[Mulgara-general] Lucene question

Alex Hall alexhall at revelytix.com
Thu Jun 5 15:03:53 UTC 2008

To the best of my knowledge, the Lucene resolver has not been under 
active development for quite some time now, so it does not surprise me 
that the library is out-of-date.  However, it is still maintained and 
supported in the sense that there are unit tests to exercise it, and no 
modifications to Mulgara are allowed to proceed which break any of the 
existing functionality.

Are there any significant changes in the latest version of Lucene that 
would make us want to upgrade?


David Moll wrote:
> Is the Lucene model in Mulgara still supported/working?  I noticed that 
> the Lucene jar in in the package is version 2.0.0 and the Lucene webpage 
> has v2.3.2 as the most recent.  Are there any particular stumbling 
> blocks or issues we should watch out for while setting up a Lucene model?
> Thanks,
> David Moll
> Software Engineer
> dmoll at myaperio.com <mailto:dmoll at myaperio.com>
> Viewpoint Data Management LLC
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