[Mulgara-general] utf-8 in sparql results

Paul Gearon gearon at ieee.org
Tue Sep 1 19:20:31 UTC 2009

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Gregg Reynolds<dev at mobileink.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> How can I ask Mulgara to return results encoded in utf-8?

I'm pretty sure I'm not doing that. Just recently I was looking at
making sure we parsed encodings, but I'm pretty sure we aren't writing
UTF-8 out (though this is not too hard).

> I loaded triples containing URIs that use utf-8.  A "DESCRIBE" query then
> works fine; for example:
> prefix afar: <http://rdf.coma.org/data/afar#> DESCRIBE <afar:kà_a_>
> Note the presence of "à".  The problem is that the result set doesn't seem
> to jibe; the triples are correct, but the non-ascii characters don't seem to
> be utf-8 encoded.  Running the query using cURL, I pipe the results to a
> file, which I can open in emacs (non-ascii chars show up as spaces), but if
> I try to open it with a dumber editor that expects utf-8 (e.g. OS X
> Textedit), the editor complains "not utf-8".  If I open it in vim and then
> convert to Hex, it says "88".
> Where it appears in a string "kà(a)", I get (in emacs) "k\u00E0(a)".  But
> xE0 is the latin-1 (and UTF-16) encoding for "à".  I need utf-8 "u+C3A0"
> (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/00e0/index.htm)
> I get the same result whether I ask for json or xml output.  The SPARQL
> Protocol definition says "the whttp:outputSerialization is
> application/sparql-results+xml with UTF-8 encoding, application/rdf+xml with
> UTF-8 encoding".

OK, I just looked at this. I'll have to go through it all and see what
I'm doing. the \uxxxx form is borrowed from another standard... I
think it's N3.

> Also, the XML output does not have an encoding attribute.
> I rather suspect my terminal is at fault, but I get the same result in a
> standard "Terminal" and also in iTerm, which is set to use utf-8.
> Can anyone confirm that utf-8 is properly handled in URIs by Mulgara?  Any
> idea what I'm doing wrong?

I can't say that I'll be changing the result type in all of the output
formats, but I'll definitely be fixing the output encoding for SPARQL.
Thanks for pointing it out.


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