[Mulgara-dev] [Mulgara-svn] r1109 - trunk/src/war/webui/java/org/mulgara/webui/viewer

Paul Gearon gearon at ieee.org
Fri Jul 25 03:36:58 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Life is hard, and then you die
<ronald at innovation.ch> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 01:05:13PM -0500, Paul Gearon wrote:
>> Thanks for adding in all the generics code.
>> I'd have said this privately, but I wanted everyone to know how much I
>> appreciate this work being done.  :-)
> I agree wholehartedly.
> But could you (Alex) check in those changes separately from the fix
> next time? It's just that trying to review the code and see what the
> fix was was quite annoying because it was buried within a whole bunch
> of unrelated changes. Sorry to keep complaining about these things.

While I understand and appreciate your point, I've often found that
doing this in 2 steps is just not feasible in many circumstances. You
can do it while you're actually working on the code, but if you try
doing it is two steps you'll end up doing your main work, and not
bothering to come back later to do the generics work.

If it were possible to set aside time to go through and do all the
generics work with no other imperatives, then I'm sure it would have
been done before now.

While it would be great to have everything happen separately, I'd
prefer to see it happen in this mixed up way rather than not at all.

(Now where did I put that asbestos underwear?)


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