[Mulgara-dev] Windows build broken

Paul Gearon gearon at ieee.org
Fri Sep 5 15:49:06 UTC 2008

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 10:14 AM, Alex Hall <alexhall at revelytix.com> wrote:
> The build works for me now.  If you want to maintain the link as documentation
> of the version number, it would probably work as long as all references to any
> variation on "lib/*.jar" are removed.  Come to think of it, they should probably
> be removed anyways for the sake of good programming practices.

I definitely agree. It's frustrating whenever I see files explicitly
mentioned, when they have already been defined in a properties file.
There's a lot of this in common.xml, among other places.

I've often been bitten by this when updating foo-1.2.3.jar to
foo-4.5.6.jar, and replacing the definition of ${foo.jar} in
build.properties. The error is invariably when someone has said:

Less obvious is when I see the use of {$lib.dir}/foo-*.jar. I can't
see this actually causing an error, but it doesn't sit well with me at
all. It doesn't allow for the renaming of a jar, though I confess that
I haven't really seen that needed yet.


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