[Mulgara-svn] r1161 - trunk/src/jar/store-xa/java/org/mulgara/store/xa

pag at mulgara.org pag at mulgara.org
Sat Aug 23 01:52:54 UTC 2008

Author: pag
Date: 2008-08-22 18:52:53 -0700 (Fri, 22 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 1161

updated to allow ownership of a nodepool and to put objects without knowing the gnode beforehand

Modified: trunk/src/jar/store-xa/java/org/mulgara/store/xa/XAStringPool.java
--- trunk/src/jar/store-xa/java/org/mulgara/store/xa/XAStringPool.java	2008-08-23 01:51:05 UTC (rev 1160)
+++ trunk/src/jar/store-xa/java/org/mulgara/store/xa/XAStringPool.java	2008-08-23 01:52:53 UTC (rev 1161)
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
 package org.mulgara.store.xa;
 // Internal packages.
+import org.mulgara.store.StoreException;
 import org.mulgara.store.nodepool.*;
+import org.mulgara.store.stringpool.SPObject;
 import org.mulgara.store.stringpool.StringPool;
 import org.mulgara.store.stringpool.StringPoolException;
@@ -68,12 +70,41 @@
    * Advise that this string pool is no longer needed.
-  public void close() throws StringPoolException;
+  public void close() throws StoreException;
    * Close this string pool, if it is currently open, and remove all files
    * associated with it.
-  public void delete() throws StringPoolException;
+  public void delete() throws StoreException;
+  /**
+   * Adds a [graph node:SPObject] pair to the string pool.  If the SPObject exists
+   * a StringPoolException is thrown.
+   * @param spObject The SPObject to be stored.
+   * @return The gNode allocated to store the SPObject.
+   * @throws StringPoolException if either the graph node or the SPObject.
+   * already exists in the pool or an internal error occurs.
+   */
+  public long put(SPObject spObject) throws StringPoolException, NodePoolException;
+  /**
+   * Finds and returns the graph node corresponding to <var>spObject</var>.  If
+   * the SPObject is not in the string pool then a new node is allocated from
+   * the internal node pool and the [graph node:SPObject] pair is added to the
+   * string pool.  The use of this method is faster than calling the
+   * findGNode(), NodePool.newNode() and put() methods separately.
+   *
+   * @param spObject An SPObject to search for within the pool.
+   * @param create A flag to indicate that new nodes should be created if needed.
+   * @return the graph node corresponding to <var>spObject</var>.
+   * @throws StringPoolException if an internal error occurs.
+   */
+  public long findGNode(SPObject spObject, boolean create) throws StringPoolException;
+  /**
+   * Sets the node pool to be used in association with this StringPool.
+   * @param nodePool The node pool this string pool will allocate nodes from.
+   */
+  public void setNodePool(XANodePool nodePool);

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