[Mulgara-svn] r534 - branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql

pag at mulgara.org pag at mulgara.org
Tue Nov 13 22:08:40 UTC 2007

Author: pag
Date: 2007-11-13 16:08:39 -0600 (Tue, 13 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 534

Fixed up handling of transaction commands. Was doing different things for different commands, but now they are all handled consistently.

Modified: branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/TqlAutoInterpreter.java
--- branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/TqlAutoInterpreter.java	2007-11-13 22:02:27 UTC (rev 533)
+++ branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/TqlAutoInterpreter.java	2007-11-13 22:08:39 UTC (rev 534)
@@ -334,21 +334,20 @@
    * @throws QueryException Can be caused by a failed change into a transaction.
   void updateConnectionsForTx(Connection conn, Command cmd) throws QueryException {
-    // check if the transaction state changed. This will happen for setAutocommit operations.
-    if (inTransaction == conn.getAutoCommit()) {
-      assert cmd instanceof org.mulgara.query.operation.SetAutoCommit: "Got a state change on " + cmd.getClass() + " instead of SetAutoCommit";
-      // update the client state
-      inTransaction = !conn.getAutoCommit();
-      if (inTransaction) {
-        // Started a transaction. All connection changes set this state on the new connection.
-        assert transConnections.isEmpty();
-      } else {
-        handleTxOp((TxOp)cmd);
-        assert transConnections.isEmpty();
-      }
-    } else if (cmd.isTxOperation()) {
-      // this is a commit or rollback.  Inform every connection we've used in this transaction.
+    // check if the transaction state changed on a setAutocommit operations, or if the command is a Tx operation
+    if (inTransaction == conn.getAutoCommit() || cmd.isTxCommitRollback()) {
+      // check that transaction changes came from setAutoCommit commands
+      assert inTransaction != conn.getAutoCommit() || cmd instanceof org.mulgara.query.operation.SetAutoCommit: "Got a state change on " + cmd.getClass() + " instead of SetAutoCommit";
+      // check that if we are starting a transaction then the transConnections list is empty
+      assert conn.getAutoCommit() || transConnections.isEmpty();
+      // save the number of active connections
+      int activeConnections = transConnections.size();
+      // handle the transaction operation
+      // check that if we have left a transaction, then the connection list is empty
+      assert inTransaction || transConnections.isEmpty();
+      // check that if we are still in a transaction, then the connection list has not changed
+      assert !inTransaction || activeConnections == transConnections.size();
@@ -365,26 +364,24 @@
     QueryException qe = null;
     String errorMessage = null;
-    if (inTransaction) {
-      // Operate on all outstanding transactions.
-      Iterator<Connection> c = transConnections.iterator();
-      while (c.hasNext()) {
-        try {
-          // do the work
-          op.execute(c.next());
-        } catch (QueryException e) {
-          // store the details of the first exception only
-          if (qe != null) logger.error("Discarding subsequent exception during operation: " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(), e);
-          else {
-            qe = e;
-            errorMessage = op.getResultMessage();
-          }
+    // Operate on all outstanding transactions.
+    Iterator<Connection> c = transConnections.iterator();
+    while (c.hasNext()) {
+      try {
+        // do the work
+        op.execute(c.next());
+      } catch (QueryException e) {
+        // store the details of the first exception only
+        if (qe != null) logger.error("Discarding subsequent exception during operation: " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(), e);
+        else {
+          qe = e;
+          errorMessage = op.getResultMessage();
-      // will only get here once all connections were processed.
-      inTransaction = op.stayInTx();
-      if (!inTransaction) transConnections.clear();
+    // will only get here once all connections were processed.
+    inTransaction = op.stayInTx();
+    if (!inTransaction) transConnections.clear();
     // if an exception was recorded, then throw it
     if (qe != null) {

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