[Mulgara-dev] Jena Model write in Mulgara

Carlo Bernava carlo.bernava at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 17:01:22 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I have a little trouble with Jena and mulgara:

I have a JSP page where there is a function that create a model with Jena
API, this function create a model and "populate" it with many triple of
subject predicate and object.
When this model is created I want to insert it in a Mulgare Graph ( like
ITQL command "load", to read a RDF file and put it in a graph)....how can i
do this?

One way is to write the model in a RDF file (whit JENA
Model.write(OutputStreamWriter writer) )   and load it in Mulgara doing a
ITQL query whit a load command....but I'm sure there is another way more

Thanks a lot for helps :)

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