[Mulgara-svn] r526 - branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql
pag at mulgara.org
pag at mulgara.org
Fri Nov 9 21:21:33 UTC 2007
Author: pag
Date: 2007-11-09 15:21:32 -0600 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 526
Cleaned up formatting, removed warnings, and updated guest at pisoftware.com emails to the mulgara domain
Modified: branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/Collaborator.java
--- branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/Collaborator.java 2007-11-08 21:10:56 UTC (rev 525)
+++ branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/Collaborator.java 2007-11-09 21:21:32 UTC (rev 526)
@@ -28,25 +28,17 @@
package org.mulgara.itql;
// Java APIs
-import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.*;
-import javax.activation.DataHandler;
// Mail api
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
-import javax.xml.parsers.*;
-import javax.xml.transform.*;
-import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
-import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
// Third party packages
import org.apache.log4j.*;
import org.apache.soap.*;
-import org.apache.soap.rpc.*;
-import org.apache.soap.util.xml.*;
import org.jrdf.graph.URIReference;
@@ -58,7 +50,6 @@
import org.mulgara.query.Variable;
import org.mulgara.query.rdf.LiteralImpl;
import org.mulgara.util.StringUtil;
-import org.w3c.dom.*;
* Collaborator contains methods to store and manipulate annotations for the
@@ -69,12 +60,6 @@
* @author <a href="http://staff.PIsoftware.com/tate/">Tate Jones</a>
- * @version $Revision: 1.8 $
- *
- * @modified $Date: 2005/01/05 04:58:15 $
- *
- * @maintenanceAuthor $Author: newmana $
- *
* @company <A href="mailto:info at PIsoftware.com">Plugged In Software</A>
* @copyright © 2002-2003 <A href="http://www.PIsoftware.com/">Plugged In
@@ -84,165 +69,109 @@
public class Collaborator {
- /**
- * Get line separator.
- */
+ /** the logging category to log to */
+ private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Collaborator.class.getName());
+ /** Get line separator. */
private static final String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator");
- /**
- * Default server name to query
- */
+ /** Default server name to query */
private static String SERVER_NAME = "server1";
- /**
- * Default server to query
- */
+ /** Default server to query */
private static String SERVER = "";
//Determine the localhost name
static {
try {
SERVER = "rmi://" + java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName() +
"/" + SERVER_NAME + "#";
} catch (java.net.UnknownHostException ex) {
System.err.print("Unable to determine local host name :" + ex.toString());
- /**
- * The ITQL interpreter Bean.
- */
+ /** The ITQL interpreter Bean. */
private static ItqlInterpreterBean itqlBean = null;
- /**
- * Default model to use
- */
+ /** Default model to use */
private final static String MODEL = "collaborator";
- /**
- * Namespace for document
- */
- private final static String NS =
- "http://mulgara.org/mulgara/Annotation#";
+ /** Namespace for document */
+ private final static String NS = "http://mulgara.org/mulgara/Annotation#";
- /**
- * Email address predicate
- */
+ /** Email address predicate */
private final static String EMAIL_ADDRESS = NS + "emailAddress";
- /**
- * Nick name predicate
- */
+ /** Nick name predicate */
private final static String NICK_NAME = NS + "nickName";
- /**
- * Text predicate
- */
+ /** Text predicate */
private final static String TEXT = NS + "text";
- /**
- * documentId predicate
- */
+ /** documentId predicate */
private final static String DOCUMENT_ID = NS + "documentId";
- /**
- * annotationId predicate
- */
+ /** annotationId predicate */
private final static String ANNOTATION_ID_PREFIX = NS + "annotationId";
- /**
- * annotationId predicate
- */
+ /** annotationId predicate */
private final static String DATE = NS + "lastUpdate";
- /**
- * page number predicate
- */
+ /** page number predicate */
private final static String PAGE_NUMBER = NS + "pageNumber";
- /**
- * x position predicate
- */
+ /** x position predicate */
private final static String X_POSITION = NS + "xPosition";
- /**
- * y position predicate
- */
+ /** y position predicate */
private final static String Y_POSITION = NS + "yPosition";
- /**
- * x anchor predicate
- */
+ /** x anchor predicate */
private final static String X_ANCHOR = NS + "xAnchor";
- /**
- * y anchor predicate
- */
+ /** y anchor predicate */
private final static String Y_ANCHOR = NS + "yAnchor";
- /**
- * height predicate
- */
+ /** height predicate */
private final static String HEIGHT = NS + "height";
- /**
- * width predicate
- */
+ /** width predicate */
private final static String WIDTH = NS + "width";
- /**
- * Access key prefix
- */
+ /** Access key prefix */
private final static String KEY_PREFIX = NS + "key";
- /**
- * Check Mulgara for the collaborator model
- */
+ /** Check Mulgara for the collaborator model */
private final static String CHECK_MODEL =
"select $model from <" + SERVER + "> " +
"where $model <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> " +
"<http://mulgara.org/mulgara#Model> ;";
- /**
- * Create model for collaborator
- */
- private final static String CREATE_MODEL = "create <" + SERVER + MODEL +
- ">;";
+ /** Create model for collaborator */
+ private final static String CREATE_MODEL = "create <" + SERVER + MODEL + ">;";
- /**
- * Delete the collaboration model
- */
+ /** Delete the collaboration model */
private final static String DROP_MODEL = "drop <" + SERVER + MODEL + ">;";
- /**
