[Mulgara-svn] r1393 - branches/xa11/src/jar/tuples/java/org/mulgara/store/tuples

pag at mulgara.org pag at mulgara.org
Wed Dec 3 00:42:43 UTC 2008

Author: pag
Date: 2008-12-02 16:42:41 -0800 (Tue, 02 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 1393

Updated formatting for vertical whitespace

Modified: branches/xa11/src/jar/tuples/java/org/mulgara/store/tuples/TuplesOperations.java
--- branches/xa11/src/jar/tuples/java/org/mulgara/store/tuples/TuplesOperations.java	2008-12-03 00:00:56 UTC (rev 1392)
+++ branches/xa11/src/jar/tuples/java/org/mulgara/store/tuples/TuplesOperations.java	2008-12-03 00:42:41 UTC (rev 1393)
@@ -37,9 +37,7 @@
 // Local packages
 import org.mulgara.query.*;
-import org.mulgara.query.filter.And;
 import org.mulgara.query.filter.Filter;
-import org.mulgara.query.filter.value.Bool;
 import org.mulgara.resolver.spi.*;
 import org.mulgara.util.StackTrace;
@@ -48,33 +46,17 @@
  * {@link Variable}s to {@link Value}s.
  * @created 2003-01-30
- *
  * @author <a href="http://staff.pisoftware.com/raboczi">Simon Raboczi</a>
- *
- * @version $Revision: 1.12 $
- *
- * @modified $Date: 2005/05/16 11:07:10 $
- *
- * @maintenanceAuthor $Author: amuys $
- *
  * @company <A href="mailto:info at PIsoftware.com">Plugged In Software</A>
- *
- * @copyright &copy; 2003 <A href="http://www.PIsoftware.com/">Plugged In
- *      Software Pty Ltd</A>
- *
+ * @copyright &copy; 2003 <A href="http://www.PIsoftware.com/">Plugged In Software Pty Ltd</A>
  * @licence <a href="{@docRoot}/../../LICENCE">Mozilla Public License v1.1</a>
 public abstract class TuplesOperations {
-  /**
-   * Logger. This is named after the class.
-   */
-  private final static Logger logger =
-      Logger.getLogger(TuplesOperations.class.getName());
+  /** Logger. This is named after the class. */
+  private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TuplesOperations.class.getName());
-  /**
-   * The factory used to generate new {@link Tuples} instances.
-   */
+  /** The factory used to generate new {@link Tuples} instances. */
   private static TuplesFactory tuplesFactory = TuplesFactory.newInstance();
@@ -84,10 +66,9 @@
    * value to a tuples generates an empty result.
    * @return the expression which is never satisfied, no matter what value any
-   *      variable takes
+   *         variable takes
   public static StoreTuples empty() {
     return EmptyTuples.getInstance();
@@ -103,7 +84,6 @@
    * @return the expression which is always true, for any value of any variables
   public static StoreTuples unconstrained() {
     return UnconstrainedTuples.getInstance();
@@ -111,12 +91,11 @@
    * Assign a value to a variable, representing the binding as a tuples with one
    * row and one column.
-   * @param variable PARAMETER TO DO
-   * @param value PARAMETER TO DO
-   * @return RETURNED VALUE TO DO
+   * @param variable The variable to bind
+   * @param value The value in local space to bind the variable to
+   * @return A Tuples with the variable bound to the given value.
   public static Tuples assign(Variable variable, long value) {
     return (value == Tuples.UNBOUND) ? (Tuples)unconstrained()
                                      : new Assignment(variable, value);
@@ -124,9 +103,9 @@
    * This is approximately a disjunction.
-   * @param lhs PARAMETER TO DO
-   * @param rhs PARAMETER TO DO
-   * @return RETURNED VALUE TO DO
+   * @param lhs The first Tuples to be used in the result.
+   * @param rhs The second Tuples to be used in the result.
+   * @return A new Tuples containing all of the bindings from the lhs and rhs parameters.
    * @throws TuplesException if the append fails
   public static Tuples append(Tuples lhs, Tuples rhs) throws TuplesException {
@@ -134,40 +113,39 @@
-  public static Tuples append(List args) throws TuplesException {
-    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-      logger.debug("Appending " + args);
-    }
+  /**
+   * Creates a new Tuples which contains all of the bindings of the Tuples in the argument list.
+   * If any tuples contains variables not found in the other Tuples, then those values will
+   * remain unbound for the bindings of those Tuples missing those variables.
+   * @param args A list of the Tuples to be used in the result.
