[Mulgara-dev] Now problem with JSP & mulgara

Paul Gearon gearon at ieee.org
Wed Nov 5 02:38:47 UTC 2008


On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Carlo Bernava <carlo.bernava at gmail.com> wrote:
> excuse for my multiple post ...i'm reading here
> http://docs.mulgara.org/system/jsptaglib.html , for JSP i need to insert
> taglib in my lib directory in WEB-INF and edit web.xml, but Where can i get
> taglib? in jakarta site there are many version of it but none with name
> tks-tag-2.1.jar....

I've never actually used the JSP tags from Mulgara before (since I'd
just use Java code instead of using a tag), so I don't have a lot to
contribute here.

However, I just checked, and I found that the tag library is no longer
being built in the standard distribution. If you have the source, then
try building the "tag-jar" target. On unix-based systems, that is done
  ./build.sh tag-jar
On Windows it's:
  build tag-jar

If the resulting Jar doesn't work for you, you could always just drop
into Java code, and talk to the objects directly.

As for the documentation..... that's several years old, and getting
stale. I presume it's still OK, but I can't guarantee it. I've been
working to update documentation, but it's a side task for me, and
going slowly.


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