- * Check for registration
- */
+ /** Check for registration */
private final static String CHECK_REGISTRATION =
"select $key from <" + SERVER + MODEL + "> " + "where $key <" +
EMAIL_ADDRESS + "> <mailto:~01> ;";
- /**
- * Check for registration
- */
+ /** Check for registration */
private final static String INSERT_REGISTRATION =
"insert <" + KEY_PREFIX + "~01> <" + EMAIL_ADDRESS +
"> <mailto:~02> into <" + SERVER + MODEL + ">; " + "insert <" +
"~01> <" + NICK_NAME + "> '~03' into <" + SERVER + MODEL + ">; ";
- /**
- * Check for access key
- */
+ /** Check for access key */
private final static String CHECK_ACCESS_KEY =
"select $emailaddress from <" + SERVER + MODEL + "> " + "where <" +
KEY_PREFIX + "~01> $emailaddress <mailto:~02> ;";
- /**
- * Create annotation
- */
+ /** Create annotation */
private final static String INSERT_ANNOTATION =
"insert <" + ANNOTATION_ID_PREFIX + "~01> <" + EMAIL_ADDRESS +
"> <mailto:~02> into <" + SERVER + MODEL + ">; " + "insert <" +
@@ -264,24 +193,18 @@
ANNOTATION_ID_PREFIX + "~01> <" + DOCUMENT_ID + "> '~13' into <" + SERVER +
MODEL + ">; ";
- /**
- * Retrieve an annotation
- */
+ /** Retrieve an annotation */
private final static String RETRIEVE_ANNOTATION =
"select $predicate $object from <" + SERVER + MODEL + "> " + "where <" +
ANNOTATION_ID_PREFIX + "~01> $predicate $object and " + " <" +
ANNOTATION_ID_PREFIX + "~01> <" + DOCUMENT_ID + "> '~02';";
- /**
- * Delete an annotation statement
- */
+ /** Delete an annotation statement */
private final static String DELETE_ANNOTATION_STATEMENT =
"delete <" + ANNOTATION_ID_PREFIX + "~01> <~02> ~03 from <" + SERVER +
MODEL + ">;";
- /**
- * Retrieve all annotations
- */
+ /** Retrieve all annotations */
private final static String RETRIEVE_ANNOTATIONS =
"select $annotationId $emailaddress $nickname $text $pageno " +
"$x $y $xanchor $yanchor $height $width $lastupdated $documentid " +
@@ -297,31 +220,26 @@
"$annotationId <" + DATE + "> $lastupdated and " + "$annotationId <" +
DOCUMENT_ID + "> $documentid ;";
- /**
- * the logging category to log to
- */
- private final static Logger log =
- Logger.getLogger(Collaborator.class.getName());
+ /** Method identifier used for transaction naming */
+ private static final String EXECUTE_COMMAND_TX = "executeCommand";
- /**
- * For testing purposes only!!
- */
+ /** Method identifier used for transaction naming */
+ private static final String ADD_ANNOTATION_TX = "addAnnotation";
+ /** Method identifier used for transaction naming */
+ private static final String REMOVE_ANNOTATION_TX = "removeAnnotation";
+ /** For testing purposes only!! */
public String lastAccessKeyCreated = null;
- /**
- * Date formater
- */
+ /** Date formater */
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getInstance();
- /**
- * Track the document updates
- */
- private final Map documentUpdates = new HashMap();
+ /** Track the document updates */
+ private final Map<String,Long> documentUpdates = new HashMap<String,Long>();
- /**
- * Track when a user last retrieved annotaions for a document
- */
- private final Map lastChecked = new HashMap();
+ /** Track when a user last retrieved annotaions for a document */
+ private final Map<String,Long> lastChecked = new HashMap<String,Long>();
* The Collaborator will create the ITQL interpreter bean.
@@ -333,16 +251,11 @@
itqlBean = new ItqlInterpreterBean();
//Has the server name been determined
- if (SERVER.length() == 0) {
+ if (SERVER.length() == 0) log.fatal("Unable to determine localhost name");
- log.fatal("Unable to determine localhost name");
- }
try {
- this.initializeModel();
+ initializeModel();
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.fatal("Unable to initialize collaboration model", ex);
@@ -355,6 +268,7 @@
public void close() {
if (itqlBean != null) {
+ itqlBean = null;
@@ -467,24 +381,19 @@
boolean registered = false;
//Check supplied parameters
- if ( (emailAddress == null) ||
+ if ((emailAddress == null) ||
(nickName == null) ||
(emailAddress.length() == 0) ||
(nickName.length() == 0)) {
log.warn("Null paramaters supplied for email address or nickname");
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Email address and nick name must be supplied");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Email address and nick name must be supplied");
//TODO : validate email address
//Check for existing registration
- if (this.executeCommand(CHECK_REGISTRATION, new String[] {emailAddress}
- ,
- 0, false)) {
+ if (executeCommand(CHECK_REGISTRATION, new String[] {emailAddress}, 0, false)) {
//new registration required
// TODO : create a better access key
@@ -494,28 +403,20 @@
lastAccessKeyCreated = key;
//TODO : Calculate expiry date
- registered =
- this.executeCommand(INSERT_REGISTRATION,
- new String[] {key, emailAddress, nickName}
- ,
+ registered = executeCommand(INSERT_REGISTRATION, new String[] {key, emailAddress, nickName},
"Successfully inserted", true);
//Send an email with the registration key
if (registered) {
- this.sendEmail("foo at localhost", emailAddress,
+ sendEmail("foo at localhost", emailAddress,
"Collaborator Registration",
- "Welcome to Mulgara Collaborator. Your access key is " +
- key);
+ "Welcome to Mulgara Collaborator. Your access key is " + key);
} else {
log.warn("Existing registration already exists for " + emailAddress);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Your Email address has already been registered");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Your Email address has already been registered");
return registered;
@@ -529,50 +430,36 @@
* @param key evaulation key ?
