[Mulgara-svn] r137 - trunk/docs/site
pag at mulgara.org
pag at mulgara.org
Tue Nov 21 20:20:50 UTC 2006
Author: pag
Date: 2006-11-21 14:20:50 -0600 (Tue, 21 Nov 2006)
New Revision: 137
Initial commit of the krule documentation
Added: trunk/docs/site/krule.htm
--- trunk/docs/site/krule.htm 2006-11-21 20:20:04 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/docs/site/krule.htm 2006-11-21 20:20:50 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
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+ <h1 class="heading1">Mulgara Rules Engine (Krule) Users
+ Guide</h1>
+ <p class="bodytext">Mulgara 1.0 includes a custom rules
+ engine known as Krule (pronounced "cruel" by its lead
+ developer).</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">The purpose of Krule is to apply a
+ set of entailment rules to a base set of statements
+ ("facts"), producing new statements based on those facts.
+ In other words, Krule applies a set of pre-defined rules
+ to statements in a model. The application of the rules
+ results in some new RDF statements, which may be added to
+ that model or stored elsewhere.</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">Krule is implemented in a manner
+ consistent with Mulgara. Rule definitions are provided in
+ RDF files and may be loaded into Mulgara models.
+ Similarly, Krule acts upon statements in models and
+ produces statements which may be stored in the same or
+ different models. Krule is "triples all the way
+ down".</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">Krule has been used to entail RDF
+ Schema rules and ongoing work may lead to a more scalable
+ method of dealing with Web Ontology Language (OWL)
+ analysis. Users and developers are encouraged to
+ investigate this impressive new addition to Mulgara.
+ Anyone may add new rules and apply them to
+ models.</p><a name="okrule1" id="okrule1">
+ <h2 class="heading3">Setting up Krule</h2>
+ <p class="bodytext">Some setup is required before one may
+ use Krule. Please note that this tutorial presumes the
+ use of ’localhost’ as a machine name,
+ ’server1’ as a database name. If you choose
+ to change these or use different model names for the
+ Krule setup, you may have to also change the URLs
+ embedded in the Krule rules files (called krule.owl and
+ rdfs-krule.rdf, both of which are located in the
+ .../mulgaa-1.0/rules/ directory) and in the commands
+ given below.</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">First, set up some handy aliases:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+# set up aliases
+alias <http://mulgara.org/mulgara#> as mulgara;
+alias <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> as rdf;
+alias <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> as rdfs;
+alias <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> as owl;
+alias <http://mulgara.org/owl/krule/#> as krule;
+ <p class="bodytext">Next, create some special models
+ which are used by Krule and presumed to be present:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+# create utility models
+create <rmi://localhost/server1#type> <mulgara:TypeModel>;
+create <rmi://localhost/server1#prefix> <mulgara:PrefixModel>;
+ <p class="bodytext">Create a model to hold the Krule
+ statements. Naturally, the URL that you use may vary:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+# clear and create the rules model
+drop <rmi://localhost/server1#krule>;
+create <rmi://localhost/server1#krule>;
+ <p class="bodytext">Load the Krule ontology into your
+ krule model. This ontology is used regardless of which
+ rules are used. You will need to replace "@basedir@" with
+ the path to your Mulgara v1.0 source code
+ installation:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+# Load the ontology for how the rules data fits together.
+load <file:@basedir@/rules/krule.owl>
+ into <rmi://localhost/server1#krule>;
+ <p class="bodytext">Load your rules into your krule
+ model. In this case, we are loading the RDF Schema
+ entailment rules which are provided in the file
+ .../mulgara-1.0/rules/rdfs-krule.rdf.</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+# Load the rules data.