+   * @return A Tuples containing all of the bindings from the args list.
+   * @throws TuplesException If the data could not be appended.
+   */
+  public static Tuples append(List<? extends Tuples> args) throws TuplesException {
+    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Appending " + args);
-    HashSet variableSet = new HashSet();
-    List variables = new ArrayList();
+    HashSet<Variable> variableSet = new HashSet<Variable>();
+    List<Variable> variables = new ArrayList<Variable>();
     boolean unionCompat = true;
     Variable[] leftVars = null;
-    List operands = new ArrayList();
-    Iterator i = args.iterator();
+    List<Tuples> operands = new ArrayList<Tuples>();
+    Iterator<? extends Tuples> i = args.iterator();
     while (i.hasNext()) {
-      Tuples operand = (Tuples)i.next();
+      Tuples operand = i.next();
       if (operand.isUnconstrained()) {
-        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-          logger.debug("Returning unconstrained from append.");
-        }
+        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Returning unconstrained from append.");
         return unconstrained();
       } else if (operand.getRowCardinality() == Cursor.ZERO) {
-        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-          logger.debug("Ignoring append operand " + operand + " with rowcount = " + operand.getRowCount());
-        }
+        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Ignoring append operand " + operand + " with rowcount = " + operand.getRowCount());
-      operands.add(operand.clone());
+      operands.add((Tuples)operand.clone());
       Variable[] vars = operand.getVariables();
-      if (leftVars == null) {
-        leftVars = vars;
-      } else {
-        unionCompat = unionCompat && Arrays.equals(leftVars, vars);
-      }
+      if (leftVars == null) leftVars = vars;
+      else unionCompat = unionCompat && Arrays.equals(leftVars, vars);
       for (int j = 0; j < vars.length; j++) {
         if (!variableSet.contains(vars[j])) {
@@ -176,22 +154,16 @@
-    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-      logger.debug("Operands after append-unification: " + operands);
-    }
+    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Operands after append-unification: " + operands);
     if (operands.isEmpty()) {
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("Returning empty from append.");
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Returning empty from append.");
       return empty();
     if (operands.size() == 1) {
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("Returning singleton from append.");
-      }
-      return (Tuples)operands.get(0);
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Returning singleton from append.");
+      return operands.get(0);
     if (unionCompat) {
@@ -199,14 +171,12 @@
         logger.debug("Columns are union-compatible");
         logger.debug("Returning OrderedAppend from Union compatible append.");
-      Tuples result = new OrderedAppend((Tuples[])operands.toArray(new Tuples[0]));
+      Tuples result = new OrderedAppend(operands.toArray(new Tuples[operands.size()]));
       return result;
     } else {
-      List projected = new ArrayList();
-      i = operands.iterator();
-      while (i.hasNext()) {
-        Tuples operand = (Tuples)i.next();
+      List<Tuples> projected = new ArrayList<Tuples>();
+      for (Tuples operand: operands) {
         Tuples proj = project(operand, variables);
         Tuples sorted = sort(proj);
@@ -214,10 +184,8 @@
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("Returning OrderedAppend from Non-Union compatible append.");
-      }
-      Tuples result = new OrderedAppend((Tuples[])projected.toArray(new Tuples[0]));
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Returning OrderedAppend from Non-Union compatible append.");
+      Tuples result = new OrderedAppend(projected.toArray(new Tuples[projected.size()]));
       return result;
@@ -225,50 +193,46 @@
-   * This is approximately a conjunction.
+   * Convenience method for doing a binary {@link #join(List)}.
+   * @param lhs The first argument to be joined.
+   * @param rhs The second argument to be joined.
+   * @return A Tuples containing the conjunction of lhs and rhs.
   public static Tuples join(Tuples lhs, Tuples rhs) throws TuplesException {
     return join(Arrays.asList(new Tuples[] { lhs, rhs }));
-  public static Tuples join(List args) throws TuplesException {
+  /**
+   * This is approximately a conjunction. Returns a set of bindings containing all the variables
+   * from both parameters. The only bindings returned are those where all the matching variables
+   * in each argument are bound to the same values.
+   * @param args The Tuples to be joined together.
+   * @return A Tuples containing the conjunction of all the arguments.