* @param emailAddress email address to validate against the access key
* @return returns true is the evaluation key is valid
- * @throws SOAPException excepted errors are : ?key is invaild, key has
- * expired ?
+ * @throws SOAPException excepted errors are : ?key is invaild, key has expired ?
- public boolean checkAccessKey(String key, String emailAddress) throws
- SOAPException {
+ public boolean checkAccessKey(String key, String emailAddress) throws SOAPException {
boolean accessOk = false;
- //Check supplied parameters
- if ( (emailAddress == null) ||
+ // Check supplied parameters
+ if ((emailAddress == null) ||
(key == null) ||
(emailAddress.length() == 0) ||
(key.length() == 0)) {
log.warn("Null paramaters supplied for email address and/or key");
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Email address and key name must be supplied");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Email address and key name must be supplied");
//Check for the access key
- if (this.executeCommand(CHECK_ACCESS_KEY,
- new String[] {key, emailAddress}
- , 1, false)) {
+ if (executeCommand(CHECK_ACCESS_KEY, new String[] {key, emailAddress}, 1, false)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
- log.debug("Access for key :" + key + " email address :" + emailAddress +
- " is ok");
+ log.debug("Access for key :" + key + " email address :" + emailAddress + " is ok");
accessOk = true;
} else {
+ log.warn("Invaild access key :" + key + " for email address :" + emailAddress);
- log.warn("Invaild access key :" + key + " for email address :" +
- emailAddress);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Invaild access key :" + key +
- " for email address :" + emailAddress);
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
+ "Invaild access key :" + key + " for email address :" + emailAddress);
return accessOk;
@@ -615,9 +502,8 @@
String height,
String width) throws SOAPException {
- return this.addAnnotation(emailAddress, key, nickName, documentId, text,
- pageNo, xAnchor, yAnchor, x, y, height, width,
- true);
+ return addAnnotation(emailAddress, key, nickName, documentId, text,
+ pageNo, xAnchor, yAnchor, x, y, height, width, true);
@@ -632,13 +518,11 @@
* key is invaild, key has expired, invalid parameters supplied,
* annotation does not exist
- public synchronized boolean removeAnnotation(String emailAddress, String key,
- String documentId,
- String annotationId) throws
- SOAPException {
+ public synchronized boolean removeAnnotation(
+ String emailAddress, String key, String documentId, String annotationId
+ ) throws SOAPException {
- return this.removeAnnotation(emailAddress, key, documentId, annotationId,
- true);
+ return removeAnnotation(emailAddress, key, documentId, annotationId, true);
@@ -673,7 +557,7 @@
// Check the the access key for this user.
// Will throw an exception if the access key is incorrect
- this.checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
+ checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
//Check parameters
if ( (documentId == null) ||
@@ -711,7 +595,7 @@
// Commence a new transaction for the removing and
// adding of a new annotation.
- this.beginTransaction("editAnnotation");
+ beginTransaction("editAnnotation");
try {
@@ -729,7 +613,7 @@
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
//Rollback the transaction
- this.rollback("editAnnotation");
+ rollback("editAnnotation");
// re-throw the exception
throw ex;
@@ -739,23 +623,20 @@
if (!added) {
//Rollback the transaction
- this.rollback("editAnnotation");
+ rollback("editAnnotation");
log.warn("Unable to edit annotation documentId :" + documentId +
" annotationId :" + annotationId);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
"Unable to edit annotation");
- throw se;
} else {
// Commit the changes
- this.commit("editAnnotation");
+ commit("editAnnotation");
// the flag the update document
- this.documentHasUpdated(documentId);
+ documentHasUpdated(documentId);
return annotationId;
@@ -772,55 +653,42 @@
* is invalid, key has expired, invalid parameters supplied, invalid
* documentId supplied
- public synchronized String retrieveAnnotations(String emailAddress,
- String key, String documentId) throws
- SOAPException {
+ public synchronized String retrieveAnnotations(
+ String emailAddress, String key, String documentId
+ ) throws SOAPException {
- boolean retrieved = false;
// Check the the access key for this user.
// Will throw an exception if the access key is incorrect
- this.checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
+ checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
//Check parameters
if ((documentId == null) || (documentId.length() == 0)) {
log.warn("Invalid paramaters supplied for retrieving annotations");
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
"Invalid paramaters supplied for retrieving annotations");
- throw se;
String results = "";
//Subsitute the parameter into the query
- String query =
- StringUtil.substituteStrings(RETRIEVE_ANNOTATIONS,
- new String[] {documentId});
+ String query = StringUtil.substituteStrings(RETRIEVE_ANNOTATIONS, documentId);
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Executing query :" + query);
- log.debug("Executing query :" + query);
- }
//Issue the query
try {
- results = this.decode(itqlBean.executeQueryToString(query));
+ results = decode(itqlBean.executeQueryToString(query));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Unable to retrieve annotations for documentId :" + documentId, ex);
- SOAPException se = new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Unable to retrieve annotations: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Unable to retrieve annotations: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
// track the document retrieval
- this.documentHasBeenRetrieved(documentId, emailAddress);
+ documentHasBeenRetrieved(documentId, emailAddress);
return results;
@@ -836,32 +704,26 @@
* is invalid, key has expired, invalid parameters supplied, invalid
* documentId supplied
- public boolean checkAnnotationUpdates(String emailAddress,
- String key,
- String documentId)
- throws SOAPException {
+ public boolean checkAnnotationUpdates(
+ String emailAddress, String key, String documentId
+ ) throws SOAPException {
// Check the the access key for this user.
