HOME/.antrc" ] ; then
-    . "$HOME/.antrc"
-  fi
-  # provide default configuration values
-  if [ -z "$rpm_mode" ] ; then
-    rpm_mode=false
-  fi
-  if [ -z "$usejikes" ] ; then
-    usejikes=$use_jikes_default
-  fi
-# Setup Java environment in rpm mode
-if $rpm_mode ; then
-  if [ -f /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions ] ; then
-    . /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions
-    set_jvm
-    set_javacmd
-  fi
-# OS specific support.  $var _must_ be set to either true or false.
-case "`uname`" in
-  CYGWIN*) cygwin=true ;;
-  Darwin*) darwin=true
-           if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
-             JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home
-           fi
-           ;;
-if [ -z "$ANT_HOME" -o ! -d "$ANT_HOME" ] ; then
-  ## resolve links - $0 may be a link to ant's home
-  PRG="$0"
-  progname=`basename "$0"`
-  # need this for relative symlinks
-  while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
-    ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
-    link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
-    if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
-    PRG="$link"
-    else
-    PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link"
-    fi
-  done
-  ANT_HOME=`dirname "$PRG"`/..
-  # make it fully qualified
-  ANT_HOME=`cd "$ANT_HOME" && pwd`
-# For Cygwin, ensure paths are in UNIX format before anything is touched
-if $cygwin ; then
-  [ -n "$ANT_HOME" ] &&
-    ANT_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$ANT_HOME"`
-  [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] &&
-    JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$JAVA_HOME"`
-# set ANT_LIB location
-if [ -z "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
-  if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME"  ] ; then
-    # IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
-    if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
-      JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java"
-    elif [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/java" ] ; then
-      JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/java"
-    else
-      JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java"
-    fi
-  else
-    JAVACMD=`which java 2> /dev/null `
-    if [ -z "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
-        JAVACMD=java
-    fi
-  fi
-if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
-  echo "Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly."
-  echo "  We cannot execute $JAVACMD"
-  exit 1
-# Build local classpath using just the launcher in non-rpm mode or
-# use the Jpackage helper in rpm mode with basic and default jars
-# specified in the ant.conf configuration. Because the launcher is
-# used, libraries linked in ANT_HOME/lib will also be included, but this
-# is discouraged as it is not java-version safe. A user should
-# request optional jars and their dependencies via the OPT_JAR_LIST
-# variable
-if $rpm_mode && [ -x /usr/bin/build-classpath ] ; then
-  LOCALCLASSPATH="$(/usr/bin/build-classpath ant ant-launcher jaxp_parser_impl xml-commons-apis)"
-  # If no optional jars have been specified then build the default list
-  if [ -z "$OPT_JAR_LIST" ] ; then
-    for file in /etc/ant.d/*; do
-      if [ -f "$file" ]; then
-        case "$file" in
-        *~) ;;
-        *#*) ;;
-        *.rpmsave) ;;
-        *.rpmnew) ;;
-        *)
-          for dep in `cat "$file"`; do
-            case "$OPT_JAR_LIST" in
-            *"$dep"*) ;;
-            *) OPT_JAR_LIST="$OPT_JAR_LIST${OPT_JAR_LIST:+ }$dep"
-            esac
-          done
-        esac
-      fi
-    done
-  fi
-  # If the user requested to try to add some other jars to the classpath
-  if [ -n "$OPT_JAR_LIST" ] ; then
-    _OPTCLASSPATH="$(/usr/bin/build-classpath $OPT_JAR_LIST 2> /dev/null)"
-    if [ -n "$_OPTCLASSPATH" ] ; then 
-    fi
-  fi
-  # Explicitly add javac path to classpath, assume JAVA_HOME set
-  # properly in rpm mode
-  if [ -f "$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar" ] ; then
-  fi
-  if [ -f "$JAVA_HOME/lib/classes.zip" ] ; then
-  fi
-  # if CLASSPATH_OVERRIDE env var is set, LOCALCLASSPATH will be
-  # user CLASSPATH first and ant-found jars after.
-  # In that case, the user CLASSPATH will override ant-found jars
-  #
-  # if CLASSPATH_OVERRIDE is not set, we'll have the normal behaviour
-  # with ant-found jars first and user CLASSPATH after
-  if [ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] ; then
-    # merge local and specified classpath 
-    if [ -z "$LOCALCLASSPATH" ] ; then 
-    elif [ -n "$CLASSPATH_OVERRIDE" ] ; then
-    else
-    fi
-    # remove class path from launcher -cp option
-  fi
-  # not using rpm_mode; use launcher to determine classpaths
-  if [ -z "$LOCALCLASSPATH" ] ; then
-      LOCALCLASSPATH=$ANT_LIB/ant-launcher.jar
-  else
-  fi
-if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
-  # OSX hack to make Ant work with jikes
-  if $darwin ; then
-    OSXHACK="${JAVA_HOME}/../Classes"
-    if [ -d "${OSXHACK}" ] ; then
-      for i in "${OSXHACK}"/*.jar
-      do
-      done
-    fi
-  fi
-# Allow Jikes support (off by default)
-if $usejikes; then
-  ANT_OPTS="$ANT_OPTS -Dbuild.compiler=jikes"
-# For Cygwin, switch paths to appropriate format before running java
-# For PATHs convert to unix format first, then to windows format to ensure
-# both formats are supported. Probably this will fail on directories with ;
-# in the name in the path. Let's assume that paths containing ; are more
-# rare than windows style paths on cygwin.
-if $cygwin; then
-  if [ "$OS" = "Windows_NT" ] && cygpath -m .>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
-    format=mixed
-  else
-    format=windows
-  fi
-  ANT_HOME=`cygpath --$format "$ANT_HOME"`
-  ANT_LIB=`cygpath --$format "$ANT_LIB"`
-  JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --$format "$JAVA_HOME"`
-  LCP_TEMP=`cygpath --path --unix "$LOCALCLASSPATH"`
-  LOCALCLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --$format "$LCP_TEMP"`
-  if [ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] ; then
-    CP_TEMP=`cygpath --path --unix "$CLASSPATH"`
-    CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --$format "$CP_TEMP"`
-  fi
-  CYGHOME=`cygpath --$format "$HOME"`
-# Show script help if requested
-if $show_help ; then
-  echo $0 '[script options] [options] [target [target2 [target3] ..]]'
-  echo 'Script Options:'
-  echo '  --help, --h            print this message and ant help'
-  echo '  --noconfig             suppress sourcing of /etc/ant.conf,'
-  echo '                         $HOME/.ant/ant.conf, and $HOME/.antrc'
-  echo '                         configuration files'
-  echo '  --usejikes             enable use of jikes by default, unless'
-  echo '                         set explicitly in configuration files'
-  echo '  --execdebug            print ant exec line generated by this'
-  echo '                         launch script'
-  echo '  '
-# add a second backslash to variables terminated by a backslash under cygwin
-if $cygwin; then
-  case "$ANT_HOME" in
-    *\\ )
-    ;;
-  esac
-  case "$CYGHOME" in
-    *\\ )
-    ;;
-  esac
-  case "$JIKESPATH" in
-    *\\ )
-    ;;
-  esac
-  case "$LOCALCLASSPATH" in
-    *\\ )
-    ;;
-  esac
-  case "$CLASSPATH" in
-    *\\ )
-    ;;
-  esac
-# Execute ant using eval/exec to preserve spaces in paths,
-# java options, and ant args
-if [ -n "$CYGHOME" ]; then
-  if [ -n "$JIKESPATH" ]; then
-    ant_sys_opts="-Djikes.class.path=\"$JIKESPATH\" -Dcygwin.user.home=\"$CYGHOME\""
-  else
-    ant_sys_opts="-Dcygwin.user.home=\"$CYGHOME\""
-  fi
-  if [ -n "$JIKESPATH" ]; then
-    ant_sys_opts="-Djikes.class.path=\"$JIKESPATH\""
-  fi
-ant_exec_command="exec \"$JAVACMD\" $ANT_OPTS -classpath \"$LOCALCLASSPATH\" -Dant.home=\"$ANT_HOME\" -Dant.library.dir=\"$ANT_LIB\" $ant_sys_opts org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher $ANT_ARGS -cp \"$CLASSPATH\" $ant_exec_args"
-if $ant_exec_debug ; then
-    echo $ant_exec_command
-eval $ant_exec_command

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-1.7.0.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-1.7.0.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-apache-bsf-1.7.0.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-apache-bsf-1.7.0.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-junit-1.7.0.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-junit-1.7.0.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-junit.jar
(Binary files differ)

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-launcher-1.7.0.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-launcher-1.7.0.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-launcher.jar
(Binary files differ)

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-nodeps-1.7.0.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-nodeps-1.7.0.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-trax-1.7.0.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant-trax-1.7.0.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/ant.jar
(Binary files differ)

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/bsf-2.3.0.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/bsf-2.3.0.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/js-1.5r3.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/js-1.5r3.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: projects/xa2/object-pool/lib/junit-4.1.jar
(Binary files differ)