+   */
+  public static Tuples join(List<? extends Tuples> args) throws TuplesException {
     try {
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug(printArgs("Flattening args:", args));
-      }
-      List operands = flattenOperands(args);
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(printArgs("Flattening args:", args));
+      List<Tuples> operands = flattenOperands(args);
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug(printArgs("Unifying args: ", operands));
-      }
-      List unified = unifyOperands(operands);
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(printArgs("Unifying args: ", operands));
+      List<Tuples> unified = unifyOperands(operands);
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug(printArgs("Sorting args:", unified));
-      }
-      List sorted = sortOperands(unified);
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(printArgs("Sorting args:", unified));
+      List<Tuples> sorted = sortOperands(unified);
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug(printArgs("Preparing result: ", sorted));
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(printArgs("Preparing result: ", sorted));
       switch (sorted.size()) {
         case 0:
-          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            logger.debug("Short-circuit empty");
-          }
+          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Short-circuit empty");
           return empty();
         case 1:
-          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            logger.debug("Short-circuit singleton");
-          }
-          return (Tuples)sorted.get(0);
+          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Short-circuit singleton");
+          return sorted.get(0);
-          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            logger.debug("return UnboundJoin");
-          }
-          Tuples result = new UnboundJoin((Tuples[]) sorted.toArray(new Tuples[0]));
+          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("return UnboundJoin");
+          Tuples result = new UnboundJoin(sorted.toArray(new Tuples[sorted.size()]));
           return result;
@@ -293,12 +257,9 @@
   public static Tuples subtract(Tuples minuend, Tuples subtrahend) throws TuplesException {
     try {
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("subtracting " + subtrahend + " from " + minuend);
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("subtracting " + subtrahend + " from " + minuend);
       // get the matching columns
-      Set matchingVars = getMatchingVars(minuend, subtrahend);
+      Set<Variable> matchingVars = getMatchingVars(minuend, subtrahend);
       if (matchingVars.isEmpty()) {
         // check to see if the subtrahend is empty
         if (subtrahend.getVariables().length == 0 || minuend.getVariables().length == 0) {
@@ -318,7 +279,7 @@
         // yes, there are extra variables
         logger.debug("removing extra variables not needed in subtraction");
         // project out the extra variables (sorting happens in projection)
-        sortedSubtrahend = project(subtrahend, new ArrayList(matchingVars));
+        sortedSubtrahend = project(subtrahend, new ArrayList<Variable>(matchingVars));
       } else {
         // there were no extra variables in the subtrahend
         logger.debug("All variables needed");
@@ -329,9 +290,7 @@
       try {
         return new Difference(minuend, sortedSubtrahend);
       } finally {
-        if (sortedSubtrahend != subtrahend) {
-          sortedSubtrahend.close();
-        }
+        if (sortedSubtrahend != subtrahend) sortedSubtrahend.close();
     } catch (RuntimeException re) {
@@ -357,9 +316,7 @@
   public static Tuples optionalJoin(Tuples standard, Tuples optional, Filter filter, QueryEvaluationContext context) throws TuplesException {
     try {
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("optional join of " + standard + " optional { " + optional + " }");
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("optional join of " + standard + " optional { " + optional + " }");
       // get the matching columns
       Set<Variable> matchingVars = getMatchingVars(standard, optional);
@@ -389,9 +346,7 @@
       // yes, there are extra variables
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("sorting on the common variables: " + matchingVars);
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("sorting on the common variables: " + matchingVars);
       // re-sort the optional according to the matching variables
       // reorder the optional as necessary
       Tuples sortedOptional = reSort(optional, new ArrayList<Variable>(matchingVars));
@@ -415,29 +370,29 @@
    * Flattens any nested joins to allow polyadic join operations.
+   * @param A list of Tuples which may in turn be nested operations.
+   * @return A flattened list of flattened Tuples. 
-  private static List flattenOperands(List operands) throws TuplesException {
-    List result = new ArrayList();
-    Iterator i = operands.iterator();
-    while (i.hasNext()) {
-      result.addAll(flattenOperand((Tuples)i.next()));
-    }
+  private static List<Tuples> flattenOperands(List<? extends Tuples> operands) throws TuplesException {
+    List<Tuples> result = new ArrayList<Tuples>();
+    for (Tuples operand: operands) result.addAll(flattenOperand(operand));
     return result;
-  private static List flattenOperand(Tuples operand) throws TuplesException {
-    List operands = new ArrayList();
+  /**
+   * Flattens a Tuples into a list of Tuples. This means that joins will be expanded into their components.
+   * @param operand The Tuples to flatten
+   * @return A flattened list.
+   * @throws TuplesException If the Tuples could not be accessed.