// Will throw an exception if the access key is incorrect
- this.checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
+ checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
- //Check parameters
- if ( (documentId == null) || (documentId.length() == 0)) {
+ // Check parameters
+ if ((documentId == null) || (documentId.length() == 0)) {
log.warn("Invalid paramaters supplied for retrieving annotations");
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Invalid paramaters supplied for retrieving annotations");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Invalid paramaters supplied for retrieving annotations");
- return this.hasDocumentUpdated(documentId, emailAddress);
+ return hasDocumentUpdated(documentId, emailAddress);
- * Checks for the collaboration model. If the model does not exist then create
- * it.
+ * Checks for the collaboration model. If the model does not exist then create it.
* @return return true if successful with initialisation
* @throws QueryException Unable to extract or create model
@@ -874,25 +736,20 @@
boolean initialized = false;
try {
- String ans = itqlBean.executeQueryToString(CHECK_MODEL);
+ // ignore string output
+ itqlBean.executeQueryToString(CHECK_MODEL);
} catch (Exception ex) {
- List answers = itqlBean.executeQueryToList(CHECK_MODEL);
- Object obj = null;
String model = null;
- for (Iterator ai = answers.iterator(); ai.hasNext(); ) {
+ for (Object obj: itqlBean.executeQueryToList(CHECK_MODEL)) {
- obj = ai.next();
if (obj instanceof Answer) {
- Answer answer = (Answer) obj;
+ Answer answer = (Answer)obj;
try {
//reset cursor
@@ -900,23 +757,15 @@
while (answer.next()) {
- model = ((URIReference) answer.getObject(answer.getColumnIndex(new
+ model = ((URIReference)answer.getObject(answer.getColumnIndex(new Variable("model")))).getURI().toString();
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Found model :" + model);
- log.debug("Found model :" + model);
- }
int pos = model.indexOf("#");
if (pos >= 0) {
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
- log.debug("Testing model :" + model.substring(pos + 1));
- }
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Testing model :" + model.substring(pos + 1));
initialized = (model.substring(pos + 1).equals(MODEL));
@@ -927,22 +776,18 @@
if (obj instanceof String) {
- log.error("Unable to check collaboration model for existance :" +
- ( (String) obj).toString() + " Using query :" + CHECK_MODEL);
+ log.error("Unable to check collaboration model for existance :" + obj + " Using query :" + CHECK_MODEL);
} else {
- log.error("Unable to check collaboration model for existance " +
- " Using query :" + CHECK_MODEL);
+ log.error("Unable to check collaboration model for existance Using query :" + CHECK_MODEL);
if (initialized == false) {
- //Model has not been initialized
- initialized = this.createModel();
+ // Model has not been initialized
+ initialized = createModel();
} else {
log.debug("Collaborator model already initialized at " + SERVER + MODEL);
@@ -953,13 +798,12 @@
* Creates a new collaborator model
* @return returns true if successful
- * @throws SOAPException EXCEPTION TO DO
+ * @throws SOAPException Error creating the model on the server
public synchronized boolean createModel() throws SOAPException {
log.warn("creating model " + SERVER + MODEL);
- return this.executeCommand(CREATE_MODEL, "Successfully created model", false);
+ return executeCommand(CREATE_MODEL, "Successfully created model", false);
@@ -971,8 +815,7 @@
public synchronized boolean dropModel() throws SOAPException {
log.warn("dropping model " + SERVER + MODEL);
- return this.executeCommand(DROP_MODEL, "Successfully dropped model", false);
+ return executeCommand(DROP_MODEL, "Successfully dropped model", false);
@@ -1006,27 +849,21 @@
// Check the the access key for this user.
// Will throw an exception if the access key is incorrect
- if (trans) {
+ if (trans) checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
- this.checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
- }
//Check parameters
- if ( (documentId == null) ||
+ if ((documentId == null) ||
(documentId.length() == 0) ||
(annotationId == null) ||
(annotationId.length() == 0)) {
log.warn("Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation removal");
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation removal");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation removal");
//Retrieve the annotation
- Answer annotation = this.retrieveAnnotation(documentId, annotationId);
+ Answer annotation = retrieveAnnotation(documentId, annotationId);
if (annotation != null) {
@@ -1034,11 +871,8 @@
String object = null;
//Begin a transaction to remove the statements
- if (trans) {
+ if (trans) beginTransaction(REMOVE_ANNOTATION_TX);
- this.beginTransaction("removeAnnotation");
- }
try {
//Extract the predicate and object from the resultSet
@@ -1048,31 +882,22 @@
while (annotation.next()) {
//grab the predicate
- predicate = ((URIReference) annotation.getObject(annotation.getColumnIndex(new Variable("predicate")))).getURI().toString();
+ predicate = ((URIReference)annotation.getObject(annotation.getColumnIndex(new Variable("predicate")))).getURI().toString();
//grab the object - could be a literal or a resource
int objectIndex = annotation.getColumnIndex(new Variable("object"));
if (annotation.getObject(objectIndex) instanceof LiteralImpl) {
- object =
- "'" +
- this.encode(((LiteralImpl) annotation.getObject(objectIndex)).getLexicalForm()) +
- "'";
+ object = "'" + encode(((LiteralImpl) annotation.getObject(objectIndex)).getLexicalForm()) + "'";
} else if (annotation.getObject(objectIndex) instanceof URIReference) {
- object =
- "<" +
- ((URIReference) annotation.getObject(objectIndex)).getURI().