+load <file:@basedir@/rules/rdfs-krule.rdf>
+ into <rmi://localhost/server1#krule>;
+ <p class="bodytext">Krule is now ready to go. All you
+ have to do is apply the rules to some RDF statements,
+ known in the parlance as "base data". This is covered in
+ the next section.</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">Please note that the instructions in
+ this section follow the file
+ .../mulgara-1.0/rules/example.itql, originally written by
+ Paul Gearon.</p><a name="okrule2" id="okrule2">
+ <h2 class="heading2">Using Krule</h2>
+ <p class="bodytext">Krule is used by applying a set of
+ rules to a set of RDF statements. The rules are
+ themselves RDF statements and are stored in their own
+ model. The RDF statements upon which those rules are
+ applied are known as "base data" and are stored in
+ another model.</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">The application of the rules to the
+ base data is accomplished by issuing the "apply" iTQL
+ command, like this:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+apply <rulesmodel> to <basemodel>;
+ <p class="bodytext">A Mulgara instance may have many
+ different models containing rules, since the rules are
+ just a set of RDF statements.</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">Using apply that way will place the
+ newly-generated entailed statements into the base
+ data’s model (<basemodel>). If you want to
+ put the entailed statements into a separate model, you
+ may do so with this syntax:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+apply <rulesmodel> to <basemodel> <entailedmodel>;
+ <p class="bodytext">Base data may consist of any RDF
+ statements stored in a Mulgara model. There are no
+ restrictions on what kind of data may have Krule rules
+ run against it.</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">To try Krule, you first need to
+ complete the setup steps above. Once that is done, you
+ need to find some sample data. Fortunately, Mulgara ships
+ with some sample data. You can create a model and load it
+ in:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+drop <rmi://localhost/server1#input>;
+create <rmi://localhost/server1#input>;
+load <jar:file:/@basedir@/dist/mulgara-1.0.0.jar!/data/w3c-news.rss>
+ into <rmi://localhost/server1#input>;
+ <p class="bodytext">Although Krule allows you to put the
+ entailed statements into the same model as the base data,
+ we will separate them so you can see what was created. To
+ do that, we need to create a model to hold the
+ output:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+drop <rmi://localhost/server1#output>;
+create <rmi://localhost/server1#output>;
+ <p class="bodytext">Now we are ready to apply the rules
+ to the base data in the input model and store the
+ resulting entailed statements in the output model:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+apply <rmi://localhost/server1#krule>
+ to <rmi://localhost/server1#input>
+ <rmi://localhost/server1#output>;
+ <p class="bodytext">The newly-created entailed statements
+ may be viewed by querying the output model:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+select $subject $predicate $object
+from <rmi://localhost/server1#output>
+where $subject $predicate $object;
+ <p class="bodytext">We can show the numbers of statements
+ in the input and output models by using iTQL’s
+ count function:</p>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+count ( select $subject $predicate $object
+ from <rmi://localhost/server1#input>
+ where $subject $predicate $object
+from <rmi://localhost/server1#input>
+where $subject $predicate $object;
+ <table border="1">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th bgcolor="#6BA22F">k0</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ "49.0"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <p class="commandtext">
+count ( select $subject $predicate $object
+ from <rmi://localhost/server1#output>
+ where $subject $predicate $object
+from <rmi://localhost/server1#output>
+where $subject $predicate $object;
+ <table border="1">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th bgcolor="#6BA22F">k0</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ "247.0"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <p class="bodytext"> </p><a name="okrule3" id="okrule3">
+ <h2 class="heading2">Krule for Developers: Making Your
+ Own Rules</h2>
+ <p class="bodytext">Information for developers
+ information may be found in the source under
+ .../mulgara-1.0/rules/RuleFormat.txt. That file includes a
+ discussion on the format for rule definitions.</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">A sample set of rules which implement
+ RDF Schema (RDFS) entailments is provided in the source
+ distribution in the file
+ .../mulgara-1.0/rules/rdfs-krule.rdf. You should review
+ those rules to make sure you understand how they work
+ before creating your own.</p>
+ <p class="bodytext">Developers who create reusable rule
+ sets are strongly encouraged to share them with the
+ Mulgara community. Please e-mail the <a href=
+ "http://mulgara.org/mailman/listinfo/mulgara-dev">
+ Mulgara Developers Mailing List</a> with your rule
+ sets!</p>
+ </td>
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+ <td>
+ <br>
+ <p class="toc">© 2005 Northrop Grumman Corporation.
+ Some rights reserved.</p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
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