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DataEntry.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DataEntry.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DataEntry.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -6,364 +6,65 @@
 package data;
 import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
-import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
-import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import scheduler.Block;
 import scheduler.FileHandle;
+import scheduler.Writable;
  * Abstracts the concept of a data file entry.
-public abstract class DataEntry {
-  protected static final int HEADER_LENGTH = 12;
+public abstract class DataEntry implements TrieEntry {
+  protected static final int HEADER_LENGTH = (Long.SIZE + Integer.SIZE) / 8; // Node Value + Data Length
   protected long value;
+  protected long location = -1;
-  public abstract int dataSize();
-  public abstract long write(FileHandle handle) throws IOException;
+  public abstract long write(Writable handle) throws IOException;
   public abstract DataEntry canonicalize();
-  public abstract DataEntry rewind();
-  public abstract ByteBuffer slice(int offset, int length) throws IOException;
-  public abstract byte get(int position) throws IOException;
-  public abstract byte get() throws IOException;
+  public int entrySize() {
+//    System.err.println("DataEntry:HEADER_LENGTH = " + HEADER_LENGTH + " / " + keySize());
+    return HEADER_LENGTH + keySize(); // VALUE + LENGTH + DATA
+  }
-  public int totalSize() {
-    return HEADER_LENGTH + dataSize(); // VALUE + LENGTH + DATA
+  public int referenceSize() {
+    return Long.SIZE / 8;
   public long getValue() {
     return value;
-  public static DataEntry getEntry(byte[] data, long value) {
-    return new MemoryBackedDataEntry(value, data, false);
+  public long getLocation() {
+    if (location != -1) {
+      return location;
+    } else {
+      throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to obtain location of entry prior to serialization");
+    }
-  public static DataEntry getEntry(byte[] data, long value, boolean copy) {
-    return new MemoryBackedDataEntry(value, data, copy);
+  public TrieEntryType getTrieEntryType() {
+    return TrieEntryType.DATA;
-  public static DataEntry getEntry(FileHandle handle, long position) throws IOException {
-    return new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, position).canonicalize();
+  public DataEntry asDataEntry() {
+    return this;
-  public static DataEntry getKey(byte[] data) {
-    return new MemoryBackedKey(data, false);
+  public IndexEntry asIndexEntry() {
+    throw new ClassCastException("Attempt to access DataEntry(" + this + ") as IndexEntry");
-  protected static class DiskBackedDataEntry extends DataEntry {
-    private FileHandle handle;
-    private long position;
-    private int length;
-    // FIXME: Need to replace this with a background populated ConcurrentLinkedQueue.
-    private Block[] blocks;
-    // Note: In the case of the 0th buffer this is slice()'d to avoid having to deal with data.
-    private ByteBuffer currBuffer;
-    private int currBlock;
-    private int currPosition;
-    private int dataStart;
-    DiskBackedDataEntry(FileHandle handle, long position) throws IOException {
-      this.handle = handle;
-      this.position = position;
-      int blocksize = 0x01 << handle.getLog2BlockSize();
-      System.err.println("Position: " + position + " blocksize: " + blocksize + " log2bs: " + handle.getLog2BlockSize());
-      System.err.println("Reading block: " + (position >> handle.getLog2BlockSize()));
-      Block block = handle.readBlock(position >> handle.getLog2BlockSize());
-      if (block == null) {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to read block for position");
-      }
-      this.currBlock = 0;
-      System.err.println("Reading buffer: " + ((int)(position & (blocksize - 1))));
-      this.currBuffer = block.offset((int)(position & (blocksize - 1)));
-      this.currPosition = 0;
-      this.value = currBuffer.getLong();
-      this.length = currBuffer.getInt();
-      System.err.printf("Value: %d, Length: %d\n", value, length);
-      this.dataStart = currBuffer.position();
-      currBuffer = currBuffer.slice();
-      // Set the buffer to the entire block for length calculations.
-      currBuffer.limit(currBuffer.capacity());
-      int remaining = length - currBuffer.remaining();
-      // If remaining <= 0 then this block contains all the data required for this entry.
-      // Otherwise this entry is spread over multiple blocks, so we setup an array to support lazy-loading of
-      // these blocks.
-      System.err.printf("Setting totalBlocks to 1\n");
-      int totalBlocks = 1;
-      System.err.printf("remaining: %d, blocksize: %d\n", remaining, blocksize);
-      if (remaining > 0) {
-        System.err.printf("Calculating extra totalBlocks\n");
-        totalBlocks += remaining / blocksize;
-        System.err.printf("totalBlocks: %d\n", totalBlocks);
-        if ((remaining % blocksize) > 0) {
-          System.err.printf("Incrementing totalBlocks\n");
-          totalBlocks++;
-          System.err.printf("totalBlocks: %d\n", totalBlocks);
-        }
-      }
-//      int totalBlocks = (remaining <= 0) ? 1 : remaining / blocksize + (((remaining % blocksize) > 0) ? 1 : 0);
-      System.err.printf("remaining / blocksize: %d, remaining %% blocksize: %d\n", (remaining / blocksize), (remaining % blocksize));
-      System.err.printf("remaining: %d, blocksize: %d, totalBlocks: %d\n", remaining, blocksize, totalBlocks);
-      System.err.printf("currBuffer.capacity: %d, currBuffer.position: %d, currBuffer.limit: %d\n",
-          currBuffer.capacity(), currBuffer.position(), currBuffer.limit());
-      assert totalBlocks > 0;
-      blocks = new Block[totalBlocks];
-      blocks[0] = block;
-      if (totalBlocks == 1) {
-        // [dataStart,length] establishes the data covered by this entry.
-        currBuffer.limit(length);
-      }
-      // FIXME: We eventually want to submit the remaining blocks to the scheduler for speculative background fetch.
-    }
-    /**
-     * Convert 1 block entries into memory-backed entries.
-     *
-     * This makes the block's memory recoverable should we require it, and as the object-pool is subject to a
-     * large number of stabbing-queries this is a good thing.  Should we scan the pool, the block is likely to
-     * still be cached so we shouldn't need to reload it; the only cost of canonicalizing in this case is an
-     * unnecessary copy.  However releasing a 32K-2M block in preference to a 20-30byte array is preferable if
-     * we are doing a stabbing query.
-     * Especially as a DiskBackedDataEntry requires 48-bytes anyway vs. 12 for a MemoryBackedDataEntry.
-     */
-    public DataEntry canonicalize() {
-      if (blocks.length == 1) {
-        System.err.println("dataStart = " + dataStart);
-        System.err.println("currBuffer.capacity: " + currBuffer.capacity());
-        System.err.println("currBuffer.limit: " + currBuffer.limit());
-        byte[] data = new byte[currBuffer.position(0).remaining()];
-        currBuffer.get(data);
-        return new MemoryBackedDataEntry(value, data);
-      } else {
-        return this;
-      }
-    }
-    public int dataSize() {
-      return length;
-    }
-    public DataEntry rewind() {
-      currBlock = 0;
-      // block size is a power of 2 therefore mask is size - 1.
-      currBuffer = blocks[0].offset(dataStart);
-      if (blocks.length == 1) {
-        // [mark,length] establishes the data covered by this entry.
-        // Note: This should never occur as we expect DataEntries to be canonicalized, which would result in
-        // a 1 block entry being replaced by a MemoryBackedDataEntry.
-        // Note currBuffer has been slice()'d, so limit can be set to length directly.
-        currBuffer.limit(length);
-      } else {
-        currBuffer.limit(currBuffer.capacity());
-      }
-      return this;
-    }
-    public byte get() throws IOException {
-      if (currBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
-        currPosition++;
-        return currBuffer.get();
-      } else {
-        return get(currPosition);
-      }
-    }
-    public byte get(int off) throws IOException {
-      if (off < 0) throw new BufferUnderflowException();
-      if (off >= length) throw new BufferOverflowException();
-      int blocksize = (0x01 << handle.getLog2BlockSize());
-      currBlock = (off + dataStart) / blocksize;
-      if (blocks[currBlock] == null) {
-        blocks[currBlock] = handle.readBlock(position + currBlock * blocksize);
-      }
-      if (currBlock == 0) {
-        currBuffer = blocks[currBlock].offset(dataStart);
-        currBuffer.position(off);
-      } else {
-        // Offset - (amount of data in 0th block) - (blocksize*number-of-skipped blocks).
-        int blockOffset = off - (blocksize - dataStart) - (blocksize * (currBlock - 1));
-        currBuffer = blocks[currBlock].offset(blockOffset);
-      }
-      // Allow for partial final block.
-      if (currBlock == blocks.length - 1) {
-        // if length fits within the first block:
-        if (length - (blocksize - dataStart) <= 0) {
-          currBuffer.limit(length);
-        } else {
-          int remaining = (length - (blocksize - dataStart));
-          currBuffer.limit(remaining % blocksize);
-        }
-      }
-      currPosition = off;
-      return get();
-    }
-    public long write(FileHandle handle) throws IOException {
-      handle.transferTo(handle, position, HEADER_LENGTH + length);
-      return position;
-    }
-    /**
-     * FIXME: We really need to return our own ByteBuffer implementation here that exploits lazy loading.
-     *
-     * Note this is a really really inefficient implementation.
-     */
-    public ByteBuffer slice(int offset, int length) throws IOException {
-      ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
-      buffer.put(get(offset));
-      for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
-        buffer.put(get());
-      }
-      return buffer;
-    }
+  // Static public constructors.
+  public static DataEntry getEntry(byte[] data, long value) {
+    return new MemoryBackedDataEntry(value, data, false);
-  protected static class MemoryBackedDataEntry extends DataEntry {
-    protected ByteBuffer data;
-    MemoryBackedDataEntry(long value, byte[] data) {
-      this(value, data, true);
-    }
-    MemoryBackedDataEntry(long value, byte[] data, boolean copyData) {
-      this.value = value;
-      if (copyData) {
-        byte[] copy = new byte[data.length];
-        System.arraycopy(data, 0, copy, 0, data.length);
-        this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(copy);
-      } else {
-        this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
-      }
-    }
-    public byte get() throws BufferUnderflowException {
-      return data.get();
-    }
-    public byte get(int offset) throws BufferUnderflowException {
-      data.position(offset);
-      return data.get(offset);
-    }
-    public DataEntry rewind() {
-      data.rewind();
-      return this;
-    }
-    public int dataSize() {
-      return data.capacity();
-    }
-    public DataEntry canonicalize() {
-      return this;
-    }
-    public long write(FileHandle handle) throws IOException {
-      ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_LENGTH);
-      bb.clear();
-      bb.putLong(value);
-      bb.putInt(data.capacity());
-//      System.err.printf("Writing value %d, length %d\n", value, data.capacity());
-      return handle.writeBuffers(new ByteBuffer[] { (ByteBuffer)bb.flip(), (ByteBuffer)data.duplicate().clear() }, HEADER_LENGTH);
-    }
-    public ByteBuffer slice(int offset, int length) {
-      ByteBuffer bb = data.duplicate();
-      bb.position(offset);
-      bb = bb.slice();
-      bb.limit(length);
-      return bb;
-    }
-    public boolean equals(Object rhs) {
-      if (rhs == this) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      if (rhs.getClass().equals(getClass())) {
-        MemoryBackedDataEntry mbde = (MemoryBackedDataEntry)rhs;
-        return value == mbde.value && data.duplicate().clear().equals(mbde.data.duplicate().clear());
-      } else {
-        // FIXME: Do I need to consider comparing with DiskBackedDataEntry here?
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    public int hashCode() {
-      // Note: If I do consider DBDE's equal to MBDE keeping it hashcode compatible will be all but
-      // impossible.  I doubt I want to do the linear hashCode computation required for a DBDE.
-      return Long.valueOf(value).hashCode() ^ data.duplicate().clear().hashCode();
-    }
+  public static DataEntry getEntry(byte[] data, long value, boolean copy) {
+    return new MemoryBackedDataEntry(value, data, copy);
-  protected static class MemoryBackedKey extends MemoryBackedDataEntry {
-    MemoryBackedKey(byte[] data) {
-      this(data, true);
-    }
-    MemoryBackedKey(byte[] data, boolean copyData) {
-      // Use dummy value.
-      super(-1, data, copyData);
-    }
-    public boolean equals(Object rhs) {
-      if (rhs == this) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      if (rhs.getClass().equals(getClass())) {
-        MemoryBackedKey mbde = (MemoryBackedKey)rhs;
-        return data.duplicate().clear().equals(mbde.data.duplicate().clear());
-      } else {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    public int hashCode() {
-      return data.duplicate().clear().hashCode();
-    }
-    public long write(FileHandle handle) throws IOException {
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to write Key without Value");
-    }
-    public long getValue() {
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to obtain value from naked Key");
-    }
-    public int totalSize() {
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to obtain materialization details from Key");
-    }
+  public static DataEntry getEntry(FileHandle handle, long location) throws IOException {
+    return new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, location).canonicalize();

