[Mulgara-dev] CRITICAL: Bug fix to Backup operation

Andrae Muys andrae at netymon.com
Thu Mar 27 01:28:44 UTC 2008

On 26/03/2008, at 11:48 PM, Ben Hysell wrote:
>>> 2. Read through the string pool looking for any entries that start
> with _node followed by a number
>> As discussed below, this step should *never* happen - even if you  
>> *are*
> using blank-nodes.
> But if a backup has node numbers in the triples section and not in the
> string pool and we restore that backup and then query it the query  
> will
> return "_node######".  If you then backup that Mulgara and look in the
> string pool you'll then find: ## "_node######".

That suggests that somewhere in the backup/restore process a blank- 
node has been converted into a literal.  I have just tried to  
reproduce this on a clean image, and haven't been able to do it - so  
all I can suggest is that this is happening as a side-effect of other  
weirdness we are seeing.

Can I ask if you are restoring to the original mulgara instance?  Or  
to a new one?


Andrae Muys
andrae at netymon.com
Senior RDF/SemanticWeb Consultant
Netymon Pty Ltd

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