[Mulgara-dev] org.mulgara.resolver.spi.LocalizeException: Unable to localize

Pradeep Krishnan pradeepk at soft-point.com
Thu Jul 3 23:22:10 UTC 2008

Hi Andrae,

Andrae Muys wrote:
> Just looking at this trace it appears that the answer (or a sub-answer) 
> was closed explicitly, the transaction cleanly terminated, and then the 
> answer/sub-answer used again.
> An error in this case is expected, and wouldn't be a bug in mulgara but 
> a bug in the client. So while I can't guarantee there isn't anything 
> screwy going on, there is nothing untoward in this trace.

Thanks. Yes, that is exactly what was going on. This is a groovy command 
interpreter to execute and print the results of ITQL queries. The 
problem was that it executed the query, closed the transaction and then 
proceeded to iterate over the Answer and display it.


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