- toString() +
- ">";
+ object = "<" + ((URIReference)annotation.getObject(objectIndex)).getURI() + ">";
- //delete the annotation statement
- removed =
- new String[] {annotationId, predicate, object}
- , "Successfully",
- false);
+ String[] removalParams = new String[] {annotationId, predicate, object};
+ // delete the annotation statement
+ removed = executeCommand(DELETE_ANNOTATION_STATEMENT,removalParams, "Successfully", false);
if (!removed) {
@@ -1080,48 +905,32 @@
documentId + " annotationId :" + annotationId +
" predicate :" +
predicate + " object :" + object);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Unable to remove annotation");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Unable to remove annotation");
} else {
// the flag the update document
- this.documentHasUpdated(documentId);
+ documentHasUpdated(documentId);
// Commit the deletions
- if (trans) {
+ if (trans) commit(REMOVE_ANNOTATION_TX);
- this.commit("removeAnnotation");
- }
} catch (TuplesException ex) {
+ // Rollback the transaction
+ if (trans) rollback(REMOVE_ANNOTATION_TX);
- //Rollback the transaction
- if (trans) {
- this.rollback("removeAnnotation");
- }
log.error("Unable to locate annotation for removal documentId :" +
documentId + " annotationId :" + annotationId, ex);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Unable to locate annotation for removal");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Unable to locate annotation for removal");
} else {
log.warn("Unable to locate annotation for removal documentId :" +
documentId + " annotationId :" + annotationId);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Unable to locate annotation for removal");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Unable to locate annotation for removal");
return removed;
@@ -1159,21 +968,18 @@
String pageNo,
String xAnchor, String yAnchor, String x,
String y, String height,
- String width, boolean trans) throws
- SOAPException {
+ String width, boolean trans
+ ) throws SOAPException {
String annotationId = "";
// Check the the access key for this user.
// Will throw an exception if the access key is incorrect
// Only check if not nested in another transaction
- if (trans) {
+ if (trans) checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
- this.checkAccessKey(key, emailAddress);
- }
- //Check parameters
- if ( (documentId == null) ||
+ // Check parameters
+ if ((documentId == null) ||
(documentId.length() == 0) ||
(pageNo == null) ||
(pageNo.length() == 0) ||
@@ -1192,73 +998,51 @@
log.warn("Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation");
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER, "Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation");
- //Correct the text if null
- if (text == null) {
+ // Correct the text if null
+ if (text == null) text = "";
- text = "";
- }
// Create the supporting attributes
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
String lastUpdated = dateFormat.format(cal.getTime());
- //TODO : create a better annotation id
+ // TODO : create a better annotation id
annotationId = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Adding annotation with documentId :" + documentId +
" email address :" + emailAddress + " nickName :" + nickName +
- " text :" + text + " pageNo :" + pageNo + " xAnchor :" +
- xAnchor +
- " yAnchor :" + yAnchor + " x :" + x + " y:" + y + " height :" +
- height +
- " width :" + width + " lastUpdated :" + lastUpdated +
- " annotationId :" + annotationId);
+ " text :" + text + " pageNo :" + pageNo + " xAnchor :" + xAnchor +
+ " yAnchor :" + yAnchor + " x :" + x + " y:" + y +
+ " height :" + height + " width :" + width +
+ " lastUpdated :" + lastUpdated + " annotationId :" + annotationId);
// Start a transaction for all the inserts
- if (trans) {
+ if (trans) beginTransaction(ADD_ANNOTATION_TX);
- this.beginTransaction("addAnnotation");
- }
+ String[] annotationParams = new String[] {
+ annotationId, emailAddress, nickName, encode(text), pageNo,
+ xAnchor, yAnchor, x, y, height, width, lastUpdated, documentId
+ };
- boolean added =
- this.executeCommand(INSERT_ANNOTATION,
- new String[] {
- annotationId, emailAddress, nickName,
- this.encode(text), pageNo,
- xAnchor, yAnchor, x, y, height, width, lastUpdated,
- documentId
- }
- , "Successfully inserted", false);
+ // Clear the annotationId if unsuccessful - handling transactions at this level
+ if (!executeCommand(INSERT_ANNOTATION, annotationParams, "Successfully inserted", false)) {
- // Clear the annotationId if unsuccessful
- if (!added) {
annotationId = "";
// Rollback the inserts
- if (trans) {
+ if (trans) rollback(ADD_ANNOTATION_TX);
- this.rollback("addAnnotation");
- }
} else {
// Commit the inserts
- if (trans) {
+ if (trans) commit(ADD_ANNOTATION_TX);
- this.commit("addAnnotation");
- }
// the flag the update document
- this.documentHasUpdated(documentId);
+ documentHasUpdated(documentId);
return annotationId;
@@ -1290,108 +1074,77 @@
* @return returns true if the expect result is found in the response
* @throws SOAPException EXCEPTION TO DO
- private boolean executeCommand(String command, String[] substituteArray,
- String expectedResult, boolean trans) throws
- SOAPException {
+ private boolean executeCommand(
+ String command, String[] substituteArray, String expectedResult, boolean trans
+ ) throws SOAPException {
boolean successful = false;
//Perform any subsitutions
if (substituteArray != null) {
command = StringUtil.substituteStrings(command, substituteArray);
- Object obj = null;
String message = null;
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Executing command :" + command);
- log.debug("Executing command :" + command);
- }
// Commence a new transaction if required
- if (trans) {
+ if (trans) beginTransaction(EXECUTE_COMMAND_TX);
- this.beginTransaction("executeCommand");
- }
+ // Issue the itql command
+ for (Object obj: itqlBean.executeQueryToList(command)) {
- //Issue the itql command
- List answers = itqlBean.executeQueryToList(command);
- for (Iterator ai = answers.iterator(); ai.hasNext(); ) {
- //Check the result
- obj = ai.next();
- //Is the result a message?