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DiskBackedDataEntry.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DiskBackedDataEntry.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DiskBackedDataEntry.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 4th September 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
+import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.ByteOrder;
+import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import scheduler.Block;
+import scheduler.FileHandle;
+import scheduler.Writable;
+ * Abstracts the concept of a data file entry.
+ */
+class DiskBackedDataEntry extends DataEntry {
+  private FileHandle handle;
+  // Precalc'd points in the data entry.
+  // Note: superclass includes long location; the absolute offset of the DataEntry in the Handle.
+  /** Absolute offset of data in FileHandle */
+  private long dataAbsStartOffset;
+  /** Size of a block in this handle */
+  private int blocksize;
+  /** Log_2 of the blocksize */
+  private int log2bs;
+  /** BlockId of first block containing data in FileHandle */
+  private long dataAbsStartBlockId;
+  /** BlockId of first block containing this entry*/
+  private long entryAbsStartBlockId;
+  /** The number of data bytes in the entry. */
+  private int length;
+  // FIXME: Need to replace this with a background populated ConcurrentLinkedQueue.
+  private Block[] blocks;
+  private ByteBuffer currBuffer;
+  private int currBlock;
+  private int currPosition;
+  DiskBackedDataEntry(FileHandle handle, long location) throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE::init(handle, location=%d)\n", location);
+    this.handle = handle;
+    this.location = location;
+    this.log2bs = handle.getLog2BlockSize();
+    this.blocksize = 0x01 << log2bs;
+    this.entryAbsStartBlockId = location >> log2bs;
+    Block block = handle.readBlock(entryAbsStartBlockId);
+    if (block == null) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to read block for location");
+    }
+    ByteBuffer buff = block.offset((int)(location % blocksize));
+    this.value = buff.getLong();
+    this.length = buff.getInt();
+//    System.err.printf("DataEntry:Value: %d, Length: %d\n", value, length);
+    this.dataAbsStartOffset = location + HEADER_LENGTH;
+    this.dataAbsStartBlockId = dataAbsStartOffset / blocksize;
+    // Set the buffer to the entire block for length calculations.
+    buff.limit(buff.capacity());
+    int remaining = length - buff.remaining();
+    // If remaining <= 0 then this block contains all the data required for this entry.
+    // Otherwise this entry is spread over multiple blocks, so we setup an array to support lazy-loading of
+    // these blocks.
+    int totalBlocks = 1;
+    if (remaining > 0) {
+      totalBlocks += remaining / blocksize;
+      if ((remaining % blocksize) > 0) {
+        totalBlocks++;
+      }
+    }
+    assert totalBlocks > 0;
+    this.blocks = new Block[totalBlocks];
+    this.blocks[0] = block;
+    // Having calculated all the necessary parameters, rewind buffer.
+    rewind();
+    // FIXME: We eventually want to submit the remaining blocks to the scheduler for speculative background fetch.
+    reportCurrBuffer("<init>");
+//    System.err.printf("DataEntry:Leaving DBDE::<init> - length: %d, blocks.length: %d, currBlock: %d," +
+//        " currPosition: %d, dataAbsStartOffset: %d, dataAbsStartBlockId: %d, entryAbsStartBlockId: %d, " +
+//        " value: %d, location: %d, blocksize: %d, log2bs: %d\n",
+//        length, blocks.length, currBlock, currPosition, dataAbsStartOffset, dataAbsStartBlockId,
+//        entryAbsStartBlockId, value, location, blocksize, log2bs);
+  }
+  private void reportCurrBuffer(String method) {
+    if (currBuffer != null) {
+//      System.err.printf("DataEntry:DBDE::%s - currBuffer: capacity: %d, position: %d, limit: %d\n",
+//          method, currBuffer.capacity(), currBuffer.position(), currBuffer.limit());
+    } else {
+//      System.err.printf("DataEntry:DBDE::%s with NULL currBuffer\n", method);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Convert 1 block entries into memory-backed entries.
+   *
+   * This makes the block's memory recoverable should we require it, and as the object-pool is subject to a
+   * large number of stabbing-queries this is a good thing.  Should we scan the pool, the block is likely to
+   * still be cached so we shouldn't need to reload it; the only cost of canonicalizing in this case is an
+   * unnecessary copy.  However releasing a 32K-2M block in preference to a 20-30byte array is preferable if
+   * we are doing a stabbing query.
+   * Especially as a DiskBackedDataEntry requires 48-bytes anyway vs. 12 for a MemoryBackedDataEntry.
+   */
+  public DataEntry canonicalize() {
+//    System.err.println("DBDE::canonicalize()");
+    if (blocks.length == 1) {
+//      System.err.println("DataEntry:currBuffer.capacity: " + currBuffer.capacity());
+//      System.err.println("DataEntry:currBuffer.limit: " + currBuffer.limit());
+      byte[] data = new byte[currBuffer.position(0).remaining()];
+      currBuffer.get(data);
+      return new MemoryBackedDataEntry(value, data);
+    } else {
+      return this;
+    }
+  }
+  public int keySize() {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE::keySize()\n");
+    return length;
+  }
+  public Entry rewind() throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE::rewind()\n");
+    reportCurrBuffer("rewind[start]");
+    currBuffer = obtainBuffer(0);
+    currPosition = 0;
+    reportCurrBuffer("rewind[end]");
+    return this;
+  }
+  public byte get() throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE::get(); remaining: %d\n", currBuffer.remaining());
+    if (currBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
+      currPosition++;
+      return currBuffer.get();
+    } else if (currPosition >= length) {
+      throw new BufferUnderflowException();
+    } else {
+      currBuffer = obtainBuffer(currPosition);
+      return get();
+    }
+  }
+  private ByteBuffer obtainBuffer(int offset) throws IOException {
+    refreshCurrBlock(offset);
+    ByteBuffer buff;
+    int blockOffset;
+    // Note this allows for the posibility that block 1 may be the first block containing data.
+    if (currBlock == dataAbsStartBlockId - entryAbsStartBlockId) {
+      buff = blocks[currBlock].offset((int)(dataAbsStartOffset % blocksize));
+      blockOffset = offset;
+    } else {
+      buff = blocks[currBlock].offset(0);
+      // Offset - (amount of data in 0th block) - (blocksize*number-of-skipped blocks).
+      blockOffset =  offset - (blocksize - (int)(dataAbsStartOffset % blocksize)) - (blocksize * (currBlock - 1));
+    }
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE: setting blockOffset: %d\n", blockOffset);
+    buff.position(blockOffset);
+    if (length - offset <= buff.remaining()) {
+      buff.limit(blockOffset + length - offset);
+    } // else leave at capacity.
+    return buff;
+  }
+  private void refreshCurrBlock(int offset) throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE::refreshCurrBlock(offset=%d)\n", offset);
+    currBlock = (int)((dataAbsStartOffset + offset) / blocksize - entryAbsStartBlockId);
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE: calculated currBlock: %d\n", currBlock);
+    if (blocks[currBlock] == null) {
+      blocks[currBlock] = handle.readBlock(entryAbsStartBlockId + currBlock);
+    }
+  }
+  public byte get(int off) throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE::get(off=%d)\n", off);
+    if (off < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+    if (off >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+    ByteBuffer buff = obtainBuffer(off);
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE: buff: position: %d, limit: %d, capacity: %d\n", buff.position(), buff.limit(), buff.capacity());
+    return buff.get();
+  }
+  public long write(Writable handle) throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE::write(handle)\n");
+    handle.transferTo(handle, getLocation(), HEADER_LENGTH + length);
+    return location;
+  }
+  /**
+   * FIXME: We need to return our own ByteBuffer implementation here that exploits lazy loading.
+   *
+   * Note this is a really really inefficient implementation.
+   */
+  public ByteBuffer keySlice(int offset, int length) throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDE::keySlice(offset=%d, length=%d)\n", offset, length);
+    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
+    buffer.put(get(offset));
+    for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
+      buffer.put(get());
+    }
+    return buffer;
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 3rd September 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+ * Basic tests of the MemoryTrie
+ */
+public class DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest extends TestCase {
+  public static TestSuite suite() {
+    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
+    // Adapted from KeyUnitTest.java
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testConstructors"));
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testGet"));
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testGetOffset"));
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testRewind"));
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testKeySize"));
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testKeySlice"));
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testTrieEntryType"));
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testGetValue"));
+    suite.addTest(new DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testCanonicalize"));
+    return suite;
+  }
+  public DiskBackedDataEntryUnitTest(String string) {
+    super(string);
+  }
+  byte[] sampledata = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, // 0:7   - 10L in BIG_ENDIAN (value)        BLOCK0
+                                   0, 0, 0, 8,              // 8:11  - 8I in BIG_ENDIAN (length)
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,  // 12:19 - byte array 1
+                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, // 20:27 - 11L in BIG_ENDIAN (value)
+                                   0, 0, 0, 4,              // 28:31 - 8I in BIG_ENDIAN (length)
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3,              // 32:35 - byte array 2                     BLOCK1
+                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, // 36:43 - 12L in BIG_ENDIAN (value)
+                                   0, 0, 0, 10,             // 44:47 - 8I in BIG_ENDIAN (length)
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,  
+                                   8, 9,                    // 48:57 - byte array 3
+                                         0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 58:63 - padding
+                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, // 64:71 - 13L in BIG_ENDIAN (value)        BLOCK2
+                                   0, 0, 0, 4,              // 72:75 - 8I in BIG_ENDIAN (length)
+                                   3, 2, 1, 0,              // 76:79 - byte array 4
+                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, // 80:87 - 14L in BIG_ENDIAN (value)
+                                   0, 0, 0, 70,             // 88:91 - 70I in BIG_ENDIAN (length)
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3,              // 92:95 - first 4 bytes of byte array 5
+                                               4, 5, 6, 7,  //                                          BLOCK3
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3,              // 96:127 - next 32 bytes of byte array 5
+                                               4, 5, 6, 7,  //                                          BLOCK4
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
+                                   0, 1, 2, 3,              // 128:159 - next 32 bytes of byte array 5
+                                               4, 5,        // 160:161 - final 2 bytes of byte array 5  BLOCK5
+                                                     0, 0,
+                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+                                   0, 0, 0, 0,              // 162:191 - padding
+                                 };
+  private byte[] bytes1 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, };
+  private byte[] bytes2 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, };
+  private byte[] bytes3 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+  private byte[] bytes4 = new byte[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 };
+  private byte[] bytes5 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
+                                       0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
+                                       0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, };
+  public void testConstructors() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key1 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 0);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key2 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 20);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key3 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 36);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key4 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 64);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key5 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 80);
+  }
+  public void testGet() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key1 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 0);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key2 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 20);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key3 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 36);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key4 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 64);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key5 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 80);
+    assertCompare("1", key1, bytes1);
+    assertCompare("2", key2, bytes2);
+    assertCompare("3", key3, bytes3);
+    assertCompare("4", key4, bytes4);
+    assertCompare("5", key5, bytes5);
+  }
+  public void testGetOffset() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key2 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 20);
+    assertEquals("3", 3, key2.get(3));
+    assertEquals("3+", 0, key2.get());
+    assertEquals("2", 2, key2.get(2));
+    assertEquals("2+", 1, key2.get());
+    assertEquals("1", 1, key2.get(1));
+    assertEquals("0", 0, key2.get(0));
+    assertCompare("0+", key2, bytes2, 2, bytes2.length);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key5 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 80);
+    assertEquals("3", 3, key5.get(3));
+    assertEquals("3+", 0, key5.get());
+    assertEquals("2", 2, key5.get(2));
+    assertEquals("2+", 1, key5.get());
+    assertEquals("1", 1, key5.get(1));
+    assertEquals("0", 0, key5.get(0));
+    assertEquals("33", 1, key5.get(33));
+    assertEquals("33+", 2, key5.get());
+    assertEquals("39", 7, key5.get(39));
+    assertEquals("39+", 3, key5.get());
+    assertEquals("42", 2, key5.get(42));
+    assertEquals("63", 7, key5.get(63));
+    assertEquals("64", 0, key5.get(64));
+    assertEquals("64+", 4, key5.get());
+    assertEquals("68", 4, key5.get(68));
+    assertEquals("68+", 5, key5.get());
+    assertEquals("69", 5, key5.get(69));
+    assertEquals("64", 0, key5.get(64));
+    assertEquals("63", 7, key5.get(63));
+    assertEquals("63+", 6, key5.get());
+    assertEquals("32", 0, key5.get(32));
+    assertEquals("32+", 7, key5.get());
+    assertEquals("31", 7, key5.get(31));
+    assertEquals("0", 0, key5.get(0));
+    assertCompare("0+", key5, bytes5, 8, bytes5.length);
+  }
+  public void testRewind() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key5 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 80);
+    assertEquals("0", 0, key5.get());
+    assertCompare("0+", key5, bytes5, 1, bytes5.length - 1);
+    assertEquals("f", 5, key5.get());
+    assertUnderflow("f+", key5);
+    key5.rewind();
+    assertCompare("r+", key5, bytes5);
+  }
+  public void testKeySize() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key1 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 0);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key2 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 20);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key3 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 36);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key4 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 64);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key5 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 80);
+    assertEquals("1", 8, key1.keySize());
+    assertEquals("2", 4, key2.keySize());
+    assertEquals("3", 10, key3.keySize());
+    assertEquals("4", 4, key4.keySize());
+    assertEquals("5", 70, key5.keySize());
+  }
+  public void testKeySlice() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key1 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 0);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key2 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 20);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key3 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 36);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key4 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 64);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key5 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 80);
+    // FIXME: Need to test this.
+  }
+  public void testTrieEntryType() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key1 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 0);
+    assertEquals("type", TrieEntry.TrieEntryType.DATA, key1.getTrieEntryType());
+    assertTrue("asDataEntry", key1.asDataEntry() == key1);
+    try {
+      key1.asIndexEntry();
+      fail("asIndexEntry");
+    } catch (ClassCastException ec) {}
+  }
+  public void testGetValue() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key1 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 0);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key2 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 20);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key3 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 36);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key4 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 64);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key5 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 80);
+    assertEquals("1", 10, key1.getValue());
+    assertEquals("2", 11, key2.getValue());
+    assertEquals("3", 12, key3.getValue());
+    assertEquals("4", 13, key4.getValue());
+    assertEquals("5", 14, key5.getValue());
+  }
+  public void testCanonicalize() throws Exception {
+    TestFileHandle handle = new TestFileHandle(sampledata);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key1 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 0);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key3 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 36);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key4 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 64);
+    DiskBackedDataEntry key5 = new DiskBackedDataEntry(handle, 80);
+    assertTrue("1", key1 != key1.canonicalize());
+    // key2 can legitimately be canonicalized to either type.
+    assertTrue("3", key3 != key3.canonicalize());
+    assertTrue("4", key4 != key4.canonicalize());
+    assertTrue("5", key5 == key5.canonicalize());
+  }
+  public void assertNotEquals(String msg, Object o1, Object o2) {
+    assertFalse(msg, o1.equals(o2));
+  }
+  public void assertArrayEquals(String msg, byte[] a1, byte[] a2) {
+    if (!Arrays.equals(a1, a2)) {
+      fail(msg + "(" + Arrays.toString(a1) + ", " + Arrays.toString(a2) + ")");
+    }
+  }
+  public void assertCompare(String msg, DiskBackedDataEntry key, byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("DBDEUT::assertCompare(msg=%s, key, bytes=%s)\n", msg, Arrays.toString(bytes));
+    assertCompare(msg, key, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
+    assertUnderflow(msg, key);
+  }
+  public void assertCompare(String msg, DiskBackedDataEntry key, byte[] bytes, int start, int end) throws IOException {
+    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+//      System.err.println("DBDEUT: calling key.get()");
+      assertEquals(msg + ":" + i, key.get(), bytes[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  public void assertUnderflow(String msg, DiskBackedDataEntry key) throws IOException {
+    try {
+      key.get();
+      fail(msg);
+    } catch (BufferUnderflowException eb) {}
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/Entry.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/Entry.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/Entry.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 20th August 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import scheduler.FileHandle;
+ * Abstracts the concept of a file entry.
+ *
+ * This can either be an unadorned key: used for interfacing with the lookup functions; a data-entry:
+ * consisting of a key/value pair; or an index-entry: containing a min-key-entry/index-ref pair pointing to the
+ * next trie node.
+ */
+public interface Entry {
+  /**
+   * Returns the size of the key associated with this entry.
+   *
+   * Measured in bytes.
+   */
+  public int keySize();
+  /**
+   * Returns a slice of the key as a ByteBuffer.
+   */
+  public ByteBuffer keySlice(int offset, int length) throws IOException;
+  public Entry rewind() throws IOException;
+  public byte get() throws IOException;
+  public byte get(int offset) throws IOException;

