[Mulgara-svn] r826 - projects/xa2/object-pool/src

andrae at mulgara.org andrae at mulgara.org
Wed Apr 23 08:34:47 UTC 2008

Author: andrae
Date: 2008-04-23 01:34:46 -0700 (Wed, 23 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 826

Doesn't compile, but it is a first cut at reading the serialized Tries from Blocks.

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/ByteMap.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/ByteMap.java	2008-04-23 06:53:28 UTC (rev 825)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/ByteMap.java	2008-04-23 08:34:46 UTC (rev 826)
@@ -27,6 +27,21 @@
     data = (T[])new Object[0];
+  public ByteMap(ByteBuffer index, Map<Short, T> nodeMap) {
+    high = bb.getShort();
+    low = new short[ones(high)];
+    dataCount = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < low.length; i++) {
+      low[i] = bb.getShort();
+      dataCount += ones(low[i]);
+    }
+    data = (T[])new Object[dataCount];
+    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+      short t = index.getShort();
+      data[i] = nodeMap.get(t);
+    }
+  }
    * @param datum Value to be associated with key.  Note: Must not be null.
    * @return the old value associated with key, or null if this is a new mapping.

Modified: projects/xa2/object-pool/src/CompMemTrie.java
--- projects/xa2/object-pool/src/CompMemTrie.java	2008-04-23 06:53:28 UTC (rev 825)
+++ projects/xa2/object-pool/src/CompMemTrie.java	2008-04-23 08:34:46 UTC (rev 826)
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
   public static class InsufficientSpace extends Exception
       { public InsufficientSpace(String s) { super(s); } };
-  static byte TYPE_BRANCH_TERM = 0x01;   // Indicates a trie branch with a termination entry..
-  static byte TYPE_BRANCH_NOTERM = 0x02; // Indicates a trie branch without a termination entry..
-  static byte TYPE_LEAF = 0x03; // Indicates a trie branch without a termination entry..
+  static final byte TYPE_BRANCH_TERM = 0x01;   // Indicates a trie branch with a termination entry..
+  static final byte TYPE_BRANCH_NOTERM = 0x02; // Indicates a trie branch without a termination entry..
+  static final byte TYPE_LEAF = 0x03; // Indicates a trie branch without a termination entry..
+  public final static int MAGIC = 0x00020001;
+  public final static int INVERT_MAGIC = 0x01000200;
   protected TrieNode root;
-  public static int MAGIC = 0x00010001;
   public CompMemTrie() {
     this.root = null;
@@ -66,7 +67,45 @@
     index.putShort(index.limit() - 2, root.location);
+  public static CompMemTrie read(ByteBuffer index, FileChannel data) throws IOException {
+    index.rewind(); // Note sure if I should doing this here or delegating to the caller.
+    int magic = index.getInt();
+    if (magic != MAGIC) {
+      if (magic == INVERT_MAGIC) {
+        index.order(index.order().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
+      } else {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad magic in index buffer: " + magic + ", MAGIC=" + MAGIC);
+      }
+    }
+    short rootLocation = index.getShort(index.limit() - 2);
+    // I should be able to replace this with a stack.
+    // The child->parent relationship is implicit in the ordering of the nodes in the file.
+    // The only thing we need to know is when to stop reading nodes and that is provided by rootLocation.
+    // If treated as a stack once we have read the root the stack should contain only a single element - the
+    // root node.
+    // For now I'm hoping the HashMap will help with debugging - but it is wasteful of memory in the long run.
+    HashMap<Short, TrieNode> nodeMap = new HashMap<Short, TrieNode>();
+    while (index.position() < rootLocation) {
+      short location = (short)index.position();
+      byte type = index.get();
+      switch (type) {
+        case TYPE_BRANCH_TERM:
+          nodeMap.put(location, TrieBranch.readTerm(index, true, nodeMap));
+          break;
+        case TYPE_BRANCH_NOTERM:
+          nodeMap.put(location, TrieBranch.readNoTerm(index, false, nodeMap));
+          break;
+        case TYPE_BRANCH_LEAF:
+          nodeMap.put(location, TrieLeaf.readLeaf(index, data));
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    root = nodeMap.get(rootLocation);
+  }
   protected abstract static class TrieNode {
     protected static class InsertAbove extends Exception {} ;
@@ -160,7 +199,21 @@
       return total;
+    protected TrieBranch(ByteBuffer index, Map<Short, TrieNode> nodeMap, boolean hasTerm) throws IOException {
+      location = (short)index.position() - 1;
+      index.get();  // skip padding.
+      offset = index.getInt();
+      if (hasTerm) {
+        term = (TrieLeaf)nodeMap.get(index.getShort());
+      }
+      children = new ByteMap<TrieNode>(index, nodeMap);
+    }
     protected void write(ByteBuffer index, FileChannel data) throws IOException {
+      if (term != null) {
+        term.write(index, data);
+      }
       for (TrieNode child : children) {
         child.write(index, data);
@@ -256,6 +309,7 @@
     protected long lookup(byte[] key, int parentLcd) throws NotFound {
       if (!regionMatches(aLeaf.key, parentLcd, key, parentLcd, offset - parentLcd)) {
+        //FIXME: I need to migrate this to the end of the search to avoid needing access to the key at each level.
         throw new NotFound();
       } else {
         // new node matches the lcp of this node.
@@ -298,6 +352,19 @@
       this.aLeaf = this;
+    protected TrieLeaf(ByteBuffer index, FileChannel data) throws IOException {
+      location = (short)index.position() - 1;
+      index.get();
+      keyLocation = getLong();
+      data.position(keyLocation);
+      ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(14);
+      data.read(bb);
+      value = bb.getLong();
+      length = bb.getInt();
+      key = new byte[length]; // FIXME: I eventually need to replace this with a lazy load.
+      data.read(ByteBuffer.wrap(key));
+    }
     protected void insert(TrieLeaf node, int parentLcp) throws InsertAbove {
       if (key.length != node.key.length) {
         throw cont;

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