[Mulgara-general] Inference explained

Rune Stilling subs at rdfined.dk
Tue Sep 2 08:15:59 UTC 2008

Hi there

I'm trying to figure out how to use inference in Mulgara (explained  
in http://docs.mulgara.org/inferencing/infermulgara.html).

We're running Mulgara embedded Fedora.

I have indexed some OWL-code which basically states the following:

Class: A
- DatatypeProperty: sProperty
Class: B
- subclassOf A
- DatatypeProperty: cProperty

Now I would like to construct a query, that fetches all properties on  
"B" including properties on it's superclass "A", something like:

	select $property
	from <#ri>
	where $property <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#domain> <...B>

currently I only get "cProperty" and not "sProperty".

Now - Can I use the Mulgara inference mechanism to state something like:

	if: x <subclass> y and p <domain> y
	then: p <domain> x

And should I then index these rules in Mulgara and will it then work  
on my queries or??


Enabling clever IT

Rune Stilling
Tlf: +45 26 83 25 52
Email: runestilling at rdfined.dk
Web: http://www.rdfined.dk

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