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/IndexEntry.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/IndexEntry.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/IndexEntry.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 29th August 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+ * Abstracts the concept of an index entry.
+ */
+public class IndexEntry implements TrieEntry {
+  protected DataEntry value;
+  protected long indexOffset;
+  public IndexEntry(DataEntry value, long indexOffset) {
+    this.value = value;
+    this.indexOffset = indexOffset;
+  }
+  public int keySize() {
+    return value.keySize();
+  }
+  public long getDataLocation() {
+    return value.getLocation();
+  }
+  public long getIndexOffset() {
+    return indexOffset;
+  }
+  public ByteBuffer keySlice(int offset, int length) throws IOException {
+    return value.keySlice(offset, length);
+  }
+  public TrieEntryType getTrieEntryType() {
+    return TrieEntryType.INDEX;
+  }
+  public DataEntry asDataEntry() {
+    throw new ClassCastException("Attempt to access IndexEntry(" + this + ") as DataEntry");
+  }
+  public IndexEntry asIndexEntry() {
+    return this;
+  }
+  public int entrySize() {
+    return 0; // No data associated with an index-entry.
+  }
+  public int referenceSize() {
+    return Long.SIZE + // offset to next index.
+           value.referenceSize(); // reference to data-entry for min-key.
+  }
+  public Entry rewind() throws IOException {
+    value.rewind();
+    return this;
+  }
+  public byte get() throws IOException {
+    return value.get();
+  }
+  public byte get(int offset) throws IOException {
+    return value.get(offset);
+  }
+  public boolean equals(Object rhs) {
+    if (rhs == this) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (rhs.getClass().equals(getClass())) {
+      IndexEntry ie = (IndexEntry)rhs;
+      return indexOffset == ie.indexOffset && value.equals(ie.value);
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  public int hashCode() {
+    // Note: If I do consider DBDE's equal to MBDE keeping it hashcode compatible will be all but
+    // impossible.  I doubt I want to do the linear hashCode computation required for a DBDE.
+    return Long.valueOf(indexOffset).hashCode() ^ value.hashCode();
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/Key.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/Key.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/Key.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 22nd August 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+ * Abstracts the concept of an unadorned key.
+ */
+public class Key implements Entry {
+  protected ByteBuffer data;
+  public Key(byte[] data) {
+    this(data, true);
+  }
+  public Key(byte[] data, boolean copyData) {
+    if (copyData) {
+      byte[] copy = new byte[data.length];
+      System.arraycopy(data, 0, copy, 0, data.length);
+      this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(copy);
+    } else {
+      this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
+    }
+  }
+  public byte get(int offset) throws BufferUnderflowException {
+//    data.position(offset);
+    return data.get(offset);
+  }
+  public ByteBuffer keySlice(int offset, int length) {
+    ByteBuffer bb = data.duplicate();
+    bb.position(offset);
+    bb = bb.slice();
+    bb.limit(length);
+    return bb;
+  }
+  public int keySize() {
+    return data.capacity();
+  }
+  public byte get() {
+    return data.get();
+  }
+  public Entry rewind() {
+    data.rewind();
+    return this;
+  }
+  public boolean equals(Object rhs) {
+    if (rhs == this) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (rhs.getClass().equals(getClass())) {
+      Key mbde = (Key)rhs;
+      return data.duplicate().clear().equals(mbde.data.duplicate().clear());
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  public int hashCode() {
+    return data.duplicate().clear().hashCode();
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/KeyUnitTest.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/KeyUnitTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/KeyUnitTest.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 29th August 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+ * Basic tests of the MemoryTrie.
+ *
+ * Note: Any changes here should be migrated into the other unit-tests.
+ */
+public class KeyUnitTest extends TestCase {
+  public static TestSuite suite() {
+    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
+    suite.addTest(new KeyUnitTest("testConstructors"));
+    suite.addTest(new KeyUnitTest("testEqualsHashCode"));
+    suite.addTest(new KeyUnitTest("testGet"));
+    suite.addTest(new KeyUnitTest("testGetOffset"));
+    suite.addTest(new KeyUnitTest("testRewind"));
+    suite.addTest(new KeyUnitTest("testKeySize"));
+    suite.addTest(new KeyUnitTest("testKeySlice"));
+    return suite;
+  }
+  public KeyUnitTest(String string) {
+    super(string);
+  }
+  private static byte[] bytesEmpty = new byte[] {};
+  private static byte[] bytes1 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
+  private static byte[] bytes1eq = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
+  private static byte[] bytes2 = new byte[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
+  private static byte[] bytes2eq = new byte[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
+  public void testConstructors() throws Exception {
+    Key key1 = new Key(bytes1);
+    Key key1e = new Key(bytesEmpty);
+    Key key2 = new Key(bytes1, true);
+    Key key2e = new Key(bytesEmpty, true);
+    Key key3 = new Key(bytes1, false);
+    Key key3e = new Key(bytesEmpty, false);
+  }
+  public void testEqualsHashCode() throws Exception {
+    Key empty = new Key(bytesEmpty);
+    Key key1 = new Key(bytes1);
+    Key key1eq = new Key(bytes1eq);
+    Key key2 = new Key(bytes2);
+    Key key2eq = new Key(bytes2eq);
+    assertEquals("e.e", empty, empty);
+    assertEquals("1.1", key1, key1);
+    assertEquals("1e.1e", key1eq, key1eq);
+    assertEquals("2.2", key2, key2);
+    assertEquals("2e.2e", key2eq, key2eq);
+    assertEquals("1.1e", key1, key1eq);
+    assertEquals("1e.1", key1eq, key1);
+    assertEquals("2.2e", key2, key2eq);
+    assertEquals("2e.2", key2eq, key2);
+    assertNotEquals("1.2", key1, key2);
+    assertNotEquals("2.1", key2, key1);
+    assertNotEquals("1.2e", key1, key2eq);
+    assertNotEquals("2e.1", key2eq, key1);
+    assertNotEquals("1e.2", key1eq, key2);
+    assertNotEquals("2.1e", key2, key1eq);
+    assertNotEquals("1.e", key1, empty);
+    assertNotEquals("e.2", empty, key2);
+    assertEquals("he.e", empty.hashCode(), empty.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h1.1", key1.hashCode(), key1.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h1e.1e", key1eq.hashCode(), key1eq.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h2.2", key2.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h2e.2e", key2eq.hashCode(), key2eq.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h1.1e", key1.hashCode(), key1eq.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h1e.1", key1eq.hashCode(), key1.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h2.2e", key2.hashCode(), key2eq.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h2e.2", key2eq.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h1.2", key1.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h2.1", key2.hashCode(), key1.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h1.2e", key1.hashCode(), key2eq.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h2e.1", key2eq.hashCode(), key1.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h1e.2", key1eq.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h2.1e", key2.hashCode(), key1eq.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h1.e", key1.hashCode(), empty.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("he.2", empty.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+  }
+  public void testGet() {
+    Key empty = new Key(bytesEmpty);
+    Key key1 = new Key(bytes1);
+    Key key1eq = new Key(bytes1eq);
+    Key key2 = new Key(bytes2);
+    Key key2eq = new Key(bytes2eq);
+    assertCompare("e", empty, bytesEmpty);
+    assertCompare("1", key1, bytes1);
+    assertCompare("1e", key1eq, bytes1eq);
+    assertCompare("2", key2, bytes2);
+    assertCompare("2e", key2eq, bytes2eq);
+  }
+  public void testGetOffset() {
+    Key key1 = new Key(bytes1);
+    assertEquals("4", 4, key1.get(4));
+    assertEquals("4+", 0, key1.get());
+    assertEquals("5", 5, key1.get(5));
+    assertEquals("7", 7, key1.get(7));
+    assertEquals("7+", 1, key1.get());
+    assertEquals("3", 3, key1.get(3));
+    assertEquals("2", 2, key1.get(2));
+    assertEquals("1", 1, key1.get(1));
+    assertEquals("6", 6, key1.get(6));
+    assertEquals("4.", 4, key1.get(4));
+    assertEquals("0", 0, key1.get(0));
+    assertCompare("0+", key1, bytes1, 2, bytes1.length);
+  }
+  public void testRewind() {
+    Key key1 = new Key(bytes1);
+    assertEquals("0", 0, key1.get());
+    assertCompare("0+", key1, bytes1, 1, bytes1.length - 1);
+    assertEquals("7", 7, key1.get());
+    assertUnderflow("7+", key1);
+    key1.rewind();
+    assertCompare("r+", key1, bytes1);
+  }
+  public void testKeySize() {
+    Key empty = new Key(bytesEmpty);
+    Key key1 = new Key(bytes1);
+    Key key1eq = new Key(bytes1eq);
+    Key key2 = new Key(bytes2);
+    Key key2eq = new Key(bytes2eq);
+    assertEquals("e", 0, empty.keySize());
+    assertEquals("1", 8, key1.keySize());
+    assertEquals("1e", 8, key1eq.keySize());
+    assertEquals("2", 8, key2.keySize());
+    assertEquals("2e", 8, key2eq.keySize());
+  }
+  public void testKeySlice() {
+    Key key1 = new Key(bytes1);
+    Key key1eq = new Key(bytes1eq);
+    Key key2 = new Key(bytes2);
+    Key key2eq = new Key(bytes2eq);
+    assertEquals("1.1", ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes1), key1eq.keySlice(0, bytes1.length));
+    assertEquals("1.2", ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes1, 1, bytes1.length - 2), key1.keySlice(1, bytes1.length - 2));
+    assertEquals("1.2", key2.keySlice(1, bytes2.length - 2), key1.keySlice(1, bytes1.length - 2));
+  }
+  public void assertNotEquals(String msg, Object o1, Object o2) {
+    assertFalse(msg, o1.equals(o2));
+  }
+  public void assertCompare(String msg, Key key, byte[] bytes) {
+    assertCompare(msg, key, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
+    assertUnderflow(msg, key);
+  }
+  public void assertCompare(String msg, Key key, byte[] bytes, int start, int end) {
+    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+      assertEquals(msg + ":" + i, key.get(), bytes[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  public void assertUnderflow(String msg, Key key) {
+    try {
+      key.get();
+      fail(msg);
+    } catch (BufferUnderflowException eb) {}
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/MemoryBackedDataEntry.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/MemoryBackedDataEntry.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/MemoryBackedDataEntry.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 4th September 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import scheduler.Writable;
+ * A DataEntry backed by memory.
+ */
+class MemoryBackedDataEntry extends DataEntry {
+  protected ByteBuffer data;
+  MemoryBackedDataEntry(long value, byte[] data) {
+    this(value, data, true);
+  }
+  MemoryBackedDataEntry(long value, byte[] data, boolean copyData) {
+    this.value = value;
+    if (copyData) {
+      byte[] copy = new byte[data.length];
+      System.arraycopy(data, 0, copy, 0, data.length);
+      this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(copy);
+    } else {
+      this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
+    }
+//    System.err.println("DataEntry:MBDE::capacity = " + this.data.capacity() + "/" + data.length);
+  }
+  public byte get() throws BufferUnderflowException {
+    return data.get();
+  }
+  public byte get(int offset) throws BufferUnderflowException {
+    return data.get(offset);
+  }
+  public Entry rewind() {
+    data.rewind();
+    return this;
+  }
+  public int keySize() {
+//    System.err.println("DataEntry:keysize = " + data.capacity());
+    return data.capacity();
+  }
+  public DataEntry canonicalize() {
+    return this;
+  }
+  public long write(Writable handle) throws IOException {
+    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_LENGTH);
+    bb.clear();
+    bb.putLong(value);
+    bb.putInt(data.capacity());
+//      System.err.printf("DataEntry:Writing value %d, length %d\n", value, data.capacity());
+    location = handle.writeBuffers(new ByteBuffer[] { (ByteBuffer)bb.flip(), (ByteBuffer)data.duplicate().clear() }, HEADER_LENGTH);
+    return location;
+  }
+  public ByteBuffer keySlice(int offset, int length) {
+    ByteBuffer bb = data.duplicate();
+    bb.position(offset);
+    bb = bb.slice();
+    bb.limit(length);
+    return bb;
+  }
+  public boolean equals(Object rhs) {
+    if (rhs == this) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (rhs.getClass().equals(getClass())) {
+      MemoryBackedDataEntry mbde = (MemoryBackedDataEntry)rhs;
+      return value == mbde.value && data.duplicate().clear().equals(mbde.data.duplicate().clear());
+    } else {
+      // FIXME: Do I need to consider comparing with DiskBackedDataEntry here?
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  public int hashCode() {
+    // Note: If I do consider DBDE's equal to MBDE keeping it hashcode compatible will be all but
+    // impossible.  I doubt I want to do the linear hashCode computation required for a DBDE.
+    return Long.valueOf(value).hashCode() ^ data.duplicate().clear().hashCode();
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 29th August 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+ * Basic tests of the MemoryTrie
+ */
+public class MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest extends TestCase {
+  public static TestSuite suite() {
+    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
+    // Adapted from KeyUnitTest.java
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testConstructors"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testEqualsHashCode"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testGet"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testGetOffset"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testRewind"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testKeySize"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testKeySlice"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testTrieEntryType"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testGetValue"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testCanonicalize"));
+    suite.addTest(new MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest("testIO"));
+    return suite;
+  }
+  public MemoryBackedDataEntryUnitTest(String string) {
+    super(string);
+  }
+  private static byte[] bytes1 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
+  private static byte[] bytes1eq = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
+  private static byte[] bytes2 = new byte[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
+  private static byte[] bytes2eq = new byte[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
+  public void testConstructors() throws Exception {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1, true);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key3 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1, false);
+  }
+  public void testEqualsHashCode() throws Exception {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1eq = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1eq);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes2);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2eq = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes2eq);
+    assertEquals("1.1", key1, key1);
+    assertEquals("1e.1e", key1eq, key1eq);
+    assertEquals("2.2", key2, key2);
+    assertEquals("2e.2e", key2eq, key2eq);
+    assertEquals("1.1e", key1, key1eq);
+    assertEquals("1e.1", key1eq, key1);
+    assertEquals("2.2e", key2, key2eq);
+    assertEquals("2e.2", key2eq, key2);
+    assertNotEquals("1.2", key1, key2);
+    assertNotEquals("2.1", key2, key1);
+    assertNotEquals("1.2e", key1, key2eq);
+    assertNotEquals("2e.1", key2eq, key1);
+    assertNotEquals("1e.2", key1eq, key2);
+    assertNotEquals("2.1e", key2, key1eq);
+    assertEquals("h1.1", key1.hashCode(), key1.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h1e.1e", key1eq.hashCode(), key1eq.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h2.2", key2.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h2e.2e", key2eq.hashCode(), key2eq.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h1.1e", key1.hashCode(), key1eq.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h1e.1", key1eq.hashCode(), key1.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h2.2e", key2.hashCode(), key2eq.hashCode());
+    assertEquals("h2e.2", key2eq.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h1.2", key1.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h2.1", key2.hashCode(), key1.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h1.2e", key1.hashCode(), key2eq.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h2e.1", key2eq.hashCode(), key1.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h1e.2", key1eq.hashCode(), key2.hashCode());
+    assertNotEquals("h2.1e", key2.hashCode(), key1eq.hashCode());
+  }
+  public void testGet() {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1eq = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1eq);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes2);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2eq = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes2eq);
+    assertCompare("1", key1, bytes1);
+    assertCompare("1e", key1eq, bytes1eq);
+    assertCompare("2", key2, bytes2);
+    assertCompare("2e", key2eq, bytes2eq);
+  }
+  public void testGetOffset() {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    assertEquals("4", 4, key1.get(4));
+    assertEquals("4+", 0, key1.get());
+    assertEquals("5", 5, key1.get(5));
+    assertEquals("7", 7, key1.get(7));
+    assertEquals("7+", 1, key1.get());
+    assertEquals("3", 3, key1.get(3));
+    assertEquals("2", 2, key1.get(2));
+    assertEquals("1", 1, key1.get(1));
+    assertEquals("6", 6, key1.get(6));
+    assertEquals("4.", 4, key1.get(4));
+    assertEquals("0", 0, key1.get(0));
+    assertCompare("0+", key1, bytes1, 2, bytes1.length);
+  }
+  public void testRewind() {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    assertEquals("0", 0, key1.get());
+    assertCompare("0+", key1, bytes1, 1, bytes1.length - 1);
+    assertEquals("7", 7, key1.get());
+    assertUnderflow("7+", key1);
+    key1.rewind();
+    assertCompare("r+", key1, bytes1);
+  }
+  public void testKeySize() {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1eq = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1eq);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes2);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2eq = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes2eq);
+    assertEquals("1", 8, key1.keySize());
+    assertEquals("1e", 8, key1eq.keySize());
+    assertEquals("2", 8, key2.keySize());
+    assertEquals("2e", 8, key2eq.keySize());
+  }
+  public void testKeySlice() {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1eq = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1eq);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes2);
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key2eq = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes2eq);
+    assertEquals("1.1", ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes1), key1eq.keySlice(0, bytes1.length));
+    assertEquals("1.2", ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes1, 1, bytes1.length - 2), key1.keySlice(1, bytes1.length - 2));
+    assertEquals("1.2", key2.keySlice(1, bytes2.length - 2), key1.keySlice(1, bytes1.length - 2));
+  }
+  public void testTrieEntryType() throws Exception {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    assertEquals("type", TrieEntry.TrieEntryType.DATA, key1.getTrieEntryType());
+    assertTrue("asDataEntry", key1.asDataEntry() == key1);
+    try {
+      key1.asIndexEntry();
+      fail("asIndexEntry");
+    } catch (ClassCastException ec) {}
+  }
+  public void testGetValue() throws Exception {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    assertEquals("value", 10, key1.getValue());
+  }
+  public void testCanonicalize() throws Exception {
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    assertEquals("value", key1, key1.canonicalize());
+  }
+  public void testIO() throws Exception {
+    byte[] key1serial = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, // 10L in BIG_ENDIAN (value)
+                                     0, 0, 0, 8,              // 8I in BIG_ENDIAN (length)
+                                     0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,  // bytes1 as byte array
+                                   };
+    TestWritable writable = new TestWritable();
+    MemoryBackedDataEntry key1 = new MemoryBackedDataEntry(10, bytes1);
+    long location = key1.write(writable);
+    assertEquals("1.loc", writable.getLocation(), location);
+    assertArrayEquals("1.buf", key1serial, writable.getBuffer().array());
+    assertEquals("1.rsize", 8, key1.referenceSize());
+    assertEquals("1.esize", key1serial.length, key1.entrySize());
+  }
+  public void assertNotEquals(String msg, Object o1, Object o2) {
+    assertFalse(msg, o1.equals(o2));
+  }
+  public void assertArrayEquals(String msg, byte[] a1, byte[] a2) {
+    if (!Arrays.equals(a1, a2)) {
+      fail(msg + "(" + Arrays.toString(a1) + ", " + Arrays.toString(a2) + ")");
+    }
+  }
+  public void assertCompare(String msg, MemoryBackedDataEntry key, byte[] bytes) {
+    assertCompare(msg, key, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
+    assertUnderflow(msg, key);
+  }
+  public void assertCompare(String msg, MemoryBackedDataEntry key, byte[] bytes, int start, int end) {
+    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+      assertEquals(msg + ":" + i, key.get(), bytes[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  public void assertUnderflow(String msg, MemoryBackedDataEntry key) {
+    try {
+      key.get();
+      fail(msg);
+    } catch (BufferUnderflowException eb) {}
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TestFileHandle.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TestFileHandle.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TestFileHandle.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 3rd September 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
+import scheduler.Block;
+import scheduler.FileHandle;
+import scheduler.Writable;
+ * Used to test DiskBackedDataEntry.
+ */
+public class TestFileHandle implements FileHandle {
+  private static final int LOG2BS = 5;  // Use a riduculously small blocksize for testing.
+  private ByteBuffer buffer;
+  public TestFileHandle(byte[] data) {
+    buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
+  }
+  public File getFile() {
+    return new File("TestFileHandle");
+  }
+  public int getLog2BlockSize() {
+    return LOG2BS;
+  }
+  public Block readBlock(long blockId) throws IOException {
+//    System.err.printf("TestFileHandle::readBlock(blockId=%d)\n", blockId);
+    Block block = new Block(this, getLog2BlockSize());
+    block.prepare(blockId).put((ByteBuffer)(((ByteBuffer)(buffer.position((int)(blockId << LOG2BS)))).slice().limit(1 << LOG2BS)));
+    return block;
+  }
+  public Block readBlock() throws IOException {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("readBlock/0");
+  }
+  public long writeBlock(Block block) throws IOException {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("writeBlock");
+  }
+  public long writeBuffers(ByteBuffer[] buffers, int headerSize) throws IOException {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("writeBuffers");
+  }
+  public void transferTo(Writable handle, long position, int length) throws IOException {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("transferTo");
+  }
+  public void complete() throws IOException {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("complete");
+  }
+  public void close() throws IOException {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("close");
+  }
+  public FileChannel getChannel() {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getChannel");
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TestWritable.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TestWritable.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TestWritable.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 3rd September 2008
+ */
+package data;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
+import scheduler.Writable;
+ * A test Writable to allow testing DataEntries.
+ */
+public class TestWritable implements Writable {
+  ByteBuffer buffer;
+  long location;
+  public TestWritable() {
+    buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[0]);
+    location = 1234567;
+  }
+  public long getLocation() {
+    return location;
+  }
+  public ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
+    return buffer;
+  }
+  public long writeBuffers(ByteBuffer[] buffers, int headerSize) throws IOException {
+    int size = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) {
+      size += buffers[i].remaining();
+    }
+    buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[size]);
+    for (int i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) {
+      buffer.put(buffers[i]);
+    }
+    location += 1;
+    return location;
+  }
+  public void transferTo(Writable handle, long position, int length) throws IOException {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no transferTo in test-writable");
+  }
+  public FileChannel getChannel() {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no channel in test-writable");
+  }