+ // Is the result a message?
if (obj instanceof String) {
- message = (String) obj;
+ message = (String)obj;
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("returned message :" + message);
- log.debug("returned message :" + message);
- }
// Check the outcome against the expect result
- successful = ( (message != null) &&
- (message.indexOf(expectedResult) >= 0));
+ successful = ((message != null) && (message.indexOf(expectedResult) >= 0));
// break if failure occurs
if (!successful) {
- System.err.println("Collaborator command: " + command + "\nmessage: " + message + "\nexpected: " + expectedResult);
+ log.error("Collaborator command: " + command + "\nmessage: " + message + "\nexpected: " + expectedResult);
- //Is the result an ansert?
+ // Is the result an answer?
if (obj instanceof Answer) {
try {
- //Check the number of rows returned
- long solutionCount = ( (Answer) obj).getRowUpperBound();
+ // Check the number of rows returned
+ long solutionCount = ((Answer)obj).getRowUpperBound();
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("found answer :" + solutionCount);
- log.debug("found answer :" + solutionCount);
- }
message = String.valueOf(solutionCount);
// Check the outcome against the expect result
- successful = ( (message != null) &&
- (message.indexOf(expectedResult) >= 0));
+ successful = ((message != null) && (message.indexOf(expectedResult) >= 0));
// break if failure occurs
- if (!successful) {
+ if (!successful) break;
- break;
- }
} catch (TuplesException ex) {
log.error("Error executing command :" + command, ex);
- //Rollback the changes
- if (trans) {
- this.rollback("executeCommand");
- }
+ // Rollback the changes
+ if (trans) rollback(EXECUTE_COMMAND_TX);
+ return false;
- // Commit the changes
- if (trans) {
+ // Commit the changes whether successful or not
+ if (trans) commit(EXECUTE_COMMAND_TX);
- this.commit("executeCommand");
- }
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
- log.debug("Command :" + command + "message :" + message + " result :" +
- successful);
+ log.debug("Command :" + command + "message :" + message + " result :" + successful);
return successful;
@@ -1426,7 +1179,6 @@
new String[] {annotationId, documentId});
- Object obj = null;
Answer answer = null;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
@@ -1435,14 +1187,8 @@
//Issue the query command
- List answers = itqlBean.executeQueryToList(query);
+ for (Object obj: itqlBean.executeQueryToList(query)) {
- //Iterate over the results ( only return the first resultSet )
- for (Iterator ai = answers.iterator(); ai.hasNext(); ) {
- //Check the result
- obj = ai.next();
//Check for an answer
if (obj instanceof Answer) {
@@ -1520,20 +1266,19 @@
//Find out when the user performed the last retrieval for a document
if (lastChecked.containsKey(documentId + emailAddress)) {
- lastCheckedTime =
- ( (Long) lastChecked.get(documentId + emailAddress)).longValue();
+ lastCheckedTime = lastChecked.get(documentId + emailAddress).longValue();
//Find out the last updated time
if (documentUpdates.containsKey(documentId)) {
// has been updated
- lastUpdatedTime = ( (Long) documentUpdates.get(documentId)).longValue();
+ lastUpdatedTime = documentUpdates.get(documentId).longValue();
} else {
// No modification has occur for this document.
// ie. server has been started without any updates
- this.documentHasUpdated(documentId);
+ documentHasUpdated(documentId);
//Is the last check time less than the last updated time?
@@ -1553,98 +1298,66 @@
* Commence a new transaction for this session
- * @param name PARAMETER TO DO
- * @throws SOAPException EXCEPTION TO DO
+ * @param name Name of this transaction
+ * @throws SOAPException Unable to create a transaction on the server
private void beginTransaction(String name) throws SOAPException {
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Begin transaction : " + name);
- log.debug("Begin transaction : " + name);
- }
try {
} catch (QueryException ex) {
- log.error("Unable to obtain a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" +
- name + ">", ex);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Unable to obtain a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" +
- name + ">");
- throw se;
+ log.error("Unable to obtain a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" + name + ">", ex);
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
+ "Unable to obtain a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" + name + ">");
* Commit the current transaction
- * @param name PARAMETER TO DO
- * @throws SOAPException EXCEPTION TO DO
+ * @param name Name of the transaction to commit
+ * @throws SOAPException Unable to commit the transaction on the server
private void commit(String name) throws SOAPException {
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Commit transaction : " + name);
- log.debug("Commit transaction : " + name);
- }
try {
} catch (QueryException ex) {
- log.error("Unable to obtain a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" +
- name + ">", ex);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Unable to commit changes for the Mulgara Collaborator <" + name +
- ">");
- throw se;
+ log.error("Unable to obtain a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" + name + ">", ex);
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
+ "Unable to commit changes for the Mulgara Collaborator <" + name + ">");
* Rollback the current transaction
- * @param name PARAMETER TO DO
- * @throws SOAPException EXCEPTION TO DO
+ * @param name Name of the transaction to roll back
+ * @throws SOAPException Unable to roll back the transaction
private void rollback(String name) throws SOAPException {
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Rollback transaction : " + name);
- log.debug("Rollback transaction : " + name);
- }
try {
} catch (QueryException ex) {
+ log.error("Unable to rollback a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" + name + ">", ex);
- log.error(
- "Unable to rollback a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" +
- name + ">",
- ex);
- SOAPException se =
- new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
- "Unable to rollback a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" +
- name + ">");
- throw se;
+ throw new SOAPException(Constants.FAULT_CODE_SERVER,
+ "Unable to rollback a transaction for the Mulgara Collaborator <" + name + ">");
* Encode a literal string
- * @param value PARAMETER TO DO
+ * @param value String to encode
+ * @return A new encoded string
private String encode(String value) {
@@ -1654,8 +1367,8 @@
* Decode a literal string
- * @param value PARAMETER TO DO
+ * @param value The string to decode
+ * @return A new decoded string
private String decode(String value) {
Modified: branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/CollaboratorUnitTest.java
--- branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/CollaboratorUnitTest.java 2007-11-08 21:10:56 UTC (rev 525)
+++ branches/nw-interface/src/jar/itql/java/org/mulgara/itql/CollaboratorUnitTest.java 2007-11-09 21:21:32 UTC (rev 526)
@@ -60,11 +60,9 @@
public class CollaboratorUnitTest extends TestCase {
- /**
- * Logger.