+   */
+  private static List<Tuples> flattenOperand(Tuples operand) throws TuplesException {
+    List<Tuples> operands = new ArrayList<Tuples>();
     if (operand instanceof UnboundJoin) {
-      Iterator i = operand.getOperands().iterator();
-      while (i.hasNext()) {
-        operands.add(((Tuples)i.next()).clone());
-      }
+      for (Tuples op: operand.getOperands()) operands.add((Tuples)op.clone());
     } else {
-      operands.add(operand.clone());
+      operands.add((Tuples)operand.clone());
     return operands;
@@ -446,22 +401,22 @@
    * Unifies bound variables in operands.
    * Prepends a LiteralTuples containing constrained variable bindings.
    * If any operand returns 0-rows returns EmptyTuples.
-   *
    * @param operands List of Tuples to unify.  Consumed by this function.
    * @return List of operands remaining after full unification.
-  private static List unifyOperands(List operands) throws TuplesException {
-    Map bindings = new HashMap();
+  private static List<Tuples> unifyOperands(List<Tuples> operands) throws TuplesException {
+    Map<Variable,Long> bindings = new HashMap<Variable,Long>();
     if (!bindSingleRowOperands(bindings, operands)) {
       logger.debug("Returning empty due to shortcircuiting initial bindSingleRowOperands");
-      return new ArrayList(Collections.singletonList(empty()));
+      return new ArrayList<Tuples>(Collections.singletonList(empty()));
-    List result = extractNonReresolvableTuples(operands);
+    List<Tuples> result = extractNonReresolvableTuples(operands);
+    // operands is now effectively a List<ReresolvableResolution>
-    List reresolved;
+    List<ReresolvableResolution> reresolved;
     do {
       reresolved = resolveNewlyBoundFreeNames(operands, bindings);
       if (!bindSingleRowOperands(bindings, reresolved)) {
@@ -469,7 +424,8 @@
         logger.debug("Returning empty due to shortcircuiting progressive bindSingleRowOperands");
-        return new ArrayList(Collections.singletonList(empty()));
+        // wrap in an Array list to convert the generic type
+        return new ArrayList<Tuples>(Collections.singletonList(empty()));
     } while (reresolved.size() != 0);
@@ -484,11 +440,10 @@
    * Extracts all bound names from workingSet into bindings.
-  private static boolean bindSingleRowOperands(Map bindings, List workingSet)
-      throws TuplesException {
-    Iterator iter = workingSet.iterator();
+  private static boolean bindSingleRowOperands(Map<Variable,Long> bindings, List<? extends Tuples> workingSet) throws TuplesException {
+    Iterator<? extends Tuples> iter = workingSet.iterator();
     while (iter.hasNext()) {
-      Tuples tuples = (Tuples)iter.next();
+      Tuples tuples = iter.next();
       switch ((int)tuples.getRowCardinality()) {
         case Cursor.ZERO:
@@ -501,22 +456,15 @@
             for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
               Long value = new Long(tuples.getColumnValue(tuples.getColumnIndex(vars[i])));
               Long oldValue = (Long)bindings.put(vars[i], value);
-              if (oldValue != null && !value.equals(oldValue)) {
-                return false;
-              }
+              if (oldValue != null && !value.equals(oldValue)) return false;
           } else {
             // This should not happen.
             // If the call to getRowCardinality returns > 0 then beforeFirst,
             // and then next should return true too.
-            logger.error(
-                "No rows but getRowCardinality returned Cursor.ONE: (class=" +
-                tuples.getClass().getName() + ") " + tuples.toString() + "\n" +
-                new StackTrace()
-            );
-            throw new AssertionError(
-                "No rows but getRowCardinality returned Cursor.ONE"
-            );
+            logger.error("No rows but getRowCardinality returned Cursor.ONE: (class=" +
+                    tuples.getClass().getName() + ") " + tuples.toString() + "\n" + new StackTrace());
+            throw new AssertionError("No rows but getRowCardinality returned Cursor.ONE");
@@ -534,13 +482,12 @@
-  private static List extractNonReresolvableTuples(List workingSet)
-      throws TuplesException {
-    List nonReresolvable = new ArrayList(workingSet.size());
+  private static List<Tuples> extractNonReresolvableTuples(List<Tuples> workingSet) throws TuplesException {
+    List<Tuples> nonReresolvable = new ArrayList<Tuples>(workingSet.size());
-    Iterator iter = workingSet.iterator();
+    Iterator<Tuples> iter = workingSet.iterator();
     while (iter.hasNext()) {
-      Tuples operand = (Tuples)iter.next();
+      Tuples operand = iter.next();
       if (!(operand instanceof ReresolvableResolution)) {
@@ -554,14 +501,14 @@
    * Compares the free names in the working-set against the current bindings
    * and resolves any constraints found with bindings.
