[Mulgara-dev] File based resolver

peter royal peter.royal at pobox.com
Thu Jul 5 03:03:29 UTC 2007

On Jul 2, 2007, at 8:28 AM, Paul Gearon wrote:
> On 7/2/07, Andrae Muys <andrae at netymon.com> wrote:
>> I recall there was at one point some discussion regarding this, but I
>> cannot recall the precise reasons why it wasn't pursued further.  I
>> believe David Wood is the person to ask about this if you are
>> interested further.
> David is certainly the one to ask, but he's away on a vacation at the
> moment.  From memory, the main reason was that we haven't matured
> enough as an open source project.  In particular, we need to build
> some more community interest and involvement.

One major stumbling block towards Mulgara becoming an Apache project  
is the current license on the code. It is not re-license-able under  
the Apache Software License.

Thus, moving to Apache would require the copyright owner to do a  
software grant.

Given that Mulgara is a fork of Kowari because Northrop Grumman  
wasn't helping the open-source Kowari project along any, it might be  
quite difficult if not impossible to get that grant.

(Of course, any new work done on Mulgara can be re-licensed under the  
ASL by the original contributors, so if the whole thing gets re- 
written, then it will stand a chance. Probably a tall order though)


(peter.royal|osi)@pobox.com - http://fotap.org/~osi

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