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TrieEntry.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TrieEntry.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/data/TrieEntry.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 26th August 2008
+ */
+package data;
+ * Abstracts the concept of an entry in a trie.
+ */
+public interface TrieEntry extends Entry {
+  enum TrieEntryType { DATA, INDEX };
+  /**
+   * Returns the type of trie-entry represented by this node.
+   */
+  public TrieEntryType getTrieEntryType();
+  /**
+   * Returns this node as a DataEntry; or throws ClassCastException.
+   */
+  public DataEntry asDataEntry();
+  /** 
+   * Returns this node as an IndexEntry or throws ClassCastException.
+   */
+  public IndexEntry asIndexEntry();
+  /**
+   * Returns the serialized size (in bytes) of this entry.
+   *
+   * Note: This is the size taken in the _data_ file.
+   */
+  public int entrySize();
+  /**
+   * Returns the serialized size (in bytes) of a reference to this entry.
+   *
+   * Note: This is the size taken in the _index_ file.
+   */
+  public int referenceSize();

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/Block.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/Block.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/Block.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
     this.handle = handle;
     this.blockId = null;
     this.buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0x01 << log2bs);
-    System.err.println("Allocating block with capacity: " + buffer.capacity() + " in file: " + handle.getFile());
-    new Throwable().printStackTrace();
+//    System.err.println("Block:Allocating block with capacity: " + buffer.capacity() + " in file: " + handle.getFile());
+//    new Throwable().printStackTrace();
     this.blockId = UNALLOCATED;
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
    * Sets the Buffer's position = 0; limit = size; and stores the blockId.
   public ByteBuffer prepare(Long id) {
-    System.err.println("Setting block-id to : " + id + " for file: " + handle.getFile());
-    new Throwable().printStackTrace();
+//    System.err.println("Block:Setting block-id to : " + id + " for file: " + handle.getFile());
+//    new Throwable().printStackTrace();
     blockId = id;
     return (ByteBuffer)(buffer.clear());
@@ -89,9 +89,25 @@
   public ByteBuffer offset(int position) {
-    return (ByteBuffer)((ByteBuffer)buffer.position(position)).slice();
+//    System.err.printf("Block:offset(position=%d)\n", position);
+    int pos = buffer.position();
+    buffer.position(position);
+    ByteBuffer tb = (ByteBuffer)buffer.slice();
+    buffer.position(pos);
+    reportBuffer("offset() result:", tb);
+    return tb;
+  private void reportBuffer(String buffer, ByteBuffer bb) {
+    if (bb != null) {
+//      System.err.printf("Block::%s - buffer: capacity: %d, position: %d, limit: %d\n",
+//          buffer, bb.capacity(), bb.position(), bb.limit());
+    } else {
+//      System.err.printf("Block::%s with NULL buffer\n", buffer);
+    }
+  }
    * Prepare the Block to be written to/from memory.
    * Sets the Buffer's position = 0; limit = size; and leaves the blockId unchanged.

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandle.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandle.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandle.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -1,165 +1,34 @@
  * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
  * Author Andrae Muys
- * Date 30th April 2008
+ * Date 3rd September 2008
 package scheduler;
 import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
 import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
-public class FileHandle {
-  private File file;
-  private FileChannel channel;
-  private int log2bs;
+ * This interface exists to permit test-harnesses to replace FileHandleImpl in UnitTests.
+ */
+public interface FileHandle extends Writable {
+  public File getFile();
-  private final int blocksize;
-  private long seeks;
+  public int getLog2BlockSize();
-  FileHandle(File file, FileChannel channel, int magic, int log2bs) {
-    this.file = file;
-    this.channel = channel;
-    this.log2bs = log2bs;
-    this.blocksize = 0x01 << log2bs;
-    this.seeks = 0;
-  }
+  public Block readBlock(long blockId) throws IOException;
-  FileHandle(File file, FileOutputStream stream, int magic, int log2bs) throws IOException {
-    this(file, stream.getChannel(), magic, log2bs);
+  public Block readBlock() throws IOException;
-    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(blocksize);
-    System.err.println("Allocated header: " + bb.capacity());
-    bb.putInt(magic);
-    bb.putInt(log2bs);
-    bb.position(0);
-    bb.limit(bb.capacity());
+  long writeBlock(Block block) throws IOException;
-    channel.write(bb);
-  }
+  public long writeBuffers(ByteBuffer[] buffers, int headerSize) throws IOException;
-  FileHandle(File file, FileInputStream stream, int magic, int log2bs) throws IOException {
-    this(file, stream.getChannel(), magic, log2bs);
+  public void transferTo(Writable handle, long position, int length) throws IOException;
-    if (log2bs < 10) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to open file with blocksize < 1KB");
+  public void complete() throws IOException;
-    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(blocksize);
-    this.channel.read(bb);
-    bb.clear();
-    int filemagic = bb.getInt();
-    if (filemagic != magic) {
-      bb.order(bb.order().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
-      bb.clear();
-      filemagic = bb.getInt();
-      if (filemagic == magic) {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to read file using incorrect endian format");
-      } else {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad magic in index buffer: " + filemagic + ", MAGIC=" + magic);
-      }
-    }
-    int filebs = bb.getInt();
-    if (filebs != log2bs) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to read file(" + file + ") using incorrect log2bs: " + log2bs);
-    }
-  }
-  public File getFile() {
-    return file;
-  }
-  public int getLog2BlockSize() {
-    return log2bs;
-  }
-  /**
-   * FIXME: These should be package scope.
-   */
-  public Block readBlock(long blockId) throws IOException {
-    // blockId + 1 allows higher levels to ignore the metadata stored in block-0.
-    System.err.println("Reading block: " + blockId + " from File: " + file);
-    if (channel.position() != ((blockId + 1) << log2bs)) {
-      seeks++;
-      channel.position((blockId + 1) << log2bs);
-    }
-    return readBlock();
-  }
-  public Block readBlock() throws IOException {
-    Block block = new Block(this, log2bs);
-    System.err.println("Reading block from position: " + channel.position());
-    // Block::prepare takes a blockId, we can calculate this from the channel's position.
-    int read = channel.read(block.prepare((channel.position() >> log2bs) - 1));
-    if (read == blocksize) return block;
-    if (read == -1) return null;
-    throw new IllegalStateException("Partial block read");
-  }
-  long writeBlock(Block block) throws IOException {
-    long position = channel.position() - blocksize;
-    System.err.printf("Writing block to position: %d in file: %s\n", channel.position(), file.toString());
-    channel.write(block.prepare(position >> log2bs));
-    return position;
-  }
-  /**
-   * FIXME: Should be package scope.
-   */
-  public long writeBuffers(ByteBuffer[] buffers, int headerSize) throws IOException {
-    long currBlock = channel.position() / blocksize;
-    long hEndBlock = (channel.position() + headerSize) / blocksize;
-    if (currBlock != hEndBlock) {
-      channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[(int)(channel.position() % blocksize)]));
-      channel.position((currBlock + 1) * blocksize);
-    }
-    long position = channel.position() - blocksize;
-//    System.err.printf("Writing %d buffers to position: %d in file: %s\n", buffers.length, channel.position(), file.toString());
-    channel.write(buffers);
-    return position;
-  }
-  /**
-   * FIXME: Should be package scope.
-   */
-  public void transferTo(FileHandle handle, long position, int length) throws IOException {
-    System.err.println("Transfering data");
-    channel.transferTo(position + blocksize, length, handle.channel);
-  }
-  public void complete() throws IOException {
-    if (channel.position() % blocksize != 0) {
-      System.err.println("Writing data: " + (int)(blocksize - channel.position() % blocksize) + " to file: " + file);
-      System.err.println("        to position: " + channel.position());
-      System.err.println("        pos % blksz: " + (channel.position() % blocksize));
-      System.err.println("        with blocksize: " + blocksize);
-      channel.write(ByteBuffer.allocate((int)(blocksize - channel.position() % blocksize)));
-    }
-    channel.force(true);
-  }
-  public void close() throws IOException {
-    System.err.println("Closing file: " + file);
-    channel.close();
-  }
-  public String toString() {
-    long position = -1;
-    try {
-      position = channel.position();
-    } catch (Exception e) {}
-    return file.toString() + ":" + position + ":" + log2bs + ":" + seeks;
-  }
+  public void close() throws IOException;

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandleFactory.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandleFactory.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandleFactory.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("File already exists: " + file);
-    return new FileHandle(file, new FileOutputStream(file), magic, blocksize);
+    return new FileHandleImpl(file, new FileOutputStream(file), magic, blocksize);
   public FileHandle openExisting(File file, int magic, int blocksize) throws IOException {
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("File does not exist: " + file);
-    return new FileHandle(file, new FileInputStream(file), magic, blocksize);
+    return new FileHandleImpl(file, new FileInputStream(file), magic, blocksize);
   public FileHandle open(File file, int magic, int blocksize) throws IOException {

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandleImpl.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandleImpl.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/FileHandleImpl.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 30th April 2008
+ */
+package scheduler;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.ByteOrder;
+import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
+public class FileHandleImpl implements FileHandle {
+  private File file;
+  private FileChannel channel;
+  private int log2bs;
+  private final int blocksize;
+  private long seeks;
+  FileHandleImpl(File file, FileChannel channel, int magic, int log2bs) {
+    this.file = file;
+    this.channel = channel;
+    this.log2bs = log2bs;
+    this.blocksize = 0x01 << log2bs;
+    this.seeks = 0;
+  }
+  FileHandleImpl(File file, FileOutputStream stream, int magic, int log2bs) throws IOException {
+    this(file, stream.getChannel(), magic, log2bs);
+    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(blocksize);
+//    System.err.println("Allocated header: " + bb.capacity());
+    bb.putInt(magic);
+    bb.putInt(log2bs);
+    bb.position(0);
+    bb.limit(bb.capacity());
+    channel.write(bb);
+  }
+  FileHandleImpl(File file, FileInputStream stream, int magic, int log2bs) throws IOException {
+    this(file, stream.getChannel(), magic, log2bs);
+    if (log2bs < 10) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to open file with blocksize < 1KB");
+    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(blocksize);
+    this.channel.read(bb);
+    bb.clear();
+    int filemagic = bb.getInt();
+    if (filemagic != magic) {
+      bb.order(bb.order().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
+      bb.clear();
+      filemagic = bb.getInt();
+      if (filemagic == magic) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to read file using incorrect endian format");
+      } else {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad magic in index buffer: " + filemagic + ", MAGIC=" + magic);
+      }
+    }
+    int filebs = bb.getInt();
+    if (filebs != log2bs) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to read file(" + file + ") using incorrect log2bs: " + log2bs);
+    }
+  }
+  public File getFile() {
+    return file;
+  }
+  public FileChannel getChannel() {
+    return channel;
+  }
+  public int getLog2BlockSize() {
+    return log2bs;
+  }
+  /**
+   * FIXME: These should be package scope.
+   */
+  public Block readBlock(long blockId) throws IOException {
+    // blockId + 1 allows higher levels to ignore the metadata stored in block-0.
+//    System.err.printf("FileHandleImpl::readBlock(blockId=%d), file: %s\n", blockId, file.toString());
+    if (channel.position() != ((blockId + 1) << log2bs)) {
+      seeks++;
+      channel.position((blockId + 1) << log2bs);
+    }
+    return readBlock();
+  }
+  public Block readBlock() throws IOException {
+    Block block = new Block(this, log2bs);
+//    System.err.println("Reading block from position: " + channel.position());
+    // Block::prepare takes a blockId, we can calculate this from the channel's position.
+    int read = channel.read(block.prepare((channel.position() >> log2bs) - 1));
+    if (read == blocksize) return block;
+    if (read == -1) return null;
+    throw new IllegalStateException("Partial block read");
+  }
+  public long writeBlock(Block block) throws IOException {
+    long position = channel.position() - blocksize;
+//    System.err.printf("Writing block to position: %d in file: %s\n", channel.position(), file.toString());
+    channel.write(block.prepare(position >> log2bs));
+    return position;
+  }
+  /**
+   * FIXME: Should be package scope.
+   */
+  public long writeBuffers(ByteBuffer[] buffers, int headerSize) throws IOException {
+    long currBlock = channel.position() / blocksize;
+    long hEndBlock = (channel.position() + headerSize) / blocksize;
+    if (currBlock != hEndBlock) {
+      channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[(int)(channel.position() % blocksize)]));
+      channel.position((currBlock + 1) * blocksize);
+    }
+    long position = channel.position() - blocksize;
+//    System.err.printf("Writing %d buffers to position: %d in file: %s\n", buffers.length, channel.position(), file.toString());
+    channel.write(buffers);
+    return position;
+  }
+  /**
+   * FIXME: Should be package scope.
+   */
+  public void transferTo(Writable handle, long position, int length) throws IOException {
+//    System.err.println("Transfering data");
+    channel.transferTo(position + blocksize, length, handle.getChannel());
+  }
+  public void complete() throws IOException {
+    if (channel.position() % blocksize != 0) {
+//      System.err.println("Writing data: " + (int)(blocksize - channel.position() % blocksize) + " to file: " + file);
+//      System.err.println("        to position: " + channel.position());
+//      System.err.println("        pos % blksz: " + (channel.position() % blocksize));
+//      System.err.println("        with blocksize: " + blocksize);
+      channel.write(ByteBuffer.allocate((int)(blocksize - channel.position() % blocksize)));
+    }
+    channel.force(true);
+  }
+  public void close() throws IOException {
+//    System.err.println("Closing file: " + file);
+    channel.close();
+  }
+  public String toString() {
+    long position = -1;
+    try {
+      position = channel.position();
+    } catch (Exception e) {}
+    return file.toString() + ":" + position + ":" + log2bs + ":" + seeks;
+  }