+   * @param workingSet A set of ReresolvableResolution, though it will be represented as a set of Tuples
    * @return List of ConstrainedTuples resulting from any resolutions required.
-  private static List resolveNewlyBoundFreeNames(List workingSet, Map bindings)
-      throws TuplesException {
-    List reresolved = new ArrayList();
-    Iterator iter = workingSet.iterator();
+  private static List<ReresolvableResolution> resolveNewlyBoundFreeNames(List<Tuples> workingSet, Map<Variable,Long> bindings) throws TuplesException {
+    List<ReresolvableResolution> reresolved = new ArrayList<ReresolvableResolution>();
+    Iterator<Tuples> iter = workingSet.iterator();
     while (iter.hasNext()) {
-      ReresolvableResolution tuples = (ReresolvableResolution) iter.next();
+      ReresolvableResolution tuples = (ReresolvableResolution)iter.next();
       ReresolvableResolution updated = tuples.reresolve(bindings);
       if (updated != null) {
@@ -574,18 +521,14 @@
-  private static Tuples createTuplesFromBindings(Map bindings)
-      throws TuplesException {
-    if (bindings.isEmpty()) {
-      return unconstrained();
-    }
+  private static Tuples createTuplesFromBindings(Map<Variable,Long> bindings) throws TuplesException {
+    if (bindings.isEmpty()) return unconstrained();
-    Variable[] vars = (Variable[])bindings.keySet().toArray(new Variable[0]);
+    Set<Variable> keys = bindings.keySet();
+    Variable[] vars = keys.toArray(new Variable[keys.size()]);
     long[] values = new long[vars.length];
-    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
-      values[i] = ((Long)bindings.get(vars[i])).longValue();
-    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) values[i] = bindings.get(vars[i]);
     LiteralTuples tuples = new LiteralTuples(vars);
@@ -597,11 +540,8 @@
    * Calls close on all tuples in operands list.
-  private static void closeOperands(List operands) throws TuplesException {
-    Iterator i = operands.iterator();
-    while (i.hasNext()) {
-      ((Tuples)i.next()).close();
-    }
+  private static void closeOperands(List<? extends Tuples> operands) throws TuplesException {
+    for (Tuples op: operands) op.close();
@@ -610,18 +550,16 @@
    * Each row count is discounted by the number of free-names bound to its left.
    * Weighted-row-count = row-count ^ (free-after-binding / free-before-binding)
-  private static List sortOperands(List operands) throws TuplesException {
-    Set boundVars = new HashSet();
-    List result = new ArrayList();
+  private static List<Tuples> sortOperands(List<Tuples> operands) throws TuplesException {
+    Set<Variable> boundVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
+    List<Tuples> result = new ArrayList<Tuples>();
     while (!operands.isEmpty()) {
       Tuples bestTuples = removeBestTuples(operands, boundVars);
       DefinablePrefixAnnotation definable =
-      if (definable != null) {
-        definable.definePrefix(boundVars);
-      }
+      if (definable != null) definable.definePrefix(boundVars);
       // Add all variables that don't contain UNBOUND to boundVars set.
       // Note: the inefficiency this introduces for distributed results
@@ -631,9 +569,7 @@
       // left-operand it becomes unprefixed.
       Variable[] vars = bestTuples.getVariables();
       for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
-        if (!bestTuples.isColumnEverUnbound(i)) {
-          boundVars.add(vars[i]);
-        }
+        if (!bestTuples.isColumnEverUnbound(i)) boundVars.add(vars[i]);
@@ -644,9 +580,8 @@
   // FIXME: Method too long.  Refactor.
-  private static Tuples removeBestTuples(List operands, Set boundVars)
-      throws TuplesException {
-    ListIterator iter = operands.listIterator();
+  private static Tuples removeBestTuples(List<Tuples> operands, Set<Variable> boundVars) throws TuplesException {
+    ListIterator<Tuples> iter = operands.listIterator();
     Tuples minTuples = null;
     double minRowCount = Double.MAX_VALUE;
     int minIndex = -1;
@@ -656,22 +591,17 @@
     while (iter.hasNext()) {
       Tuples tuples = (Tuples)iter.next();
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("tuples: " + tuplesSummary(tuples));
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("tuples: " + tuplesSummary(tuples));
       // Check tuples meets any mandatory left bindings.
