[Mulgara-dev] Jira bugs

Paul Gearon gearon at ieee.org
Mon Jul 16 18:42:20 UTC 2007

Hi everyone,
I've been writing a list of known bugs for our README.txt file, and I
notice there are some bugs in Jira which I thought had been resolved.
For instance, I thought that Andrae had found and fixed MGR-53, which
is an intermittent OOM in the FileSystemResolver tests.

Could anyone who has submitted patches at any stage please have a
quick look in Jira to see if there are any open bugs that they've
actually fixed?  I can accept that these bugs may still exist, but if
they don't, then it would be great to remove them.

We also don't want to be leaving issues open, else we might waste the
time of some poor developer in the future!  :-)


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