- */
- private final static Category logger =
- Category.getInstance(CollaboratorUnitTest.class.getName());
+ /** Logger. */
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private final static Category logger = Category.getInstance(CollaboratorUnitTest.class.getName());
* a flag to indicate if the collorator requires closing
@@ -73,9 +71,7 @@
private boolean closeCollaborator = false;
- /**
- * Collaborator to be tested;
- */
+ /** Collaborator to be tested; */
Collaborator collaborator = null;
@@ -135,7 +131,7 @@
* @throws IOException Description of Exception
public void tearDown() throws IOException {
- if ( closeCollaborator ) {
+ if (closeCollaborator) {
@@ -147,8 +143,7 @@
public void initializeModelTest() throws Exception {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to initialize collaborator model",
- collaborator.initializeModel());
+ assertTrue("Failed to initialize collaborator model", collaborator.initializeModel());
@@ -159,18 +154,14 @@
try {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to drop collaborator model",
- collaborator.dropModel());
+ assertTrue("Failed to drop collaborator model", collaborator.dropModel());
- this.assertTrue("Expected collaborator model to be droped",
- collaborator.dropModel() == false);
+ assertTrue("Expected collaborator model to be droped", collaborator.dropModel() == false);
- this.assertTrue("Failed to create collaborator model",
- collaborator.createModel());
+ assertTrue("Failed to create collaborator model", collaborator.createModel());
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Model tests failed " + ex.getMessage(), false);
+ fail("Model tests failed " + ex.getMessage());
@@ -181,32 +172,25 @@
try {
- this.assertTrue("Register user",
- collaborator.register("xyz at company.com", "Joe Brown"));
+ assertTrue("Register user", collaborator.register("xyz at company.com", "Joe Brown"));
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Registration test failed " + ex.getMessage(), false);
+ fail("Registration test failed " + ex.getMessage());
try {
collaborator.register("xyz at company.com", "Alex Mole");
- this.assertTrue("Failed to detect duplicate registered user", false);
+ fail("Failed to detect duplicate registered user");
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Your Email address has already been registered)",
- ex.getMessage().equals(
- "Your Email address has already been registered"));
+ assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Your Email address has already been registered)",
+ ex.getMessage().equals("Your Email address has already been registered"));
try {
collaborator.register("", "Alex Mole");
- this.assertTrue("Failed to detect empty email address", false);
+ fail("Failed to detect empty email address");
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Email address and nick name must be supplied)",
+ assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Email address and nick name must be supplied)",
ex.getMessage().equals("Email address and nick name must be supplied"));
@@ -218,28 +202,23 @@
try {
- this.assertTrue("Unable to register user",
- collaborator.register("guest at pisoftware.com", "Guest User"));
+ assertTrue("Unable to register user", collaborator.register("guest at mulgara.org", "Guest User"));
- this.assertTrue("Expected to find registered user with key :" +
+ assertTrue("Expected to find registered user with key :" +
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated +
- " email address : guest at pisoftware.com",
+ " email address : guest at mulgara.org",
- "guest at pisoftware.com"));
+ "guest at mulgara.org"));
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Not expecting exception on checking access key " +
- ex.getMessage(), false);
+ fail("Not expecting exception on checking access key " + ex.getMessage());
try {
- collaborator.checkAccessKey("12345", "guest at pisoftware.com");
- this.assertTrue("Failed to detect invalid access key", false);
+ collaborator.checkAccessKey("12345", "guest at mulgara.org");
+ fail("Failed to detect invalid access key");
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Invaild access key)",
+ assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Invaild access key)",
ex.getMessage().indexOf("Invaild access key") >= 0);
@@ -251,54 +230,43 @@
//Add a successful annotation
try {
+ assertTrue("Unable to register user", collaborator.register("guest2 at mulgara.org", "Guest User 2"));
- this.assertTrue("Unable to register user",
- collaborator.register("guest2 at pisoftware.com", "Guest User 2"));
String annotationId =
- collaborator.addAnnotation("guest2 at pisoftware.com",
+ collaborator.addAnnotation("guest2 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "Guest User 2", "1234567890",
"This is a test annotation", "1", "10", "11", "100", "101", "50",
- this.assertTrue("Unable to add annotation",
- (annotationId != null) && (annotationId.length() > 0));
+ assertTrue("Unable to add annotation", (annotationId != null) && (annotationId.length() > 0));
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to add annotation", false);
+ fail("Failed to add annotation");
// Add an invalid annotation - incorrect key
try {
- String annotationId =
- collaborator.addAnnotation("guest2 at pisoftware.com", "badkey",
+ collaborator.addAnnotation("guest2 at mulgara.org", "badkey",
"Guest User 2", "1234567890", "This is a test annotation", "1", "10",
"11", "100", "101", "50", "50");
- this.assertTrue("Expected bad access key error", false);
+ fail("Expected bad access key error");
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Invaild access key)",
+ assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Invaild access key)",
ex.getMessage().indexOf("Invaild access key") >= 0);
// Add an invalid annotation - empty parameters
try {
- String annotationId =
- collaborator.addAnnotation("guest2 at pisoftware.com",
+ collaborator.addAnnotation("guest2 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "Guest User 2", "1234567890",
"This is a another annotation test", "", "", "11", "100", "101",
"50", "50");
- this.assertTrue("Expected bad parameters supplied", false);
+ fail("Expected bad parameters supplied");