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/IOScheduler.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/IOScheduler.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/IOScheduler.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   public FileHandle open(String name, int magic, int blocksize) throws IOException {
     File file = new File(dir, name);
-    System.err.println("Opening: " + file);
+//    System.err.println("Opening: " + file);
     return fileHandleFactory.open(file, magic, blocksize);

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/Writable.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/Writable.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/scheduler/Writable.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 3rd September 2008
+ */
+package scheduler;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
+ * This interface is provided to permit unit-tests to provide test harnesses for the basic IO operation.
+ */
+public interface Writable {
+  /**
+   * Write an array of buffers to this writable, ensuring that the first 'headerSize' bytes do not cross a
+   * block-boundary.
+   *
+   * Note: The header is guaranteed by padding with 0x00 to the next block boundary if the header would
+   * overlap it.
+   *
+   * @param buffers A sequence of buffers to be written to this Writable.
+   * @param headerSize The number of bytes in the header that cannot cross a block boundary.
+   * @return The offset into this writable where the first byte of the first buffer was written.
+   */
+  public long writeBuffers(ByteBuffer[] buffers, int headerSize) throws IOException;
+  /**
+   * Write 'length' bytes from 'position' in this writable to the provided handle.
+   */
+  public void transferTo(Writable handle, long position, int length) throws IOException;
+  /**
+   * Return the FileChannel associated with this Writable if one exists.
+   */
+  public FileChannel getChannel();

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/ByteMap.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/ByteMap.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/ByteMap.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -138,6 +138,22 @@
+  public T getFirst() {
+    if (data.length == 0) {
+      return null;
+    } else {
+      return data[0];
+    }
+  }
+  public T getLast() {
+    if (data.length == 0) {
+      return null;
+    } else {
+      return data[data.length - 1];
+    }
+  }
   public Iterator<T> iterator() {
     return new Iterator<T>() {
         private int index = 0;
@@ -171,14 +187,4 @@
-  public static ByteMap<T> merge(ByteMap<T> lhs, ByteMap<T> rhs) {
-    for (short highI = 0x0000; highI <= 0x8000; highI = highI << 1) {
-      if (lhs.high & highI) {
-        if (rhs.high & highI) {
-        }
-      } else if (rhs.high & highI) {
-      }
-    }
-  }

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/DiskTrie.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/DiskTrie.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/DiskTrie.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 import data.DataEntry;
 import data.DataFile;
+import data.IndexEntry;
 import scheduler.Block;
 import scheduler.FileHandle;
@@ -25,10 +26,11 @@
   public static class InsufficientSpace extends Exception
       { public InsufficientSpace(String s) { super(s); } };
-  static final byte TYPE_BRANCH_TERM = 0x01;   // Indicates a trie branch with a termination entry..
-  static final byte TYPE_BRANCH_NOTERM = 0x02; // Indicates a trie branch without a termination entry..
-  static final byte TYPE_LEAF = 0x03; // Indicates a trie branch without a termination entry..
-  static final byte TYPE_ROOT_LOC = 0x04; // Indicates the following short indicates a branch.
+  static final byte TYPE_ROOT_LOC = 0x01; // Indicates the following short indicates a branch.
+  static final byte TYPE_BRANCH_TERM = 0x02;   // Indicates a trie branch with a termination entry..
+  static final byte TYPE_BRANCH_NOTERM = 0x03; // Indicates a trie branch without a termination entry..
+  static final byte TYPE_LEAF_DATA = 0x04; // Indicates a trie leaf terminating in a single data value.
+  static final byte TYPE_LEAF_INDEX = 0x05; // Indicates a trie leaf terminating in another index block.
   // Calculated as the worst case size per entry.
   // Assumes a full leaf and branch per entry.
@@ -95,9 +97,12 @@
         case TYPE_BRANCH_NOTERM:
           nodeMap.put(location, readTrieBranch(indexBlock, false, nodeMap));
-        case TYPE_LEAF:
-          nodeMap.put(location, readTrieLeaf(indexBlock, data));
+        case TYPE_LEAF_DATA:
+          nodeMap.put(location, readTrieDataLeaf(indexBlock, data));
+        case TYPE_LEAF_INDEX:
+          nodeMap.put(location, readTrieIndexLeaf(indexBlock, data));
+          break;
         case TYPE_ROOT_LOC:
           indexBlock.getByte(); // Skip padding.
           rootLocation = indexBlock.getShort();
@@ -119,7 +124,7 @@
       int size = totalIndexSize(root);
       space = (short)((indexBlock.getBlockSize() - size - 8) / WORST_CASE_ENTRY_SIZE);
       if (space < 0) {
-        throw new IllegalStateException("Overfilled CompBlockTrie");
+        throw new IllegalStateException("Overfilled DiskTrie");
       } else if (space == 0) {
         return false;
@@ -156,8 +161,8 @@
   private static Map<Class, TrieNodeWriter> writerMap = new HashMap<Class, TrieNodeWriter>();
   static {
-    writerMap.put(TrieBranch.class, new TrieBranchWriter());
-    writerMap.put(TrieLeaf.class, new TrieLeafWriter());
+    writerMap.put(TrieNode.TrieBranch.class, new TrieBranchWriter());
+    writerMap.put(TrieNode.TrieLeaf.class, new TrieLeafWriter());
   protected static void writeTrieNode(TrieNode node, Block index, DataFile data,
@@ -178,7 +183,7 @@
   private static class TrieBranchWriter implements TrieNodeWriter {
     public void write(TrieNode node, Block index, DataFile data, Map<TrieNode, Short> locationMap) throws IOException {
-      TrieBranch branch = (TrieBranch)node;
+      TrieNode.TrieBranch branch = (TrieNode.TrieBranch)node;
       if (branch.term != null) {
         writeTrieNode(branch.term, index, data, locationMap);
@@ -203,24 +208,35 @@
   private static class TrieLeafWriter implements TrieNodeWriter {
     public void write(TrieNode node, Block index, DataFile data, Map<TrieNode, Short> locationMap) throws IOException {
-      TrieLeaf leaf = (TrieLeaf)node;
+      TrieNode.TrieLeaf leaf = (TrieNode.TrieLeaf)node;
+      switch (leaf.entry.getTrieEntryType()) {
+        case DATA:
+          data.write(leaf.entry.asDataEntry());
+          locationMap.put(leaf, (short)index.position());
+          index.putByte(TYPE_LEAF_DATA);
+          index.putByte((byte)0xFF); // Pad to 16-bit aligned.
+          index.putLong(leaf.entry.asDataEntry().getLocation());
-      long keyLocation = data.write(leaf.entry);
+          break;
+        case INDEX:
+          locationMap.put(leaf, (short)index.position());
+          index.putByte(TYPE_LEAF_INDEX);
+          index.putByte((byte)0xFF); // Pad to 16-bit aligned.
+          index.putLong(leaf.entry.asIndexEntry().getDataLocation());
+          index.putLong(leaf.entry.asIndexEntry().getIndexOffset());
-      locationMap.put(leaf, (short)index.position());
-      index.putByte(TYPE_LEAF);
-      index.putByte((byte)0xFF); // Pad to 16-bit aligned.
-      index.putLong(keyLocation);
+          break;
+      }
-  private TrieBranch readTrieBranch(Block index, boolean hasTerm, Map<Short, TrieNode> nodeMap) throws IOException {
-    TrieBranch branch = new TrieBranch();
+  private TrieNode.TrieBranch readTrieBranch(Block index, boolean hasTerm, Map<Short, TrieNode> nodeMap) throws IOException {
+    TrieNode.TrieBranch branch = new TrieNode.TrieBranch();
     index.getByte();  // skip padding.
     branch.offset = index.getInt();
     if (hasTerm) {
-      branch.term = (TrieLeaf)nodeMap.get(index.getShort());
+      branch.term = (TrieNode.TrieLeaf)nodeMap.get(index.getShort());
     branch.children = new ByteMap<TrieNode>(index, nodeMap);
     if (branch.term == null) {
@@ -237,19 +253,29 @@
     return branch;
-  private TrieLeaf readTrieLeaf(Block index, DataFile dataFile) throws IOException {
+  private TrieNode.TrieLeaf readTrieDataLeaf(Block index, DataFile dataFile) throws IOException {
     index.getByte();  // skip padding.
     long keyLocation = index.getLong();
     DataEntry entry = dataFile.getEntry(keyLocation);
-    return new TrieLeaf(entry);
+    return new TrieNode.TrieLeaf(entry);
+  private TrieNode.TrieLeaf readTrieIndexLeaf(Block index, DataFile dataFile) throws IOException {
+    index.getByte();  // skip padding.
+    long dataLocation = index.getLong();
+    long indexLocation = index.getLong();
+    IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry(dataFile.getEntry(dataLocation), indexLocation);
+    return new TrieNode.TrieLeaf(entry);
+  }
   private static Map<Class, TrieNodeSizer> sizerMap = new HashMap<Class, TrieNodeSizer>();
   static {
-    sizerMap.put(TrieBranch.class, new TrieBranchSizer());
-    sizerMap.put(TrieLeaf.class, new TrieLeafSizer());
+    sizerMap.put(TrieNode.TrieBranch.class, new TrieBranchSizer());
+    sizerMap.put(TrieNode.TrieLeaf.class, new TrieLeafSizer());
   protected static int totalIndexSize(TrieNode node) {
@@ -266,12 +292,12 @@
   private static class TrieBranchSizer implements TrieNodeSizer {
-    protected int memSize(TrieBranch branch) {
+    protected int memSize(TrieNode.TrieBranch branch) {
       return 4 + 1 + 1 + branch.children.memSize() + (branch.term == null ? 0 : 2);
     public int indexSize(TrieNode node) {
-      TrieBranch branch = (TrieBranch)node;
+      TrieNode.TrieBranch branch = (TrieNode.TrieBranch)node;
       int total = memSize(branch);
       if (branch.term != null) {
         total += totalIndexSize(branch.term);
@@ -284,7 +310,7 @@
     public int dataSize(TrieNode node) {
-      TrieBranch branch = (TrieBranch)node;
+      TrieNode.TrieBranch branch = (TrieNode.TrieBranch)node;
       int total = 0;
       if (branch.term != null) {
         total += totalDataSize(branch.term);
@@ -299,12 +325,13 @@
   private static class TrieLeafSizer implements TrieNodeSizer {
     public int indexSize(TrieNode node) {
-      return 1 + 1 + 8;
+      TrieNode.TrieLeaf leaf = (TrieNode.TrieLeaf)node;
+      return 2 + leaf.indexSize();
     public int dataSize(TrieNode node) {
-      TrieLeaf leaf = (TrieLeaf)node;
-      return leaf.entry.totalSize();
+      TrieNode.TrieLeaf leaf = (TrieNode.TrieLeaf)node;
+      return leaf.dataSize();

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/DiskTrieTest.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/DiskTrieTest.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/DiskTrieTest.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
 import data.DataEntry;
+import data.TrieEntry;
+import data.Key;
 import index.IndexFile;
 import scheduler.FileHandleFactory;
 import scheduler.IOScheduler;
@@ -108,8 +110,8 @@
     for (byte[] key : namesMap.keySet()) {
       boolean found = false;
       for (DiskTrie t : tries) {
-        long value = t.lookup(DataEntry.getKey(key), valid);
-        if (valid[0] && value == namesMap.get(key)) {
+        TrieEntry value = t.lookup(new Key(key), valid);
+        if (valid[0] && value.asDataEntry().getValue() == namesMap.get(key)) {
           found = true;
@@ -119,8 +121,8 @@
       found = false;
       for (DiskTrie t : readTries) {
-        long value = t.lookup(DataEntry.getKey(key), valid);
-        if (valid[0] && value == namesMap.get(key)) {
+        TrieEntry value = t.lookup(new Key(key), valid);
+        if (valid[0] && value.asDataEntry().getValue() == namesMap.get(key)) {
           found = true;
@@ -280,8 +282,8 @@
       int i = 0;
       boolean found = false;
       for (DiskTrie t : readTries) {
-        long value = t.lookup(DataEntry.getKey(keyBytes.getBytes()), valid);
-        if (valid[0] && value == namesMap.get(keyBytes)) {
+        TrieEntry value = t.lookup(new Key(keyBytes.getBytes()), valid);
+        if (valid[0] && value.asDataEntry().getValue() == namesMap.get(keyBytes)) {
           found = true;

