[Mulgara-dev] Questions about the string-pool.

Life is hard, and then you die ronald at innovation.ch
Tue Dec 12 05:32:10 UTC 2006

On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 03:03:34PM +1100, Andrae Muys wrote:
> I've been thinking about the XA2 StringPool implementation.
> 6 primitive operations and 1 optimised compound operation
> Insert mapping
> Delete mapping
> Localize
> Globalize
> Interval (by values)
> Interval (by type)

What exactly is meant this last one? I presume interval-by-value
is a range of values, like the current
StringPool.findGNodes(low, incLow, high, incHigh).

> +
> Localize||Insert (inserts if lookup fails)
> My questions:
> Does it make any sense to perform interval/value operations for  
> anything except Typed-Literals?
> Does it make any sense to perform heterogeneous interval/value  
> operations?
> Does it make any sense to perform heterogeneous interval/type  
> operations?
> As far as I can tell the answers are
> No.
> No.
> Not between RDF-Node types (but it does make sense to request all  
> Literals - untyped, typed, and language-coded).
> Comments?

We have a resolver to be able to do case-insensitive literal
comparisons, and that uses the current findGNodes() for that. This
works on both typed and untyped literals. So unless I'm
misunderstanding something, I would say yes to the first two (unless
there's a better way).

Also, the PrefixResolver makes use of interval-by-value on untyped



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