[Mulgara-dev] Migration from jira to trac complete

Life is hard, and then you die ronald at innovation.ch
Mon Jan 14 06:39:47 UTC 2008

The migration from jira to trac is now complete; if you run into any
problems, please let Paul or me know.

With this a couple new features are available:

  - you can use wiki-syntax in commit messages
  - you can comment on or close tickets in commit messages

Wiki Syntax:

  Trac will recognize and format any wiki syntax in commit messages
  when you view them in trac. This can be very useful; but since the
  messages can also be view via normal subversion commands, this
  feature should not be overused. Luckily the wiki markup often does
  not reduce the readability of the unformatted message. But here are
  some suggestions.

    Do use: lists (*, 1.), blockquotes, preformatted text ({{{ }}}),
            trac-links (tickets (#N), changesets ([N] or rN))

    Don't use: tables, processors, macros

    These are the guidelines I've used successfully on other projects,
    but maybe some discussion here is order.

Closing/Commenting-on Tickets:

  You can automatically comment on or close one or more tickets by
  including special "commands" in the commit message. These can be
  anywhere, as the whole commit message is searched. The message is
  searched for strings of the form:

    command #1
    command #1, #2
    command #1 & #2
    command #1 and #2

  where 'command' is one of "close", "closes", "closed", "fix",
  "fixes", "fixed", "addresses", "re", "refs", "references", or "see",
  and N in "#N" is the ticket number.  All of these cause the commit
  message to be added as a note to the tickets; additionally the
  close* and fix* commands cause the corresponding tickets to be
  closed. Example:

    Frob the twiddle to improve groovyness. This fixes #42 and
    addresses #12 and #13.

  Note that you can both fix and reference as many tickets as desired
  in the commit message.

  You can see real examples over on the topaz site, e.g.



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