[Mulgara-dev] Version 1.1.0 released

Paul Gearon gearon at ieee.org
Wed Jul 18 17:06:35 UTC 2007

On 7/18/07, David Wood <dwood at softwarememetics.com> wrote:
> On 17 Jul2007, at 12:41, Paul Gearon wrote:
> > * A RelationalResolver that provides access to sql databases via a
> > D2RQ mapping.
> > * A DistributedResolver allowing selections from multiple servers in
> > one query, and also permitting insert/select queries between multiple
> > servers.
> > * Updates to the TQL language, giving it Predicate-Object lists and
> > Object lists, similarly to SPARQL.
> I hate to say this, but where are these new features fully documented
> for the end user? ;)

No, they are not.

I looked at this, and made the call to release without documentation
for them for several reasons:
1) We needed to release.
2) Our other resolvers are not documented either.  If we needed to
document the RelationalResolver and DistributedResolver in order to
release then Kowari shouldn't have been released with its undocumented
resolvers either.  I also didn't have time to document all of the
resolvers in the next few weeks.
3) We needed to release.
4) The updates to TQL for Predicate-Object lists and Object lists
would also take time.  The only docs I know of are from Andrae's email
when he checked them in.  Again, I didn't have the time to get it done
5) We needed to release.

So "lack of documentation" should probably go into the "known
problems" part of the README file.  :-)

Anyway, I'm trying to write code, administer the web site and server,
coordinate the release, etc.  While I'd like to do the docs, I just
can't see myself getting the time.


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