[Mulgara-svn] r895 - trunk/src/jar/util/java/org/mulgara/util

pag at mulgara.org pag at mulgara.org
Tue May 6 03:42:26 UTC 2008

Author: pag
Date: 2008-05-05 20:42:25 -0700 (Mon, 05 May 2008)
New Revision: 895

A set of utilities for converting strings to numbers, and converting between Java types and XSD datatypes.

Added: trunk/src/jar/util/java/org/mulgara/util/NumberUtil.java
--- trunk/src/jar/util/java/org/mulgara/util/NumberUtil.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/jar/util/java/org/mulgara/util/NumberUtil.java	2008-05-06 03:42:25 UTC (rev 895)
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Open Software License
+ * Version 3.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.txt
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+ * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.mulgara.util;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.net.URI;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.mulgara.query.rdf.XSD;
+ * Provides utilities for parsing numbers, and determining types for numbers.
+ *
+ * @created May 5, 2008
+ * @author Paul Gearon
+ * @copyright &copy; 2007 <a href="mailto:pgearon at users.sourceforge.net">Paul Gearon</a>
+ * @licence <a href="{@docRoot}/../../LICENCE.txt">Open Software License v3.0</a>
+ */
+public class NumberUtil {
+  /**
+   * Converts a string to a number of an appropriate type. The integral types are Long, Integer
+   * and BigDecimal. The only floating point value is Double, since it is difficult to determine
+   * a more appropriate type between Float and Double. It is possible to return Bytes and Shorts,
+   * but these are less commonly used, so have been ignored here.
+   * @param n The string representing the number.
+   * @return A {@link java.lang.Number} containing the parsed data.
+   */
+  static public Number parseNumber(String n) {
+    if (n.indexOf('.') >= 0) return Double.valueOf(n);
+    try {
+      Long l = Long.valueOf(n);
+      if (l <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && l >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) return l.intValue();
+      return l;
+    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+      return new BigInteger(n);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Gets the XSD URI for a numeric class.
+   * @param cls The class to get the XSD URI for.
+   * @return A URI in the XSD namespace for the numeric type given, or <code>null</code> if the
+   *   numeric type is unrecognized.
+   */
+  static public URI getXSD(Class<? extends Number> cls) {
+    NumberStructure<?> st = classToNumber.get(cls);
+    return (st == null) ? null : st.getURI();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Gets the XSD URI for a number.
+   * @param n The number to get the XSD URI for.
+   * @return A URI in the XSD namespace for the number given, or <code>null</code> if the
+   *   numeric type is unrecognized.
+   */
+  static public URI getXSD(Number n) {
+    NumberStructure<?> st = classToNumber.get(n.getClass());
+    return (st == null) ? null : st.getURI();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Gets the numeric Class for a numeric XSD URI.
+   * @param xsdUri The URI for the numeric type.
+   * @return A class that matches the URI, or <code>null</code> if the URI is not recognized.
+   */
+  static public Class<? extends Number> getType(URI xsdUri) {
+    NumberStructure<?> st = xsdToNumber.get(xsdUri);
+    return (st == null) ? null : st.getType();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parses a string representing a number into a numeric type defined by an XSD URI.
+   * @param xsdUri The XSD URI of the numeric type to return.
+   * @param str The string to be parsed for the number.
+   * @return A {@link Number} representing the given string.
+   * @throws NumberFormatException The number could not be parsed into the given type.
+   */
+  static public Number valueOf(URI xsdUri, String str) {
+    NumberStructure<?> st = xsdToNumber.get(xsdUri);
+    return (st == null) ? null : st.valueOf(str);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parses a string representing a number into a numeric type defined by an XSD URI.
+   * @param cls a Numeric class to parse the number with.