       MandatoryBindingAnnotation bindingRequirements =
-      if (bindingRequirements != null && !bindingRequirements.meetsRequirement(boundVars)) {
-        continue;
-      }
+      if (bindingRequirements != null && !bindingRequirements.meetsRequirement(boundVars)) continue;
       Variable[] vars = tuples.getVariables();
       int numLeftBindings = calculateNumberOfLeftBindings(tuples, boundVars);
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("numLeftBindings: " + numLeftBindings);
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("numLeftBindings: " + numLeftBindings);
       // Basic formula assumes uniform distribution.  So number of rows is the
       // product of the length of each variable taken seperately, hence expected
@@ -703,39 +633,28 @@
     if (minTuples == null) {
       logger.info("Unable to meet ordering constraints with bindings: " + boundVars);
-      Iterator i = operands.iterator();
-      while (i.hasNext()) {
-        logger.info("    Operand: " + tuplesSummary((Tuples)i.next()));
-      }
+      for (Tuples op: operands) logger.info("    Operand: " + tuplesSummary(op));
       throw new TuplesException("Unable to meet ordering constraints");
-    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-      logger.debug("Selected: " + tuplesSummary(minTuples) + " with weightedRowCount: " + minRowCount);
-    }
+    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Selected: " + tuplesSummary(minTuples) + " with weightedRowCount: " + minRowCount);
     return minTuples;
-  private static int calculateNumberOfLeftBindings(Tuples tuples,
-      Set boundVars) throws TuplesException {
+  private static int calculateNumberOfLeftBindings(Tuples tuples, Set<Variable> boundVars) throws TuplesException {
     int numLeftBindings = 0;
     Variable[] vars = tuples.getVariables();
     // If the tuples supports defining a prefix then
     if (tuples.getAnnotation(DefinablePrefixAnnotation.class) != null) {
       for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
-        if (boundVars.contains(vars[i])) {
-          numLeftBindings++;
-        }
+        if (boundVars.contains(vars[i])) numLeftBindings++;
     } else {
       for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
-        if (boundVars.contains(vars[i])) {
-          numLeftBindings++;
-        } else {
-          break;
-        }
+        if (boundVars.contains(vars[i])) numLeftBindings++;
+        else break;
@@ -752,18 +671,14 @@
    * @return RETURNED VALUE TO DO
    * @throws TuplesException if the projection operation fails
-  public static Tuples project(Tuples tuples, List variableList)
-      throws TuplesException {
+  public static Tuples project(Tuples tuples, List<Variable> variableList) throws TuplesException {
     try {
       boolean noVariables = (variableList == null) || (variableList.size() == 0);
-      if (tuples.isUnconstrained() ||
-         (noVariables && tuples.getRowCardinality() != Cursor.ZERO)) {
+      if (tuples.isUnconstrained() || (noVariables && tuples.getRowCardinality() != Cursor.ZERO)) {
-        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-          logger.debug("returning Unconstrained Tuples.");
-        }
+        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("returning Unconstrained Tuples.");
         return TuplesOperations.unconstrained();
       } else if (tuples.getRowCardinality() == Cursor.ZERO) {
@@ -773,9 +688,7 @@
       } else if ((noVariables) && (tuples instanceof ConstrainedNegationTuples)) {
         return empty();
       } else {
-        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-          logger.debug("Projecting to " + variableList);
-        }
+        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Projecting to " + variableList);
         // Perform the actual projection
         Tuples oldTuples = tuples;
@@ -792,12 +705,10 @@
         oldTuples = tuples;
         tuples = removeDuplicates(tuples);
         assert tuples != oldTuples;
-        if (tuples == oldTuples) {
-          logger.warn("removeDuplicates does not change the underlying tuples");
-        } else {
-          oldTuples.close();
-        }
+        if (tuples == oldTuples) logger.warn("removeDuplicates does not change the underlying tuples");
+        else oldTuples.close();
         assert tuples.hasNoDuplicates();
         return tuples;
@@ -808,6 +719,13 @@
+  /**
+   * Creates a new restriction tuples, based on a normal Tuples and a restriction predicate.
+   * @param tuples The tuples to restrict.
+   * @param pred The predicate describing the restriction.
+   * @return A new Tuples whose bindings only match the restriction.
+   * @throws TuplesException If the Tuples could not be accessed.
+   */
   public static Tuples restrict(Tuples tuples, RestrictPredicate pred) throws TuplesException {
     return new RestrictionTuples(tuples, pred);
@@ -830,9 +748,8 @@
    * Sort into default order, based on the columns and local node numbers.
