[Mulgara-dev] Aperture project for metadata extraction

Leo Sauermann sauermann at dfki.uni-kl.de
Mon Aug 21 07:32:34 UTC 2006

Hello Mulgara,

gratulations that you released a 1.0!

I think mulgara has adapters that import external data - either by 
crawling or by making "live" adapters.
don't you?

For the crawling adapters, you might be interested in the aperture project:

We aim at providing crawlers for IMAP, Outlook, Filesystem, Flickr.com, 
everything we can think of. Aperture is not for live access (like D2RQ   
www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/*D2RQ*/), that is a different story.

At the moment aperture is bound to the Sesame2 RDF api, but it is 
designed with an abstraction layer in between, so within the next 
months, you can use aperture directly with kowari (in the meantime, you 
would have to include sesame2 alpha3, required by aperture).

I know that writing these adapters is pesky work but has to be done, and 
sharing them among as many projects as possible would help us all ;-)


DI Leo Sauermann       http://www.dfki.de/~sauermann 
P.O. Box 2080          Fon:   +49 631 205-3503
67608 Kaiserslautern   Fax:   +49 631 205-3472
Germany                Mail:  leo.sauermann at dfki.de

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