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/MemoryTrie.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/MemoryTrie.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/MemoryTrie.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 import java.io.IOException; 
-import data.DataEntry;
+import data.Entry;
+import data.TrieEntry;
  * Implements an in-memory trie - uses ByteMaps to implement trie nodes.
@@ -22,21 +23,21 @@
     this.root = null;
-  public boolean insert(DataEntry entry) {
+  public boolean insert(TrieEntry entry) {
     if (root == null) {
-      root = new TrieLeaf(entry);
+      root = new TrieNode.TrieLeaf(entry);
     } else {
       if (!root.insert(entry)) {
-        root = new TrieBranch(root, entry);
+        root = new TrieNode.TrieBranch(root, entry);
     return true;
-  public long lookup(DataEntry key) throws NotFound {
+  public TrieEntry lookup(Entry key) throws NotFound {
     boolean[] valid = new boolean[1];
-    long result = lookup(key, valid);
+    TrieEntry result = lookup(key, valid);
     if (valid[0]) {
       return result;
     } else {
@@ -45,221 +46,27 @@
-  public long lookup(DataEntry key, boolean[] valid) {
+  public TrieEntry lookup(Entry key, boolean[] valid) {
     if (root == null) {
       valid[0] = false;
-      return 0;
+      return null;
     } else {
       return root.lookup(key, valid);
-  protected abstract static class TrieNode {
-    protected TrieLeaf aLeaf;
-    /**
-     * @return false if we need to insert key above this node.
-     */
-    public boolean insert(DataEntry entry) {
-      return insert(new TrieLeaf(entry), 0);
+  /**
+   * Returns null if a valid entry is not found, otherwise returns the node with the greatest entry still
+   * less than the key.
+   *
+   * If we assume each entry contains multiple keys and is indexed by the min-entry in each key-set; this will
+   * identify the entry that contains the specified key if the key exists at all.
+   */
+  public TrieNode.TrieLeaf lookupGreatestLessThan(Entry entry) throws IOException {
+    if (root == null) {
+      return null;
-    public long lookup(DataEntry key, boolean[] valid) {
-      return lookup(key, 0, valid);
-    }
-    protected abstract boolean insert(TrieLeaf node, int parentLcd);
-    protected abstract long lookup(DataEntry key, int parentLcd, boolean[] valid);
-    protected static boolean regionMatches(DataEntry lhs, int lhsOff, DataEntry rhs, int rhsOff, int len) {
-      if (lhsOff < 0 || rhsOff < 0) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (lhs.dataSize() < lhsOff + len || rhs.dataSize() < rhsOff + len) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      try {
-        int cmp = lhs.slice(lhsOff, len).compareTo(rhs.slice(rhsOff, len));
-        return (cmp == 0);
-      } catch (IOException ei) {
-        throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to compare entries", ei);
-      }
-    }
+    return root.lookupGreatestLessThan(entry, 0);
-  protected static class TrieBranch extends TrieNode {
-    protected int offset;
-    protected ByteMap<TrieNode> children;
-    protected TrieLeaf term;
-    protected TrieBranch() {}
-    public TrieBranch(DataEntry entry) {
-      this.children = new ByteMap<TrieNode>();
-      this.term = new TrieLeaf(entry);
-      this.offset = term.entry.dataSize();
-      this.aLeaf = this.term;
-    }
-    public TrieBranch(TrieNode oldRoot, DataEntry entry) {
-      this(oldRoot, new TrieLeaf(entry));
-    }
-    private TrieBranch(TrieNode oldNode, TrieLeaf newNode) {
-      super();
-      assert oldNode != null;
-      assert newNode != null;
-      offset = 0;
-      children = new ByteMap<TrieNode>();
-      term = null;
-      // as every child node shares a common lcp, any child will suffice when preparing the new
-      // lcp/offset of the new node.
-      aLeaf = newNode;
-      try {
-        DataEntry lhs = oldNode.aLeaf.entry.rewind();
-        DataEntry rhs = newNode.entry.rewind();
-        // FIXME: Replace this loop with a compareTo.
-        int i = 0;
-        while (i < lhs.dataSize() && i < rhs.dataSize()) {
-          byte lb = lhs.get();
-          byte rb = rhs.get();
-          if (lb != rb) {
-            offset = i;
-            children.insert(lb, oldNode);
-            children.insert(rb, newNode);
-            return; // Escape here.
-          }
-          i++;
-        }
-        if (i < lhs.dataSize()) {
-          offset = i;
-          children.insert(lhs.get(), oldNode);
-          term = newNode;
-        } else if (i < rhs.dataSize()) {
-          if (oldNode instanceof TrieLeaf) {
-            offset = i;
-            children.insert(rhs.get(), newNode);
-            term = (TrieLeaf)oldNode;
-          } else {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to create new branch node with leaf > branch.");
-          }
-        } else {
-          throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to create new branch node with equal children");
-        }
-      } catch (IOException ei) {
-        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to insert entry into trie", ei);
-      }
-    }
-    protected boolean insert(TrieLeaf node, int parentLcp) {
-      if (!regionMatches(aLeaf.entry, parentLcp, node.entry, parentLcp, offset - parentLcp)) {
-        return false;
-      } else {
-        // new node matches the lcp of this node.
-        if (node.entry.dataSize() == offset) {
-          // new node is expected to terminate here.
-          if (term == null) {
-            term = node;
-          } else {
-            return term.insert(node, offset);
-          }
-        } else {
-          try {
-            // new node is expected to terminate in one of this nodes children.
-            TrieNode child = children.lookup(node.entry.get(offset));
-            if (child == null) {
-              // this is the first node to be inserted on this branching key.
-              children.insert(node.entry.get(offset), node);
-            } else {
-              // there is an existing child node branching on this branching key.
-              if (!child.insert(node, offset)) {
-                children.insert(node.entry.get(offset), new TrieBranch(child, node));
-              }
-            }
-          } catch (IOException ei) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to insert leaf into trie", ei);
-          }
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-    protected long lookup(DataEntry key, int parentLcd, boolean[] valid) {
-      if (!regionMatches(aLeaf.entry, parentLcd, key, parentLcd, offset - parentLcd)) {
-        //FIXME: I need to migrate this to the end of the search to avoid needing access to the key at each level.
-        valid[0] = false;
-        return 0;
-      } else {
-        // new node matches the lcp of this node.
-        TrieNode child;
-        if (key.dataSize() == offset) {
-          // new node is expected to terminate here.
-          if (term != null) {
-            valid[0] = true;
-            return term.entry.getValue();
-          } else {
-            valid[0] = false;
-            return 0;
-          }
-        } else {
-          try {
-            // new node is expected to terminate in one of this nodes children.
-            child = children.lookup(key.get(offset));
-            if (child != null) {
-              return child.lookup(key, offset, valid);
-            } else {
-              valid[0] = false;
-              return 0;
-            }
-          } catch (IOException ei) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to lookup entry in trie", ei);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-      return "Trie-BRANCH[" + (term != null) + " on " + offset + " with " + children.size() + " and aLeaf[" + aLeaf + "]";
-    }
-  }
-  protected static class TrieLeaf extends TrieNode {
-    final DataEntry entry;
-    protected TrieLeaf(DataEntry entry) {
-      this.entry = entry;
-      this.aLeaf = this;
-    }
-    protected boolean insert(TrieLeaf node, int parentLcp) {
-      if (entry.dataSize() != node.entry.dataSize()) {
-        return false;
-      } else if (!regionMatches(entry, parentLcp, node.entry, parentLcp, node.entry.dataSize() - parentLcp)) {
-        return false;
-      } else if (entry.getValue() == node.entry.getValue()) {
-        return true; // Duplicate key/value pair.
-      } else {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to insert multiple values for same key");
-      }
-    }
-    protected long lookup(DataEntry key, int parentLcd, boolean[] valid) {
-      assert regionMatches(this.entry, 0, key, 0, key.dataSize());
-      valid[0] = true;
-      return entry.getValue();
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-      return "Trie-LEAF: " + entry;
-    }
-  }

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/MemoryTrieUnitTest.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/MemoryTrieUnitTest.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/MemoryTrieUnitTest.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import junit.framework.TestSuite;
 import data.DataEntry;
+import data.Key;
  * Basic tests of the MemoryTrie
@@ -44,7 +45,6 @@
     suite.addTest(new MemoryTrieUnitTest(new File("bulk/random70M"), 5000, 10));
     suite.addTest(new MemoryTrieUnitTest(new File("/dev/urandom")));
-    suite.addTest(new MemoryTrieUnitTest(new File("/dev/urandom")));
     return suite;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
     Set<DataEntry> namesSet = new HashSet<DataEntry>();
     MemoryTrie namesTrie = new MemoryTrie();
-    System.out.println("Inserting lines from " + file);
+    System.err.println("Inserting lines from " + file);
     BufferedReader names = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
     long n = 0;
     String name = names.readLine();
@@ -93,16 +93,16 @@
     long _endInsert = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Checking " + n + " lines from " + file);
+    System.err.println("Checking " + n + " lines from " + file);
     long _startLookup = System.currentTimeMillis();
     for (DataEntry key : namesSet) {
-      if (namesTrie.lookup(key) != key.getValue()) {
+      if (namesTrie.lookup(key).asDataEntry().getValue() != key.getValue()) {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Trie doesn't match Map");
     long _endLookup = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Test Succeeded with " + file +
+    System.err.println("Test Succeeded with " + file +
         " insert:" + (_endInsert - _startInsert) + " lookup:" + (_endLookup - _startLookup));
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
     Map<Bytes, Long> namesMap = new HashMap<Bytes, Long>();
     MemoryTrie namesTrie = new MemoryTrie();
-    System.out.println("Inserting random bytes from " + file);
+    System.err.println("Inserting random bytes from " + file);
     FileChannel chan = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel();
     ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(134*1024);
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
         _avlL += key.length;
-        if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(key, 0)) != n) {
+        if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(key)).asDataEntry().getValue() != n) {
           throw new IllegalStateException("lookup failed key: " + Arrays.toString(key) + " value: " + n);
@@ -185,26 +185,26 @@
           _avlS += key.length;
-          if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(key, 0)) != n) {
+          if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(key)).asDataEntry().getValue() != n) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("lookup failed key: " + Arrays.toString(key) + " value: " + n);
     long _endInsert = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Input " + namesMap.size() + " entries");
-    System.out.printf("  %d long entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
+    System.err.println("Input " + namesMap.size() + " entries");
+    System.err.printf("  %d long entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
         nL, (_avlL / nL), _aggregateL, (_aggregateL * 1000 / nL), (_aggregateL * 1000000 / _avlL));
-    System.out.printf("  %d short entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
+    System.err.printf("  %d short entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
         nS, (_avlS / nS), _aggregateS, (_aggregateS * 1000 / nS), (_aggregateS * 1000000 / _avlS));
-    System.out.println(chan.position() + " bytes read from " + file);
+    System.err.println(chan.position() + " bytes read from " + file);
     long _startLookup = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Checking random bytes from " + file);
+    System.err.println("Checking random bytes from " + file);
     for (Bytes k : namesMap.keySet()) {
       int i = 0;
-      if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(k.bytes, 0)) != namesMap.get(k)) {
+      if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(k.bytes)).asDataEntry().getValue() != namesMap.get(k)) {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Trie doesn't match Map on entry: " + i + " key:" +
         Arrays.toString(k.bytes) + " value: " + namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(k.bytes, 0)) +
         " value': " + namesMap.get(k));
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
     long _endLookup = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Test Succeeded with " + file +
+    System.err.println("Test Succeeded with " + file +
         " insert:" + (_endInsert - _startInsert) + " lookup:" + (_endLookup - _startLookup));
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
     Map<Bytes, Long> namesMap = new HashMap<Bytes, Long>();
     MemoryTrie namesTrie = new MemoryTrie();
-    System.out.println("Inserting random bytes from " + file + " to max records " + max + " with small " + small);
+    System.err.println("Inserting random bytes from " + file + " to max records " + max + " with small " + small);
     FileChannel chan = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel();
     ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(134*1024);
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
         _avlL += key.length;
-        if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(key, 0)) != n) {
+        if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(key)).asDataEntry().getValue() != n) {
           throw new IllegalStateException("lookup failed key: " + Arrays.toString(key) + " value: " + n);
@@ -275,26 +275,26 @@
           _avlS += key.length;
-          if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(key, 0)) != n) {
+          if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(key)).asDataEntry().getValue() != n) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("lookup failed key: " + Arrays.toString(key) + " value: " + n);
     long _endInsert = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Input " + namesMap.size() + " entries");
-    System.out.printf("  %d long entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
+    System.err.println("Input " + namesMap.size() + " entries");
+    System.err.printf("  %d long entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
         nL, (_avlL / nL), _aggregateL, (_aggregateL * 1000 / nL), (_aggregateL * 1000000 / _avlL));
-    System.out.printf("  %d short entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
+    System.err.printf("  %d short entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
         nS, (_avlS / nS), _aggregateS, (_aggregateS * 1000 / nS), (_aggregateS * 1000000 / _avlS));
-    System.out.println(chan.position() + " bytes read from " + file);
+    System.err.println(chan.position() + " bytes read from " + file);
     long _startLookup = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Checking random bytes from " + file);
+    System.err.println("Checking random bytes from " + file);
     for (Bytes k : namesMap.keySet()) {
       int i = 0;
-      if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(k.bytes, 0)) != namesMap.get(k)) {
+      if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(k.bytes)).asDataEntry().getValue() != namesMap.get(k)) {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Trie doesn't match Map on entry: " + i + " key:" +
             Arrays.toString(k.bytes) + " value: " + namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(k.bytes, 0)) +
             " value': " + namesMap.get(k));
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
     long _endLookup = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Test Succeeded with " + file +
+    System.err.println("Test Succeeded with " + file +
         " insert:" + (_endInsert - _startInsert) + " lookup:" + (_endLookup - _startLookup));
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
     Map<Bytes, Long> namesMap = new HashMap<Bytes, Long>();
     MemoryTrie namesTrie = new MemoryTrie();
-    System.out.println("Inserting random bytes from " + file);
+    System.err.println("Inserting random bytes from " + file);
     FileChannel chan = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel();
     ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8*1024*1024);
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
     long _avlSS = 0;
     int nSS = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
       if (buffer.remaining() < 2*1024*1024 && chan.read(buffer.compact()) == -1) {
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
         _avlLL += key.length;
-        if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(key, 0)) != n) {
+        if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(key)).asDataEntry().getValue() != n) {
           throw new IllegalStateException("lookup failed key: " + Arrays.toString(key) + " value: " + n);
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
           _avlL += key.length;
-          if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(key, 0)) != n) {
+          if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(key)).asDataEntry().getValue() != n) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("lookup failed key: " + Arrays.toString(key) + " value: " + n);
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
             _avlS += key.length;
-            if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(key, 0)) != n) {
+            if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(key)).asDataEntry().getValue() != n) {
               throw new IllegalStateException("lookup failed key: " + Arrays.toString(key) + " value: " + n);
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
               _avlSS += key.length;
-              if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(key, 0)) != n) {
+              if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(key)).asDataEntry().getValue() != n) {
                 throw new IllegalStateException("lookup failed key: " + Arrays.toString(key) + " value: " + n);
@@ -415,22 +415,22 @@
     long _endInsert = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Input " + namesMap.size() + " entries");
-    System.out.printf("  %d very long entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
+    System.err.println("Input " + namesMap.size() + " entries");
+    System.err.printf("  %d very long entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
         nLL, (_avlLL / nLL), _aggregateLL, (_aggregateLL * 1000 / nLL), (_aggregateLL * 1000000 / _avlLL));
-    System.out.printf("  %d long entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
+    System.err.printf("  %d long entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
         nL, (_avlL / nL), _aggregateL, (_aggregateL * 1000 / nL), (_aggregateL * 1000000 / _avlL));
-    System.out.printf("  %d short entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
+    System.err.printf("  %d short entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
         nS, (_avlS / nS), _aggregateS, (_aggregateS * 1000 / nS), (_aggregateS * 1000000 / _avlS));
-    System.out.printf("  %d very short entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
+    System.err.printf("  %d very short entries ave: %d in: %dms; ave %dus per entry, %dns per byte\n",
         nSS, (_avlSS / nSS), _aggregateSS, (_aggregateSS * 1000 / nSS), (_aggregateSS * 1000000 / _avlSS));
     long _startLookup = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Checking random bytes from " + file);
+    System.err.println("Checking random bytes from " + file);
     for (Bytes k : namesMap.keySet()) {
       int i = 0;
-      if (namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(k.bytes, 0)) != namesMap.get(k)) {
+      if (namesTrie.lookup(new Key(k.bytes)).asDataEntry().getValue() != namesMap.get(k)) {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Trie doesn't match Map on entry: " + i + " key:" +
             Arrays.toString(k.bytes) + " value: " + namesTrie.lookup(DataEntry.getEntry(k.bytes, 0)) +
             " value': " + namesMap.get(k));
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
     long _endLookup = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    System.out.println("Test Succeeded with " + file +
+    System.err.println("Test Succeeded with " + file +
         " insert:" + (_endInsert - _startInsert) + " lookup:" + (_endLookup - _startLookup));