-   *
    * @param tuples the tuples to sort
-   * @return RETURNED VALUE TO DO
+   * @return A new Tuples with the bindings sorted.
    * @throws TuplesException if the sorting can't be accomplished
   public static Tuples sort(Tuples tuples) throws TuplesException {
@@ -842,17 +759,13 @@
       } else if (tuples.getRowCardinality() == Cursor.ZERO) {
         tuples = empty();
       } else {
-        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-          logger.debug("Sorting " + tuples.getRowCount() + " rows");
-        }
+        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Sorting " + tuples.getRowCount() + " rows");
         tuples = tuplesFactory.newTuples(tuples);
         assert tuples.getComparator() != null;
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("Sorted " + tuples.getRowCount() + " rows");
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Sorted " + tuples.getRowCount() + " rows");
       return tuples;
     } else {
@@ -865,24 +778,15 @@
    * @param tuples the tuples to sort
    * @param rowComparator the ordering
-   * @return RETURNED VALUE TO DO
+   * @return A Tuples with bindings sorted according to the rowComparator.
    * @throws TuplesException if the sorting can't be accomplished
-  public static Tuples sort(Tuples tuples,
-      RowComparator rowComparator) throws TuplesException {
+  public static Tuples sort(Tuples tuples, RowComparator rowComparator) throws TuplesException {
     if (!rowComparator.equals(tuples.getComparator())) {
       tuples = tuplesFactory.newTuples(tuples, rowComparator);
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("Sorted: " + tuples + " (using supplied row comparator)");
-      }
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Sorted: " + tuples + " (using supplied row comparator)");
       return tuples;
-    }
-    else {
+    } else {
       return (Tuples) tuples.clone();
@@ -963,10 +867,9 @@
    * @param tuples  the instance to limit
    * @param rowCount the number of leading rows to retain
    * @return the truncated tuples
-   * @throws TuplesException EXCEPTION TO DO
+   * @throws TuplesException If there was an error accessing the Tuples.
-  public static Tuples limit(Tuples tuples, long rowCount)
-    throws TuplesException {
+  public static Tuples limit(Tuples tuples, long rowCount) throws TuplesException {
     return new LimitedTuples((Tuples) tuples.clone(), rowCount);
@@ -974,17 +877,13 @@
    * If a tuples is virtual, evaluate and store it.
    * @param tuples the instance to materialize
-   * @return RETURNED VALUE TO DO
-   * @throws TuplesException EXCEPTION TO DO
+   * @return A set of Tuples with any virtual bindings converted into actual bindings.
+   * @throws TuplesException If there was an error evaluating the virtual bindings
   public static Tuples materialize(Tuples tuples) throws TuplesException {
     if (tuples.isMaterialized()) {
-      return (Tuples) tuples.clone();
-    }
-    else {
+      return (Tuples)tuples.clone();
+    } else {
       return tuplesFactory.newTuples(tuples);
@@ -998,32 +897,27 @@
    * @param tuples  the instance to offset
    * @param rowCount the number of leading rows to remove
    * @return the remaining rows, if any
-   * @throws TuplesException EXCEPTION TO DO
+   * @throws TuplesException If there was an error accessing the tuples.
-  public static Tuples offset(Tuples tuples, long rowCount)
-      throws TuplesException {
-    return new OffsetTuples((Tuples) tuples.clone(), rowCount);
+  public static Tuples offset(Tuples tuples, long rowCount) throws TuplesException {
+    return new OffsetTuples((Tuples)tuples.clone(), rowCount);
    * Filter out duplicate rows.
-   * @param tuples PARAMETER TO DO
-   * @return RETURNED VALUE TO DO
-   * @throws TuplesException EXCEPTION TO DO
+   * @param tuples The tuples to filter.
+   * @return An equivalent Tuples, but with duplicate bindings removed.