+   * @param str The string to be parsed for the number.
+   * @return A {@link Number} representing the given string.
+   * @throws NumberFormatException The number could not be parsed into the given type.
+   */
+  static public Number valueOf(Class<? extends Number> cls, String str) {
+    NumberStructure<?> st = classToNumber.get(cls);
+    return (st == null) ? null : st.valueOf(str);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Internal structures for handling conversion of numeric types to XSD and back
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /** A mapping of Java numeric types to XSD numeric types */
+  private static Map<Class<? extends Number>,NumberStructure<? extends Number>> classToNumber = new HashMap<Class<? extends Number>,NumberStructure<? extends Number>>();
+  /** A mapping of XSD numeric types to Java constructors that can represent those types. */
+  private static Map<URI,NumberStructure<? extends Number>> xsdToNumber = new HashMap<URI,NumberStructure<? extends Number>>();
+  /** An interface for representing a numeric class, the XSD type and a string-parsing constructor. */
+  private static interface NumberStructure<T extends Number> {
+    public URI getURI();
+    public Class<T> getType();
+    public Number valueOf(String str);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Utility for extracting the information out of a number structure for mapping Java and XSD types
+   * to one another.
+   * @param nmb The number structure to get the appropriate mapping information.
+   */
+  private static void mapNumber(NumberStructure<?> nmb) {
+    classToNumber.put(nmb.getType(), nmb);
+    xsdToNumber.put(nmb.getURI(), nmb);
+  }
+  // Map info for each numeric type to that type's structure
+  static {
+    mapNumber(new ByteStruct());
+    mapNumber(new ShortStruct());
+    mapNumber(new IntegerStruct());
+    mapNumber(new LongStruct());
+    mapNumber(new BigIntegerStruct());
+    mapNumber(new FloatStruct());
+    mapNumber(new DoubleStruct());
+    mapNumber(new BigDecimalStruct());
+  }
+  // Implementations of NumerStructtructor follow
+  private static class ByteStruct implements NumberStructure<Byte> {
+    public URI getURI() { return XSD.BYTE_URI; }
+    public Class<Byte> getType() { return Byte.class; }
+    public Number valueOf(String str) { return Byte.valueOf(str); }
+  }
+  private static class ShortStruct implements NumberStructure<Short> {
+    public URI getURI() { return XSD.SHORT_URI; }
+    public Class<Short> getType() { return Short.class; }
+    public Number valueOf(String str) { return Short.valueOf(str); }
+  }
+  private static class IntegerStruct implements NumberStructure<Integer> {
+    public URI getURI() { return XSD.INT_URI; }
+    public Class<Integer> getType() { return Integer.class; }
+    public Number valueOf(String str) { return Integer.valueOf(str); }
+  }
+  private static class LongStruct implements NumberStructure<Long> {
+    public URI getURI() { return XSD.LONG_URI; }
+    public Class<Long> getType() { return Long.class; }
+    public Number valueOf(String str) { return Long.valueOf(str); }
+  }
+  private static class BigIntegerStruct implements NumberStructure<BigInteger> {
+    public URI getURI() { return XSD.INTEGER_URI; }
+    public Class<BigInteger> getType() { return BigInteger.class; }
+    public Number valueOf(String str) { return new BigInteger(str); }
+  }
+  private static class FloatStruct implements NumberStructure<Float> {
+    public URI getURI() { return XSD.FLOAT_URI; }
+    public Class<Float> getType() { return Float.class; }
+    public Number valueOf(String str) { return Float.valueOf(str); }
+  }
+  private static class DoubleStruct implements NumberStructure<Double> {
+    public URI getURI() { return XSD.DOUBLE_URI; }
+    public Class<Double> getType() { return Double.class; }
+    public Number valueOf(String str) { return Double.valueOf(str); }
+  }
+  private static class BigDecimalStruct implements NumberStructure<BigDecimal> {
+    public URI getURI() { return XSD.DECIMAL_URI; }
+    public Class<BigDecimal> getType() { return BigDecimal.class; }
+    public Number valueOf(String str) { return new BigDecimal(str); }
+  }

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