[Mulgara-dev] debug messages

Paul Gearon gearon at ieee.org
Tue Mar 25 19:54:07 UTC 2008

I'm trying to get a lot done, and I don't have time to spend an
afternoon working out how this works, so I'm hoping someone here can
tell me.....

How can I configure log4j in Mulgara? Right now I have a fresh
checkout sending debug messages to stdout for the TQL console. My
reading of the config files says that I shouldn't have anything more
detailed than an INFO message, though I wouldn't mind upping that to
WARN. I've tried configure this in the past (every 6 months or so
since 2002) and have never been able to make it work as documented.
I've had people from Tucana stand over my shoulder and say, "You do it
that way" only to discover that they were as uninformed as I was.
Apparently Log4J docs are quite poor, or whoever set the configuration
up didn't know what they were doing.

I figure that someone out there must know what's going on, as I've
never had DEBUG messages before, so someone must have checked
something in.

Any pointers on how to change this please?


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