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation)",
- ex.getMessage().indexOf("Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation") >=
- 0);
+ assertTrue("Failed to get the expected message (Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation)",
+ ex.getMessage().indexOf("Invalid paramaters supplied for annotation") >= 0);
@@ -311,42 +279,34 @@
//Add and remove an annotation
try {
+ assertTrue("Unable to register user", collaborator.register("guest3 at mulgara.org", "Guest User 3"));
- this.assertTrue("Unable to register user",
- collaborator.register("guest3 at pisoftware.com", "Guest User 3"));
annotationId =
- collaborator.addAnnotation("guest3 at pisoftware.com",
+ collaborator.addAnnotation("guest3 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "Guest User 3", "1234567890",
"This is a test annotation", "1", "10", "11", "100", "101", "50",
- this.assertTrue("Unable to add annotation",
- (annotationId != null) && (annotationId.length() > 0));
+ assertTrue("Unable to add annotation", (annotationId != null) && (annotationId.length() > 0));
- this.assertTrue("Unable to remove annotation",
- collaborator.removeAnnotation("guest3 at pisoftware.com",
+ assertTrue("Unable to remove annotation",
+ collaborator.removeAnnotation("guest3 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "1234567890", annotationId));
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to add/remove annotation", false);
+ fail("Failed to add/remove annotation");
// Test removing an annotation that does not exist
try {
- this.assertTrue("Unable to remove annotation",
- collaborator.removeAnnotation("guest3 at pisoftware.com",
+ assertTrue("Unable to remove annotation",
+ collaborator.removeAnnotation("guest3 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "1234567890", annotationId));
- this.assertTrue("Expected not to be a successful removal", false);
+ fail("Expected not to be a successful removal");
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue(
+ assertTrue(
"Failed to get the expected message (Unable to locate annotation for removal)",
- ex.getMessage().indexOf("Unable to locate annotation for removal") >=
- 0);
+ ex.getMessage().indexOf("Unable to locate annotation for removal") >= 0);
@@ -359,30 +319,26 @@
//Add and remove an annotation
try {
+ assertTrue("Unable to register user", collaborator.register("guest4 at mulgara.org", "Guest User 4"));
- this.assertTrue("Unable to register user",
- collaborator.register("guest4 at pisoftware.com", "Guest User 4"));
annotationId =
- collaborator.addAnnotation("guest4 at pisoftware.com",
+ collaborator.addAnnotation("guest4 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "Guest User 4", "1234567890",
"This is a test annotation with a single ' quote", "1", "10", "11",
"100", "101", "50", "50");
- this.assertTrue("Unable to add annotation for editing test",
- (annotationId != null) && (annotationId.length() > 0));
+ assertTrue("Unable to add annotation for editing test", (annotationId != null) && (annotationId.length() > 0));
annotationId =
- collaborator.editAnnotation("guest4 at pisoftware.com",
+ collaborator.editAnnotation("guest4 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "Guest User 4", "1234567890",
annotationId, "This is an edited annotation with a single ' quote",
"10", "100", "110", "1000", "1010", "500", "500");
- this.assertTrue("Unable to edit annotation", annotationId != null);
+ assertTrue("Unable to edit annotation", annotationId != null);
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to add/edit annotation", false);
+ fail("Failed to add/edit annotation");
@@ -396,47 +352,45 @@
//Add and remove an annotation
try {
- this.assertTrue("Unable to register user",
- collaborator.register("guest5 at pisoftware.com", "Guest User 5"));
+ assertTrue("Unable to register user",
+ collaborator.register("guest5 at mulgara.org", "Guest User 5"));
- this.assertTrue("Expect document to be updated for retrieval",
- collaborator.checkAnnotationUpdates("guest5 at pisoftware.com",
+ assertTrue("Expect document to be updated for retrieval",
+ collaborator.checkAnnotationUpdates("guest5 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "newdocumentId"));
annotationId =
- collaborator.addAnnotation("guest5 at pisoftware.com",
+ collaborator.addAnnotation("guest5 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "Guest User 5", "newdocumentId",
"Annotation text one", "1", "10", "11", "100", "101", "50", "50");
annotationId =
- collaborator.addAnnotation("guest5 at pisoftware.com",
+ collaborator.addAnnotation("guest5 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "Guest User 5", "newdocumentId",
"Annotation text two", "2", "20", "22", "200", "202", "52", "52");
- this.assertTrue("Unable to add annotation for retreving test",
+ assertTrue("Unable to add annotation for retreving test",
(annotationId != null) && (annotationId.length() > 0));
- this.assertTrue("Expect document to be updated for retrieval",
- collaborator.checkAnnotationUpdates("guest5 at pisoftware.com",
+ assertTrue("Expect document to be updated for retrieval",
+ collaborator.checkAnnotationUpdates("guest5 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "newdocumentId"));
String results =
- collaborator.retrieveAnnotations("guest5 at pisoftware.com",
+ collaborator.retrieveAnnotations("guest5 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "newdocumentId");
- this.assertTrue("Unable to retrieve annotation",
+ assertTrue("Unable to retrieve annotation",
(results != null) && (results.length() > 0) &&
(results.indexOf("newdocumentId") >= 0));
- this.assertTrue("Expect document not to be updated for retrieval",
- collaborator.checkAnnotationUpdates("guest5 at pisoftware.com",
+ assertTrue("Expect document not to be updated for retrieval",
+ collaborator.checkAnnotationUpdates("guest5 at mulgara.org",
collaborator.lastAccessKeyCreated, "newdocumentId") == false);
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
- this.assertTrue("Failed to add/retrieve annotation", false);
+ fail("Failed to add/retrieve annotation");
} finally {
// force the teardown to close the collaborator
closeCollaborator = true;
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