[Mulgara-dev] Mulgara Apps

Gregg Reynolds dev at mobileink.com
Fri Dec 3 14:09:23 UTC 2010

To follow up on my previous note, I propose splitting out "Mulgara Apps"
from the kernel and resolvers.  I view mulgara-x.y.z.jar as an application
that *uses* the Mulgara kernel.  But currently it is entangled with the
kernel code (so to speak); what I envision is something like the following:

   - Ship the kernel and resolver jars, something like the way Jetty ships
   as a set of jars; in the distrib this would be jars in a mulgara dir.
   - To complement this, ship some useful apps.  In the source tree, the
   code for apps would go under src/apps; in the distrib this would be jars in
   an apps dir.
   - The current EmbeddedMulgaraServer (i.e. mulgara-x.y.z.jar) is migrated
   to apps/mulgara-full (or the like).  Rework the code to cleanly distinguish
   between app code and the Mulgara APIs.
   - Add apps/mulgara-sparql, which is a plain sparql frontend with embedded
   Jetty and memory/file (store?) resolvers
   - Add apps/mulgara-sparqlet, which is a servlet that can run in any
   servlet container
   - Other apps?
   - Ship some demos in a demo dir; these would have more specific
   functionality than apps, e.g. a TODO list app with an embedded RDF
   triplestore, using only the Mulgara API.  Only included in the source
   distrib.  The purpose is to show developers how to do it, rather than
   provide real apps.
   - Ship mulgara.jar, a variant on the Jetty
   for running the apps
   - Include instructions and sample code for bundling specific app configs
   into monolithic jars.

The idea is that the user can then run the apps by doing e.g.

$ java -jar mulgara.jar OPTIONS=mulgara-sparql,memory,file,url,mp3

in order to launch the mulgara-sparql endpoint with the listed resolvers.  I
suppose one could also parameterize the frontends, e.g.

I haven't thought it all the way through, but it seems technically feasible.

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