[Mulgara-dev] File based resolver

Paul Gearon gearon at ieee.org
Mon Jul 2 15:28:31 UTC 2007

On 7/2/07, Andrae Muys <andrae at netymon.com> wrote:
> On 30/06/2007, at 1:55 AM, thomas wrote:
> > And that, by the way, reminded me of another question that occured
> > to me the other day: why isn't mulgara an Apache project? Wouldn't
> > that be a win for both sides, increasing mulgaras visibility and
> > adding a RDF store to the Apache stack? Just a question, and not a
> > somehow politically sensitive one i hope.
> I recall there was at one point some discussion regarding this, but I
> cannot recall the precise reasons why it wasn't pursued further.  I
> believe David Wood is the person to ask about this if you are
> interested further.

David is certainly the one to ask, but he's away on a vacation at the
moment.  From memory, the main reason was that we haven't matured
enough as an open source project.  In particular, we need to build
some more community interest and involvement.

Incidentally, one way to build this interest is to add a SPARQL
interface.  This has me reprioritizing the importance of this


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