+   * @throws TuplesException If there was an error accessing the tuples.
   public static Tuples removeDuplicates(Tuples tuples) throws TuplesException {
     if (tuples.hasNoDuplicates()) {
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("Didn't need to remove duplicates");
-      }
-      return (Tuples) tuples.clone();
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Didn't need to remove duplicates");
+      return (Tuples)tuples.clone();
-    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-      logger.debug("Removing duplicates");
-    }
+    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Removing duplicates");
     if (tuples.getComparator() == null) {
       Tuples oldTuples = tuples;
@@ -1039,12 +933,8 @@
       return tuples;
-    }
-    else {
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("Already sorted: " + tuples);
-      }
+    } else {
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Already sorted: " + tuples);
       Tuples result = new DistinctTuples(tuples);
       return result;
@@ -1056,18 +946,16 @@
-  public static StringBuffer tuplesSummary(Tuples tuples) {
-    StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
+  public static StringBuilder tuplesSummary(Tuples tuples) {
+    StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
     buff.append("<" + System.identityHashCode(tuples) + ">");
-    if (!tuples.isMaterialized()) {
-      buff.append("~");
-    } else {
-      buff.append("=");
-    }
+    if (!tuples.isMaterialized()) buff.append("~");
+    else buff.append("=");
     try {
     } catch (TuplesException et) {
@@ -1078,17 +966,13 @@
     Variable[] vars = tuples.getVariables();
     if (vars.length > 0) {
-      for (int i = 1; i < vars.length; i++) {
-        buff.append(", " + vars[i].toString());
-      }
+      for (int i = 1; i < vars.length; i++) buff.append(", " + vars[i].toString());
     try {
       MandatoryBindingAnnotation mba = (MandatoryBindingAnnotation)tuples.getAnnotation(MandatoryBindingAnnotation.class);
-      if (mba != null) {
-        buff.append(" :: MBA{ " + mba.requiredVariables() + " }");
-      }
+      if (mba != null) buff.append(" :: MBA{ " + mba.requiredVariables() + " }");
     } catch (TuplesException et) {
       logger.error("Failed to obtain annotation", et);
@@ -1127,90 +1011,40 @@
     // get the variable list
     Variable[] sv = tuples.getVariables();
     for (int i = 0; i < sv.length; i++) {
-      if (!vars.contains(sv[i])) {
-        // extra variable
-        return true;
-      }
+      if (!vars.contains(sv[i])) return true;  // extra variable
     return false;
-  private static String printArgs(String header, List args) {
-    StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(header + "[");
-    Iterator i = args.iterator();
-    if (i.hasNext()) {
-      buff.append(tuplesSummary((Tuples)i.next()));
+  /**
+   * Convert a list of Tuples into a string.
+   * @param header The header for the returned string.
+   * @param args The tuples to print.
+   * @return The string containing the full list of tuples.
+   */
+  private static String printArgs(String header, List<? extends Tuples> args) {
+    StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(header);
+    buff.append("[");
+    boolean first = true;
+    for (Tuples arg: args) {
+      if (!first) {
+        buff.append(", ");
+        first = false;
+      }
+      buff.append(tuplesSummary(arg));
-    while (i.hasNext()) {
-      buff.append(", " + tuplesSummary((Tuples)i.next()));
-    }
     return buff.toString();
-  private static StringBuffer indentedTuplesTree(Tuples tuples, String indent) {
-    StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
+  private static StringBuilder indentedTuplesTree(Tuples tuples, String indent) {
+    StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
-    Iterator it = tuples.getOperands().iterator();
-    while (it.hasNext()) {
-      buff.append(" ").append(indentedTuplesTree((Tuples)it.next(), indent + ".   "));
-    }
+    for (Tuples t: tuples.getOperands()) buff.append(" ").append(indentedTuplesTree(t, indent + ".   "));
     return buff;
-  /**
-   * Count the number of leading columns and order has that are included in a
-   * set variables.
-   *
-   * @param variableSet the set of variables
-   * @param order the order
-   * @return RETURNED VALUE TO DO
-   */
-  private static int leadingBindings(Tuples order, Set variableSet) {
-    Variable[] variables = order.getVariables();
-    int i = 0;
-    while ( (i < variables.length) && variableSet.contains(variables[i])) {
-      i++;
-    }
-    return i;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Calculate projection orderings that allow indexed joins to function
-   * optimally.
-   *
-   * @param self the tuples for which to generate a projection ordering
-   * @param other the tuples the generated projection ordering should match
-   * @return the projection ordering
-   */
-  private static List generateProjectionOrder(Tuples self, Tuples other) {
-    // Calculate a new column ordering for self which moves all the columns
-    // it has in common with the other into its prefix
-    LinkedList selfColumns = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(self.getVariables()));
-    List otherColumns = Arrays.asList(other.getVariables());
-    LinkedList suffix = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(self.getVariables()));
-    suffix.removeAll(otherColumns);
-    selfColumns.retainAll(otherColumns);
-    selfColumns.addAll(suffix);
-    return selfColumns;
-  }

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