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/OnesTable.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/OnesTable.java	2008-09-04 20:14:44 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/OnesTable.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
   static {
     try {
-      FileChannel fc = new FileInputStream("OnesTable.dat").getChannel();
+      String datafile = System.getProperty("org.mulgara.trie.OnesTable", "OnesTable.dat");
+      FileChannel fc = new FileInputStream(datafile).getChannel();
       shortOnesTable = new byte[64*1024];
       onesTable = new byte[64*1024 * 2*256];

Added: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/TrieNode.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/TrieNode.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/trie/TrieNode.java	2008-09-05 05:45:15 UTC (rev 1238)
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ * Copyright Topaz Foundation 2008
+ * Author Andrae Muys
+ * Date 29th August 2008
+ */
+package trie;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import data.Entry;
+import data.TrieEntry;
+ * Implements an in-memory trie - uses ByteMaps to implement trie nodes.
+ *
+ * FIXME: Need to introduce a suitable exception type here so I'm not wrapping IOExceptions as
+ * IllegalStateExceptions.
+ */
+public abstract class TrieNode {
+  protected TrieLeaf aLeaf;
+  /**
+   * @return false if we need to insert key above this node.
+   */
+  public boolean insert(TrieEntry entry) {
+    return insert(new TrieLeaf(entry), 0);
+  }
+  public TrieEntry lookup(Entry key, boolean[] valid) {
+    return lookup(key, 0, valid);
+  }
+  public abstract TrieLeaf getMaxLeaf();
+  protected abstract boolean insert(TrieLeaf node, int parentLcp);
+  protected abstract TrieEntry lookup(Entry key, int parentLcp, boolean[] valid);
+  protected abstract TrieLeaf lookupGreatestLessThan(Entry key, int pOff);
+  // The current approach of checking aLeaf at each level, instead of probing for the best Approx match, and
+  // using that to provide aLeaf for the matching lcp in a second pass may prove inefficient due to the need
+  // to fetch multiple dataentries per pass.  If this proves to be the case lookupApprox can be used to
+  // perform the initial probe, and then passed to lookupLGT to provide the LCP.
+  //
+  // protected abstract TrieLeaf lookupApprox(Entry keybest);
+  protected static boolean regionMatches(Entry lhs, int lhsOff, Entry rhs, int rhsOff, int len) {
+    if (lhsOff < 0 || rhsOff < 0) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (lhs.keySize() < lhsOff + len || rhs.keySize() < rhsOff + len) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    try {
+      int cmp = lhs.keySlice(lhsOff, len).compareTo(rhs.keySlice(rhsOff, len));
+      return (cmp == 0);
+    } catch (IOException ei) {
+      throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to compare entries", ei);
+    }
+  }
+  protected static int regionCompare(Entry lhs, Entry rhs, int offset, int len) {
+    if (offset < 0 || len < 0) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative slice params passed to compare (" + offset + ", " + len + ")");
+    } else if (lhs.keySize() < offset && rhs.keySize() < offset) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Insufficient data for offset:" + offset +
+          " keySizes:(" + lhs.keySize() + ", " + rhs.keySize() + ")");
+    }
+    try {
+      if (lhs.keySize() < offset + len) {
+        return lhs.keySlice(offset, lhs.keySize() - offset).compareTo(rhs.keySlice(offset, len));
+      } else if (rhs.keySize() < offset + len) {
+        return lhs.keySlice(offset, len).compareTo(rhs.keySlice(offset, rhs.keySize() - offset)); 
+      } else {
+        return lhs.keySlice(offset, len).compareTo(rhs.keySlice(offset, len));
+      }
+    } catch (IOException ei) {
+      throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to compare entries", ei);
+    }
+  }
+  protected static class TrieBranch extends TrieNode {
+    protected int offset;
+    protected ByteMap<TrieNode> children;
+    protected TrieLeaf term;
+    protected TrieBranch() {}
+    public TrieBranch(TrieEntry entry) {
+      this.children = new ByteMap<TrieNode>();
+      this.term = new TrieLeaf(entry);
+      this.offset = term.entry.keySize();
+      this.aLeaf = this.term;
+    }
+    public TrieBranch(TrieNode oldRoot, TrieEntry entry) {
+      this(oldRoot, new TrieLeaf(entry));
+    }
+    private TrieBranch(TrieNode oldNode, TrieLeaf newNode) {
+      super();
+      assert oldNode != null;
+      assert newNode != null;
+      offset = 0;
+      children = new ByteMap<TrieNode>();
+      term = null;
+      // as every child node shares a common lcp, any child will suffice when preparing the new
+      // lcp/offset of the new node.
+      aLeaf = newNode;
+      try {
+        Entry lhs = oldNode.aLeaf.entry.rewind();
+        Entry rhs = newNode.entry.rewind();
+        // FIXME: Replace this loop with a compareTo.
+        int i = 0;
+        while (i < lhs.keySize() && i < rhs.keySize()) {
+          byte lb = lhs.get();
+          byte rb = rhs.get();
+          if (lb != rb) {
+            offset = i;
+            children.insert(lb, oldNode);
+            children.insert(rb, newNode);
+            return; // Escape here.
+          }
+          i++;
+        }
+        if (i < lhs.keySize()) {
+          offset = i;
+          children.insert(lhs.get(), oldNode);
+          term = newNode;
+        } else if (i < rhs.keySize()) {
+          if (oldNode instanceof TrieLeaf) {
+            offset = i;
+            children.insert(rhs.get(), newNode);
+            term = (TrieLeaf)oldNode;
+          } else {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to create new branch node with leaf > branch.");
+          }
+        } else {
+          throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to create new branch node with equal children");
+        }
+      } catch (IOException ei) {
+        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to insert entry into trie", ei);
+      }
+    }
+    protected boolean insert(TrieLeaf node, int parentLcp) {
+      if (!regionMatches(aLeaf.entry, parentLcp, node.entry, parentLcp, offset - parentLcp)) {
+        return false;
+      } else {
+        // new node matches the lcp of this node.
+        if (node.entry.keySize() == offset) {
+          // new node is expected to terminate here.
+          if (term == null) {
+            term = node;
+          } else {
+            return term.insert(node, offset);
+          }
+        } else {
+          try {
+            // new node is expected to terminate in one of this nodes children.
+            TrieNode child = children.lookup(node.entry.get(offset));
+            if (child == null) {
+              // this is the first node to be inserted on this branching key.
+              children.insert(node.entry.get(offset), node);
+            } else {
+              // there is an existing child node branching on this branching key.
+              if (!child.insert(node, offset)) {
+                children.insert(node.entry.get(offset), new TrieBranch(child, node));
+              }
+            }
+          } catch (IOException ei) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to insert leaf into trie", ei);
+          }
+        }
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    protected TrieEntry lookup(Entry key, int parentLcp, boolean[] valid) {
+      if (!regionMatches(aLeaf.entry, parentLcp, key, parentLcp, offset - parentLcp)) {
+        //FIXME: I need to migrate this to the end of the search to avoid needing access to the key at each level.
+        valid[0] = false;
+        return null;
+      } else {
+        // new node matches the lcp of this node.
+        TrieNode child;
+        if (key.keySize() == offset) {
+          // new node is expected to terminate here.
+          if (term != null) {
+            valid[0] = true;
+            return term.entry;
+          } else {
+            valid[0] = false;
+            return null;
+          }
+        } else {
+          try {
+            // new node is expected to terminate in one of this nodes children.
+            child = children.lookup(key.get(offset));
+            if (child != null) {
+              return child.lookup(key, offset, valid);
+            } else {
+              valid[0] = false;
+              return null;
+            }
+          } catch (IOException ei) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to lookup entry in trie", ei);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /* Enable this and integrate to reduce data-entry lookups when lookups become a performance issue.
+    protected TrieLeaf lookupApprox(Key key) {
+      if (key.keySize() <= offset) {
+        // Children > key; This-node <= key; Ancestors < key.
+        return term;  // Note: this may be null, in which case it devolves upon the parent.
+      } else {
+        try {
+          // new node is expected to terminate in one of this nodes children.
+          TrieNode child = children.lookup(key.get(offset));
+          TrieNode best;
+          if (child != null) {
+            // There is a child matching this key at offset, so initially assume the key is in the child and
+            // recurse.
+            best = child.lookupApprox(key);
+            if (best != null) {
+              // If best != null then (assuming lcp also matches) we have found match (<=) under the child.
+              return best;
+            } else if (term != null) {
+              // Otherwise we have proven that it is impossible for anything under child to be <= key if our
+              // lcp assumption is correct.  So the only viable matches will be exact 'term' matches in this
+              // or an ancestor. So return 'term' if it exists
+              return term;
+            } else {
+              // Defer to the parent for partial match.
+              return null;
+            }
+          } else {
+            // There is no child matching this key at offset, so we need to consider the closest match less-than
+            // key.
+            TrieNode best = children.lookupGreatestLessThan(key.get(offset));
+            if (best != null) {
+              // If there is a child less-than key, then as we have eliminated equality, the greatest
+              // less-than key will be the max-leaf of this child.
+              return best.getMaxLeaf();
+            } else if (term != null) {
+              // No child less-than key, so return 'term'...
+              return term;
+            } else {
+              // ...or devolve upon parent.
+              return null;
+            }
+          }
+        } catch (IOException ei) {
+          throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to lookup entry in trie", ei);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    */
+    protected TrieLeaf lookupGreatestLessThan(Entry key, int parentLcp) {
+      try {
+        int cmp = regionCompare(aLeaf.entry, key, parentLcp, offset - parentLcp);
+        if (cmp < 0) {
+          // lcp < key 
+          // Any node above, at, or below this is valid, so we will find the key in the max-node.
+          return getMaxLeaf();
+        } else if (cmp == 0) {
+          if (key.keySize() == offset) {
+            // lcp === key
+            return term; // if null this devolves to parent's term.
+          } else {
+            // lcp ~== key
+            byte keyByte = key.get(offset);
+            for (byte k = keyByte; k > 0; k--) {
+              TrieNode child = children.lookup(k);
+              if (child != null) {
+                return child.lookupGreatestLessThan(key, offset);
+              }
+            }
+            return term; // There is no child <= key[offset] so devolve to term/parent.
+          }
+        } else {
+          // lcp > key
+          // No node at or below this is valid, so it must be found in an ancestor.
+          return null;
+        }
+      } catch (IOException ei) {
+        throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to lookupGLT", ei);
+      }
+    }
+    public TrieLeaf getMaxLeaf() {
+      TrieNode node = children.getLast();
+      if (node != null) {
+        return node.getMaxLeaf();
+      } else if (term != null) {
+        return term;
+      } else {
+        throw new IllegalStateException("Internal Trie node contains no children and no term");
+      }
+    }
+    public String toString() {
+      return "Trie-BRANCH[" + (term != null) + " on " + offset + " with " + children.size() + " and aLeaf[" + aLeaf + "]";
+    }
+  }
+  protected static class TrieLeaf extends TrieNode {
+    final TrieEntry entry;
+    protected TrieLeaf(TrieEntry entry) {
+      this.entry = entry;
+      this.aLeaf = this;
+    }
+    protected boolean insert(TrieLeaf node, int parentLcp) {
+      if (entry.keySize() != node.entry.keySize()) {
+        // Key lengths aren't equal so nodes aren't equal and we need to insert a new branch above this node.
+        return false;
+      } else if (!regionMatches(entry, parentLcp, node.entry, parentLcp, node.entry.keySize() - parentLcp)) {
+        // Suffix doesn't match so these nodes aren't equal and we need to insert a new branch above this node.
+        return false;
+      } else {
+        // Key lengths are equal; lcp is equal (precondition to function); and suffixes are equal. Either we
+        // have a duplicate key/value pair or we have a key conflict.  So either return true; or throw
+        // exception.
+        if (entry.equals(node.entry)) {
+          return true; // Duplicate key/value pair.
+        } else {
+          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to insert multiple values for same key");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    protected TrieEntry lookup(Entry key, int parentLcp, boolean[] valid) {
+      assert regionMatches(entry, 0, key, 0, key.keySize());
+      valid[0] = true;
+      return entry;
+    }
+    protected TrieLeaf lookupGreatestLessThan(Entry key, int parentLcp) {
+      assert regionCompare(entry, key, 0, entry.keySize()) <= 0;
+      return this;
+    }
+    public TrieLeaf getMaxLeaf() {
+      return this;
+    }
+    public int indexSize() {
+      return entry.referenceSize();
+    }
+    public int dataSize() {
+      return entry.entrySize();
+    }
+    public String toString() {
+      return "Trie-LEAF: " + entry;
+    }
+  }

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